< Ndari 7 >

1 Rĩrĩa Musa aarĩkirie kũhaanda Hema-ĩrĩa-Nyamũre, nĩamĩitĩrĩirie maguta o na akĩmĩamũrĩra Jehova hamwe na indo ciayo ciothe. Ningĩ agĩitĩrĩria kĩgongona maguta, na agĩkĩamũra hamwe na indo ciakĩo ciothe.
When Moses/I had finished setting up the Sacred Tent, he/I dedicated [MTY] it to Yahweh. He/I also dedicated the things that are inside the tent, and the altar [for burning sacrifices], and all the things that would be used at the altar.
2 Ningĩ atongoria a Isiraeli, atongoria a nyũmba ciao arĩa maarĩ atongoria a mĩhĩrĩga arĩa maarũgamĩrĩire andũ arĩa maatarĩtwo, makĩrehe maruta.
Then the leaders of the [twelve] Israeli tribes, the same men who had [helped Aaron and Moses/me to] count the men [who could fight in battles],
3 Maareheire Jehova iheo ikuuĩtwo nĩ ngaari ithathatũ cia ngʼombe irĩ humbĩre, hamwe na ndegwa ikũmi na igĩrĩ, ndegwa ĩmwe ĩkarutwo nĩ o mũtongoria, na ngaari ĩmwe ĩkarutwo nĩ atongoria eerĩ. Indo icio nĩcio maarehire mbere ya Hema-ĩrĩa-Nyamũre.
came to the tent, bringing gifts to Yahweh. They brought six sturdy/large carts and twelve oxen, one ox from each of the leaders and a cart from each of the two leaders.
4 Nake Jehova akĩĩra Musa atĩrĩ:
Then Yahweh said to Moses/me,
5 “Ĩtĩkĩra indo icio kuuma kũrĩ o, nĩguo ihũthĩrwo wĩra-inĩ wa Hema-ya-Gũtũnganwo. Ũciheane kũrĩ Alawii o ta ũrĩa wĩra wa mũndũ o mũndũ ũkũbatara.”
“Accept these gifts, in order that the descendants of Levi can use them for carrying the sacred items that are here at the Sacred Tent.”
6 Nĩ ũndũ ũcio Musa akĩoya ngaari icio na ndegwa icio agĩciheana kũrĩ Alawii.
So Moses/I took the carts and oxen and gave them to the descendants of Levi.
7 Aaheire Agerishoni ngaari igĩrĩ na ndegwa inya, o ta ũrĩa wĩra wao wabataraga,
He/I gave two carts and four oxen to the descendants of Gershon for their work,
8 ningĩ akĩhe Amerari ngaari inya na ndegwa inyanya, o ta ũrĩa wĩra wao wabataraga. Othe maatongoragio nĩ Ithamaru mũrũ wa Harũni, ũrĩa mũthĩnjĩri-Ngai.
and he/I gave four carts and eight oxen to the descendants of Merari for their work. Aaron’s son Ithamar was the supervisor of all their work.
9 No Musa ndaigana kũhe Akohathu kĩndũ o nakĩ, tondũ wĩra wao warĩ wa gũkuuaga indo iria nyamũre na ciande ciao, nĩgũkorwo ũcio nĩguo warĩ wĩra ũrĩa meehokeirwo.
But he/I did not give any carts or oxen to the descendants of Kohath, because they took care of the sacred items that were to be carried on their shoulders, [not on carts].
10 Rĩrĩa kĩgongona gĩaitĩrĩirio maguta, atongoria nĩmarehire maruta mao nĩguo kĩamũrwo, na makĩmaiga mbere ya kĩgongona kĩu.
On the day that the altar was dedicated [MTY], the [twelve] leaders brought other gifts to be dedicated and put them in front of the altar.
11 Nĩ ũndũ Jehova nĩeerĩte Musa atĩrĩ, “O mũthenya, mũtongoria ũmwe arĩrehaga maruta make nĩ ũndũ wa kwamũrwo gwa kĩgongona.”
Yahweh said to Moses/me, “Each of the next twelve days one leader should bring his gifts for the dedication of the altar.”
