< Ndari 34 >

1 Nake Jehova akĩĩra Musa atĩrĩ,
Yahweh said to Moses/me,
2 “Atha andũ a Isiraeli, ũmeere atĩrĩ: ‘Rĩrĩa mũgaatoonya Kaanani-rĩ, bũrũri ũcio mũkaagaĩrwo ũtuĩke igai rĩanyu ũgaakorwo na mĩhaka ĩno:
“Tell this to the Israeli people: You will soon enter Canaan land, and it will become yours. These will be the borders of the land:
3 “‘Mwena wanyu wa gũthini ũkoima Werũ-inĩ wa Zini kũrigania na mũhaka wa Edomu. Mwena wa irathĩro, mũhaka wanyu wa mwena wa gũthini ũkaambĩrĩria mũthia-inĩ wa Iria rĩa Cumbĩ,
On the south you will receive part of the Zin Desert, near the border of the Edom [region]. On the east side, the border will start at the south end of the Dead Sea.
4 ũtuĩkanĩirie mwena wa gũthini ũrorete Mwanya wa Akirabimu, ũthiĩte na mbere o nginya Zini, na ũikũrũke na mwena wa gũthini wa Kadeshi-Barinea. Ningĩ ũcooke ũkinye Hazoru-Adari, na uumĩrĩre Azimoni,
It will extend to a little south of the Scorpion Pass, and extend [west] through [the] Zin [Desert] and south of Kadesh-Barnea. From there it will extend to Hazar Addar and from there to Azmon.
5 kũrĩa ũkaarigiicũka, ũnyiitane na karũũĩ ka Misiri, na ũrĩkĩrie Iria-inĩ.
From Azmon it will extend [west] to the dry riverbed [at the border] of Egypt and then to the [Mediterranean] Sea.
6 “‘Mũhaka wanyu wa mwena wa ithũĩro ũgaakorwo ũrĩ hũgũrũrũ cia Iria rĩrĩa Inene. Ũcio nĩguo ũgaatuĩka mũhaka wanyu wa mwena wa ithũĩro.
The border on the west will be the Mediterranean Sea.
7 “‘Naguo mũhaka wanyu wa mwena wa gathigathini uumĩte Iria rĩrĩa Inene ũgaakinya Kĩrĩma-inĩ kĩa Horu,
The border on the north will start from the Mediterranean Sea and extend [east] to Hor Mountain.
8 na kuuma Kĩrĩma kĩa Horu ũgaakinya Lebo-Hamathu. Ningĩ mũhaka ũcio ũgaakinya Zedadi,
From there it will extend to Lebo-Hamath and then to Zedad.
9 ũthiĩ na mbere nginya Zifironi, na ũgaathirĩra Hazoru-Enani. Ũcio nĩguo ũgaatuĩka mũhaka wanyu wa mwena wa gathigathini.
From there the border will extend to Ziphron, and it will end at Hazar-Enan.
10 “‘Na rĩrĩ, mũhaka wanyu wa mwena wa irathĩro, ũkoima Hazoru-Enani ũkinye Shefamu.
The border on the east will start at Hazar-Enan and extend [south] to Shepham.
11 Mũhaka ũcio ũgaaikũrũka kuuma Shefamu nginya Ribila, mwena wa irathĩro wa Aini, na ũthiĩ na mbere ũtwaranĩte na hurũrũka cia mwena wa irathĩro wa Iria rĩrĩa rĩa Kinerethu.
From there it will extend east of Ain to Riblah and then along the hills that are east of Galilee Lake.
12 Ningĩ mũhaka ũcio ũikũrũkanie na Rũũĩ rwa Jorodani, ũrĩkĩrie Iria-inĩ rĩa Cumbĩ. “‘Ũcio nĩguo ũgaatuĩka bũrũri wanyu, na mĩhaka yaguo mĩena yothe.’”
Then the border will extend south along the Jordan [River] and end at the Dead Sea. Those will be the borders around your country.”