12 Mũndũ ũrĩa warehire maruta make mũthenya wa mbere aarĩ Nahashoni mũrũ wa Aminadabu wa mũhĩrĩga wa Juda.
These are the gifts that each of the leaders brought: —a silver dish that weighed (more than three pounds/1.5 kg.), and a silver bowl that weighed (almost two pounds/800 grams), both of which were full of good flour and mixed with [olive] oil to be offerings of grain; they both were weighed using the standard scales; —a small gold dish that weighed (four ounces/14 grams), filled with incense; —a young bull, a [full-grown] ram, and a one-year-old ram, to be sacrifices to be completely burned on the altar; —a goat to be sacrificed to [enable me to forgive the people] the sins they have committed; —and two bulls, five full-grown rams, five male goats, and five rams that were one-year-old, to be sacrifices to maintain the people’s fellowship with Yahweh. This was the order in which the leaders brought their gifts: on the first day, Nahshon, son of Amminadab from the tribe of Judah brought his gifts; on the next/second day, Nethanel, son of Zuar, from the tribe of Issachar; on the next/third day, Eliab, son of Helon, from the tribe of Zebulun; on the next/fourth day, Elizur, son of Shedeur, from the tribe of Reuben; on the next/fifth day, Shelumiel, son of Jurishhaddai, from the tribe of Simeon; on the next/sixth day, Eliasaph, son of Deuel, from the tribe of Gad; on the next/seventh day, Elishama, son of Ammihud, from the tribe of Ephraim; on the next/eighth day, Gamaliel, son of Pedahzur, from the tribe of Manasseh; on the next/ninth day, Abidan, son of Gideoni, from the tribe of Benjamin; on the next/tenth day, Ahiezer, son of Ammishaddai, from the tribe of Dan; on the next/eleventh day, Pagiel, son of Acran, from the tribe of Asher; on the next/twelfth day, Ahira, son of Enam, from the tribe of Naphtali.
13 Indo iria aarutire ciarĩ thaani ĩmwe ya betha ya ũritũ wa cekeri igana rĩmwe rĩa mĩrongo ĩtatũ, na mbakũri ĩmwe ya betha ya kũminjaminjĩria ya ũritũ wa cekeri mĩrongo mũgwanja, cierĩ kũringana na gĩthimo gĩa cekeri ya harĩa haamũre, na o ĩmwe yaiyũrĩtio mũtu ũrĩa mũhinyu mũno ũtukanĩtio na maguta, ũrĩ iruta rĩa mũtu;
14 na thaani ĩmwe nene ya thahabu ya ũritũ wa cekeri ikũmi, ĩiyũrĩtio ũbumba;
15 na gategwa kamwe, na ndũrũme ĩmwe, na gatũrũme kamwe ka mwaka ũmwe, Nĩ ũndũ wa iruta rĩa njino;
16 na thenge ĩmwe ya igongona rĩa kũhoroherio mehia;
17 na ndegwa igĩrĩ, na ndũrũme ithano, na thenge ithano na tũtũrũme tũtano twa mwaka ũmwe, irutwo irĩ igongona rĩa ũiguano. Ici nĩcio indo iria ciarutirwo nĩ Nahashoni mũrũ wa Aminadabu.
18 Mũthenya wa keerĩ Nethaneli mũrũ wa Zuaru, mũtongoria wa Aisakaru, nake akĩrehe maruta make.
19 Indo iria aarutire ciarĩ thaani ĩmwe ya betha ya ũritũ wa cekeri igana rĩmwe rĩa mĩrongo ĩtatũ, na mbakũri ĩmwe ya betha ya kũminjaminjĩria ya ũritũ wa cekeri mĩrongo mũgwanja, cierĩ kũringana na gĩthimo gĩa cekeri ya harĩa haamũre, na o ĩmwe yaiyũrĩtio mũtu ũrĩa mũhinyu mũno ũtukanĩtio na maguta, ũrĩ iruta rĩa mũtu;
20 na thaani ĩmwe nene ya thahabu ya ũritũ wa cekeri ikũmi, ĩiyũrĩtio ũbumba;
21 na gategwa kamwe, na ndũrũme ĩmwe, na gatũrũme kamwe ka mwaka ũmwe, nĩ ũndũ wa iruta rĩa njino;
22 na thenge ĩmwe ya igongona rĩa kũhoroherio mehia;
23 na ndegwa igĩrĩ, na ndũrũme ithano, na thenge ithano na tũtũrũme tũtano twa mwaka ũmwe, irutwo irĩ igongona rĩa ũiguano. Ici nĩcio indo iria ciarutirwo nĩ Nethaneli mũrũ wa Zuaru.
24 Mũthenya wa gatatũ Eliabu mũrũ wa Heloni, mũtongoria wa andũ a Zebuluni, nake akĩrehe maruta make.
25 Indo iria aarutire ciarĩ thaani ĩmwe ya betha ya ũritũ wa cekeri igana rĩmwe rĩa mĩrongo ĩtatũ, na mbakũri ĩmwe ya betha ya kũminjaminjĩria ya ũritũ wa cekeri mĩrongo mũgwanja, cierĩ kũringana na gĩthimo gĩa cekeri ya harĩa haamũre, na o ĩmwe yaiyũrĩtio mũtu ũrĩa mũhinyu mũno ũtukanĩtio na maguta, ũrĩ iruta rĩa mũtu;
26 na thaani ĩmwe nene ya thahabu ya ũritũ wa cekeri ikũmi, ĩiyũrĩtio ũbumba;
27 na gategwa kamwe, na ndũrũme ĩmwe, na gatũrũme kamwe ka mwaka ũmwe, nĩ ũndũ wa iruta rĩa njino;
28 na thenge ĩmwe ya igongona rĩa kũhoroherio mehia;
29 na ndegwa igĩrĩ, na ndũrũme ithano, na thenge ithano na tũtũrũme tũtano twa mwaka ũmwe, irutwo irĩ igongona rĩa ũiguano. Ici nĩcio indo iria ciarutirwo nĩ Eliabu mũrũ wa Heloni.
30 Mũthenya wa kana, Elizuru mũrũ wa Shedeuru, mũtongoria wa andũ a Rubeni, nake akĩrehe maruta make.
31 Indo iria aarutire ciarĩ thaani ĩmwe ya betha ya ũritũ wa cekeri igana rĩmwe rĩa mĩrongo ĩtatũ, na mbakũri ĩmwe ya kũminjaminjĩria ya betha ya ũritũ wa cekeri mĩrongo mũgwanja, cierĩ kũringana na gĩthimo gĩa cekeri ya harĩa haamũre, na o ĩmwe yaiyũrĩtio mũtu ũrĩa mũhinyu mũno ũtukanĩtio na maguta, ũrĩ iruta rĩa mũtu;
32 na thaani ĩmwe nene ya thahabu ya ũritũ wa cekeri ikũmi, ĩiyũrĩtio ũbumba;
33 na gategwa kamwe, na ndũrũme ĩmwe, na gatũrũme ka mwaka ũmwe, nĩ ũndũ wa iruta rĩa njino;
34 na thenge ĩmwe ya igongona rĩa kũhoroherio mehia;
35 na ndegwa igĩrĩ, na ndũrũme ithano, na thenge ithano na tũtũrũme tũtano twa mwaka ũmwe, irutwo irĩ igongona rĩa ũiguano. Ici nĩcio indo iria ciarutirwo nĩ Elizuru mũrũ wa Shedeuru.
36 Mũthenya wa gatano, Shelumieli mũrũ wa Zurishadai, mũtongoria wa andũ a Simeoni, nake akĩrehe maruta make.
37 Indo iria aarutire ciarĩ thaani ĩmwe ya betha ya ũritũ wa cekeri igana rĩa mĩrongo ĩtatũ, na mbakũri ĩmwe ya betha ya kũminjaminjĩria ya ũritũ wa cekeri mĩrongo mũgwanja, cierĩ kũringana na gĩthimo gĩa cekeri ya harĩa haamũre, na o ĩmwe ĩiyũrĩtio mũtu ũrĩa mũhinyu mũno ũtukanĩtio na maguta, ũrĩ iruta rĩa mũtu;
38 na thaani ĩmwe nene ya thahabu ya ũritũ wa cekeri ikũmi, ĩiyũrĩtio ũbumba;
39 na gategwa kamwe, na ndũrũme ĩmwe, na gatũrũme kamwe ka mwaka ũmwe, nĩ ũndũ wa iruta rĩa njino;
40 na thenge ĩmwe ya igongona rĩa kũhoroherio mehia;
41 na ndegwa igĩrĩ, na ndũrũme ithano, na thenge ithano, na tũtũrũme tũtano twa mwaka ũmwe, irutwo irĩ igongona rĩa ũiguano. Ici nĩcio indo iria ciarutirwo nĩ Shelumieli mũrũ wa Zurishadai.