13 Musa agĩatha andũ a Isiraeli, akĩmeera atĩrĩ: “Mũkaagaya bũrũri ũcio na ũndũ wa kũũcukĩra mĩtĩ ũtuĩke igai rĩanyu Jehova nĩathanĩte akoiga ũkaaheeo mĩhĩrĩga ĩrĩa kenda na nuthu,
So Moses/I [told all that] to the Israeli people. Then he/I said to them, “That is the land that you will receive. You must throw (lots/stones that have been marked) to decide which area will go to each of the nine and a half tribes, because Yahweh has commanded that it should be divided among them.
14 Tondũ nyũmba cia mũhĩrĩga wa Rubeni, na mũhĩrĩga wa Gadi, na nuthu ya mũhĩrĩga wa Manase nĩmarĩkĩtie kwamũkĩra igai rĩao.
The tribes of Reuben, Gad, and half of the tribe of Manasseh have already received the land in which they will live.
15 Mĩhĩrĩga ĩyo yeerĩ na nuthu nĩĩrĩkĩtie kwamũkĩra magai mayo mwena wa irathĩro wa Rũũĩ rwa Jorodani ya Jeriko, kwerekera irathĩro rĩa riũa.”
They have received land on the east side of the Jordan [River], across from Jericho.”
16 Ningĩ Jehova akĩĩra Musa atĩrĩ,
Then Yahweh said to Moses/me,
17 “Maya nĩmo marĩĩtwa ma andũ arĩa makaamũgayania bũrũri ũcio ũtuĩke igai rĩanyu: nĩ Eleazaru ũrĩa mũthĩnjĩri-Ngai na Joshua mũrũ wa Nuni.
“These are the men who will divide the land: First, Eleazar and Joshua.
18 Na ũthuure mũtongoria ũmwe kuuma kũrĩ o mũhĩrĩga nĩgeetha mateithĩrĩrie kũgayania bũrũri ũcio.
But one leader [from each of the twelve tribes will help them divide the land].
19 Maya nĩmo marĩĩtwa mao: nĩ Kalebu mũrũ wa Jefune, kuuma mũhĩrĩga wa Juda;
“From the tribe of Judah, appoint Jephunneh’s son Caleb. From the tribe of Simeon appoint Ammihud’s son Shemuel. From the tribe of Benjamin appoint Kislon’s son Elidad. From the tribe of Dan appoint Jogli’s son Bukki. From the tribe of Manasseh appoint Ephod’s son Hanniel. From the tribe of Ephraim appoint Shiphtan’s son Kemuel. From the tribe of Zebulun appoint Parnach’s son Elizaphan. From the tribe of Issachar appoint Azzan’s son Paltiel. From the tribe of Asher appoint Shelomi’s son Ahihud. From the tribe of Naphtali appoint Ammihud’s son Pedahel.”
20 na Shemueli mũrũ wa Amihudu, kuuma mũhĩrĩga wa Simeoni;
21 na Elidadi mũrũ wa Kisiloni, kuuma mũhĩrĩga wa Benjamini;
22 na Buki mũrũ wa Jogili, ũrĩa mũtongoria kuuma mũhĩrĩga wa Dani;
23 na Hanieli mũrũ wa Efodi, ũrĩa mũtongoria kuuma mũhĩrĩga wa Manase mũrũ wa Jusufu;
24 na Kemueli mũrũ wa Shifitani, ũrĩa mũtongoria kuuma mũhĩrĩga wa Efiraimu mũrũ wa Jusufu;
25 na Elizafani mũrũ wa Paranaki, ũrĩa mũtongoria kuuma mũhĩrĩga wa Zebuluni;
26 na Palitieli mũrũ wa Azani, ũrĩa mũtongoria kuuma mũhĩrĩga wa Isakaru;
27 na Ahihudu mũrũ wa Shelomi, ũrĩa mũtongoria kuuma mũhĩrĩga wa Asheri;
28 na Pedaheli mũrũ wa Amihudu, ũrĩa mũtongoria kuuma mũhĩrĩga wa Nafitali.”
29 Acio nĩo andũ arĩa Jehova aathanire makaagaĩra andũ a Isiraeli magai mao kũu bũrũri wa Kaanani.
Yahweh commanded that all those were the men who should divide the Canaan region among the Israeli people.

< Ndari 34 >