42 Mũthenya wa gatandatũ Eliasafu mũrũ wa Deueli, mũtongoria wa andũ a Gadi, nake akĩrehe maruta make.
43 Indo iria aarutire ciarĩ thaani ĩmwe ya betha ya ũritũ wa cekeri igana rĩa mĩrongo ĩtatũ, na mbakũri ĩmwe ya betha ya kũminjaminjĩria ya ũritũ wa cekeri mĩrongo mũgwanja, cierĩ kũringana na gĩthimo gĩa cekeri ya harĩa haamũre, na o ĩmwe iĩyũrĩtio mũtu ũrĩa mũhinyu mũno ũtukanĩtio na maguta, ũrĩ iruta rĩa mũtu;
44 na thaani ĩmwe nene ya thahabu ya ũritũ wa cekeri ikũmi, ĩiyũrĩtio ũbumba;
45 na gategwa kamwe, na ndũrũme ĩmwe, na gatũrũme ka mwaka ũmwe, nĩ ũndũ wa iruta rĩa njino;
46 na thenge ĩmwe ya igongona rĩa kũhoroherio mehia;
47 na ndegwa igĩrĩ, na ndũrũme ithano, na thenge ithano, na tũtũrũme tũtano twa mwaka ũmwe, irutwo irĩ igongona rĩa ũiguano. Ici nĩcio indo iria ciarutirwo nĩ Eliasafu mũrũ wa Deueli.
48 Mũthenya wa mũgwanja Elishama mũrũ wa Amihudu, mũtongoria wa andũ a Efiraimu, nake akĩrehe maruta make.
49 Indo iria aarutire ciarĩ thaani ya betha ya ũritũ wa cekeri igana rĩa mĩrongo ĩtatũ, na mbakũri ĩmwe ya betha ya kũminjaminjĩria ya ũritũ wa cekeri mĩrongo mũgwanja, cierĩ kũringana na gĩthimo gĩa cekeri ya harĩa haamũre, na o ĩmwe ĩiyũrĩtio mũtu ũrĩa mũhinyu mũno ũtukanĩtio na maguta, ũrĩ iruta rĩa mũtu;
50 na thaani ĩmwe nene ya thahabu ya ũritũ wa cekeri ikũmi, ĩiyũrĩtio ũbumba;
51 na gategwa kamwe, na ndũrũme ĩmwe, na gatũrũme kamwe ka mwaka ũmwe, nĩ ũndũ wa iruta rĩa njino;
52 na thenge ĩmwe ya igongona rĩa kũhoroherio mehia;
53 na ndegwa igĩrĩ, na ndũrũme ithano, na thenge ithano, na tũtũrũme tũtano twa mwaka ũmwe, irutwo irĩ igongona rĩa ũiguano. Ici nĩcio indo iria ciarutirwo nĩ Elishama mũrũ wa Amihudu.
54 Mũthenya wa kanana Gamalieli mũrũ wa Pedazuru, mũtongoria wa andũ a Manase, nake akĩrehe maruta make.
55 Indo iria aarutire ciarĩ thaani ĩmwe ya betha ya ũritũ wa cekeri igana rĩa mĩrongo ĩtatũ na mbakũri ĩmwe ya betha ya kũminjaminjĩria ya ũritũ wa cekeri mĩrongo mũgwanja, cierĩ kũringana na gĩthimo gĩa cekeri ya harĩa haamũre, na o ĩmwe ĩiyũrĩtio mũtu ũrĩa mũhinyu mũno ũtukanĩtio na maguta, ũrĩ iruta rĩa mũtu;
56 na thaani ĩmwe nene ya thahabu ya ũritũ wa cekeri ikũmi, ĩiyũrĩtio ũbumba;
57 na gategwa kamwe, na ndũrũme ĩmwe, na gatũrũme kamwe ka mwaka ũmwe, nĩ ũndũ wa iruta rĩa njino;
58 na thenge ĩmwe ya igongona rĩa kũhoroherio mehia;
59 na ndegwa igĩrĩ, na ndũrũme ithano, na thenge ithano, na tũtũrũme tũtano twa mwaka ũmwe, irutwo irĩ igongona rĩa ũiguano. Ici nĩcio indo iria ciarutirwo nĩ Gamalieli mũrũ wa Pedazuru.
60 Mũthenya wa kenda, Abidani mũrũ wa Gideoni, mũtongoria wa andũ a Benjamini, nake akĩrehe maruta make.
61 Indo iria aarutire ciarĩ thaani ĩmwe ya betha ya ũritũ wa cekeri igana rĩa mĩrongo ĩtatũ, na mbakũri ĩmwe ya betha ya kũminjaminjĩria ya ũritũ wa cekeri mĩrongo mũgwanja, cierĩ kũringana na gĩthimo gĩa cekeri ya harĩa haamũre, na o ĩmwe ĩiyũrĩtio mũtu ũrĩa mũhinyu mũno ũtukanĩtio na maguta, ũrĩ iruta rĩa mũtu;
62 na thaani ĩmwe nene ya thahabu ya ũritũ wa cekeri ikũmi, ĩiyũrĩtio ũbumba;
63 na gategwa kamwe, na ndũrũme ĩmwe, na gatũrũme kamwe ka mwaka ũmwe, nĩ ũndũ wa iruta rĩa njino;
64 na thenge ĩmwe ya igongona rĩa kũhoroherio mehia;
65 na ndegwa igĩrĩ, na ndũrũme ithano, na thenge ithano, na tũtũrũme tũtano twa mwaka ũmwe, irutwo irĩ igongona rĩa ũiguano. Ici nĩcio indo iria ciarutirwo nĩ Abidani mũrũ wa Gideoni.
66 Mũthenya wa ikũmi Ahiezeri mũrũ wa Amishadai, mũtongoria wa andũ a Dani, nake akĩrehe maruta make.
67 Indo iria aarutire ciarĩ thaani ĩmwe ya betha ya ũritũ wa cekeri igana rĩa mĩrongo ĩtatũ, na mbakũri ĩmwe ya betha ya kũminjaminjĩria ya ũritũ wa cekeri mĩrongo mũgwanja, cierĩ kũringana na gĩthimo gĩa cekeri ya harĩa haamũre, na o ĩmwe ĩiyũrĩtio mũtu ũrĩa mũhinyu mũno ũtukanĩtio na maguta, ũrĩ iruta rĩa mũtu;
68 na thaani ĩmwe nene ya thahabu ya ũritũ wa cekeri ikũmi, ĩiyũrĩtio ũbumba;
69 na gategwa kamwe, na ndũrũme ĩmwe, na gatũrũme kamwe ka mwaka ũmwe, nĩ ũndũ wa iruta rĩa njino;
70 na thenge ĩmwe ya igongona rĩa kũhoroherio mehia;
71 na ndegwa igĩrĩ, na ndũrũme ithano, na thenge ithano, na tũtũrũme tũtano twa mwaka ũmwe, irutwo irĩ igongona rĩa ũiguano. Ici nĩcio indo iria ciarutirwo nĩ Ahiezeri mũrũ wa Amishadai.
72 Mũthenya wa ikũmi na ũmwe, Pagieli mũrũ wa Okirani, mũtongoria wa andũ a Asheri, nake akĩrehe maruta make.
73 Indo iria aarutire ciarĩ thaani ĩmwe ya betha ya ũritũ wa cekeri igana rĩa mĩrongo ĩtatũ, na mbakũri ĩmwe ya betha ya kũminjaminjĩria ya ũritũ wa cekeri mĩrongo mũgwanja, cierĩ kũringana na gĩthimo gĩa cekeri ya harĩa haamũre, na o ĩmwe ĩiyũrĩtio mũtu ũrĩa mũhinyu mũno ũtukanĩtio na maguta, ũrĩ iruta rĩa mũtu;
74 na thaani ĩmwe nene ya thahabu ya ũritũ wa cekeri ikũmi, ĩiyũrĩtio ũbumba;
75 na gategwa kamwe, na ndũrũme ĩmwe, na gatũrũme kamwe ka mwaka ũmwe, nĩ ũndũ wa iruta rĩa njino;
76 na thenge ĩmwe ya igongona rĩa kũhoroherio mehia;
77 na ndegwa igĩrĩ, na ndũrũme ithano, na thenge ithano na tũtũrũme tũtano twa mwaka ũmwe, irutwo irĩ igongona rĩa ũiguano. Ici nĩcio indo iria ciarutirwo nĩ Pagieli mũrũ wa Okirani.
78 Mũthenya wa ikũmi na ĩĩrĩ Ahira mũrũ wa Enani, mũtongoria wa andũ a Nafitali, nake akĩrehe maruta make.
79 Indo iria aarutire ciarĩ thaani ĩmwe ya betha ya ũritũ wa cekeri igana rĩa mĩrongo ĩtatũ, na mbakũri ĩmwe ya betha ya kũminjaminjĩria ya ũritũ wa cekeri mĩrongo mũgwanja, cierĩ kũringana na gĩthimo gĩa cekeri ya harĩa haamũre, na o ĩmwe ĩiyũrĩtio mũtu ũrĩa mũhinyu mũno ũtukanĩtio na maguta, ũrĩ iruta rĩa mũtu;
80 na thaani ĩmwe nene ya thahabu ya ũritũ wa cekeri ikũmi, ĩiyũrĩtio ũbumba;
81 na gategwa kamwe, na ndũrũme ĩmwe, na gatũrũme kamwe ka mwaka ũmwe, nĩ ũndũ wa iruta rĩa njino;
82 na thenge ĩmwe ya igongona rĩa kũhoroherio mehia;
83 na ndegwa igĩrĩ, na ndũrũme ithano, na thenge ithano, na tũtũrũme tũtano twa mwaka ũmwe, irutwo irĩ igongona rĩa ũiguano. Ici nĩcio indo iria ciarutirwo nĩ Ahira mũrũ wa Enani.
84 Maya nĩmo maarĩ maruta ma atongoria a andũ a Isiraeli nĩ ũndũ wa kwamũrwo gwa kĩgongona rĩrĩa gĩaitagĩrĩrio maguta: ciarĩ thaani cia betha ikũmi na igĩrĩ na mbakũri cia betha cia kũminjaminjĩria ikũmi na igĩrĩ na thaani nene cia thahabu ikũmi na igĩrĩ.
When the altar was dedicated to Yahweh, those [twelve] leaders brought these gifts: —twelve silver plates and twelve silver bowls, weighing a total of about (60 pounds/27.6 kg.), each of them being weighed on the scales kept in the Sacred Tent; —twelve gold dishes filled with incense, weighing a total of about (three pounds/1.4 kg.), each being weighed on those same scales; —twelve bulls, twelve [full-grown] rams, and twelve one-year-old rams, to be sacrifices that were completely burned, along with the grain offerings; —twelve goats to be sacrificed [to forgive the people] for the sins [they have committed]; —and 24 bulls, 60 full-grown rams, 60 goats, and 60 rams that were one-year-old, to be sacrifices to maintain the people’s fellowship with Yahweh.
85 Thaani o ĩmwe ya betha yarĩ na ũritũ wa cekeri igana rĩa mĩrongo ĩtatũ, na mbakũri o ĩmwe ya kũminjaminjĩria yarĩ na ũritũ wa cekeri mĩrongo mũgwanja. Thaani cia betha ciothe ciarĩ na ũritũ wa cekeri ngiri igĩrĩ na magana mana, kũringana na gĩthimo gĩa cekeri ya harĩa haamũre.
86 Thaani iria nene ikũmi na igĩrĩ cia thahabu ciyũrĩtio ũbumba ciarĩ na ũritũ wa cekeri ikũmi o ĩmwe, kũringana na gĩthimo gĩa cekeri ya harĩa haamũre. Thaani icio nene cia thahabu ciothe ciarĩ na ũritũ wa cekeri igana rĩa mĩrongo ĩĩrĩ.
87 Mũigana wothe wa nyamũ cia kũrutwo igongona rĩa njino warĩ tũtegwa ikũmi na twĩrĩ, na ndũrũme ikũmi na igĩrĩ na tũtũrũme ikũmi na twĩrĩ twa mwaka ũmwe, hamwe na maruta ma cio ma mũtu. Thenge ikũmi na igĩrĩ ciarutirwo irĩ igongona rĩa kũhoroherio mehia.
88 Mũigana wa nyamũ ciothe cia igongona rĩa ũiguano ciarĩ ndegwa mĩrongo ĩĩrĩ na inya, na ndũrũme mĩrongo ĩtandatũ, na thenge mĩrongo ĩtandatũ, na tũtũrũme mĩrongo ĩtandatũ twa mwaka ũmwe. Macio nĩmo maarĩ maruta ma kwamũrwo gwa kĩgongona thuutha wa kĩarĩkia gũitĩrĩrio maguta.
89 Rĩrĩa Musa atoonyire Hema-ya-Gũtũnganwo kwaria na Jehova-rĩ, nĩaiguire mũgambo ũkĩmwarĩria kuuma gatagatĩ ka makerubi marĩa meerĩ maarĩ igũrũ rĩa gĩtĩ gĩa tha, igũrũ rĩa ithandũkũ rĩa Ũira. Nake Jehova akĩmwarĩria.
Whenever Moses/I entered the Sacred Tent to talk with Yahweh, he/I heard Yahweh’s voice speaking between the two [images of] creatures with wings that were above the lid of the sacred chest.

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