< Alawii 24 >

1 Ningĩ Jehova akĩĩra Musa atĩrĩ,
And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:
2 “Atha andũ a Isiraeli makũrehere maguta marĩa makeere wega ma ndamaiyũ hihe ma gũkũheaga ũtheri, nĩgeetha matawa maikarage maakanĩte hĩndĩ ciothe.
Instruct the sons of Israel, so that they may bring to you clear oil from the purest olives, in order to supply the lamps continuously
3 Nja ya gĩtambaya gĩa gũcuurio kĩrĩa kĩrĩ mbere ya ithandũkũ rĩa Ũira o kũu Hema-inĩ-ya-Gũtũnganwo-rĩ, Harũni nĩamenyagĩrĩre matawa macio mbere ya Jehova kuuma hwaĩ-inĩ o nginya rũciinĩ, hĩndĩ ciothe. Ũndũ ũyũ ũgaatuĩka watho mwandĩke wa gũtũũra wa njiarwa iria igooka.
outside the veil of the testimony in the tabernacle of the covenant. And Aaron shall place these, from evening until morning, before the Lord, as a perpetual worship and ritual in your generations.
4 Matawa macio marĩ mbere ya Jehova, o macio maigĩrĩirwo mũtĩ-inĩ wa matawa wa thahabu ĩrĩa therie no nginya mamenyagĩrĩrwo hĩndĩ ciothe.
They shall be placed upon the most pure candlestick in the sight of the Lord always.
5 “Oya mũtu ũrĩa mũhinyu mũno, ũthondeke mĩgate ikũmi na ĩĩrĩ, o mũgate ũmwe ũrugwo na tũcunjĩ twĩrĩ twa ikũmi twa eba ĩmwe.
You shall also receive fine wheat flour, and you shall bake twelve loaves from it, each loaf of which shall have two-tenths.
6 Ũcooke ũmĩare mĩhari ĩĩrĩ, o mũhari mĩgate ĩtandatũ, ũmĩigĩrĩre igũrũ rĩa metha ya thahabu therie hau mbere ya Jehova.
And you shall arrange them, six on each side, upon the most pure table before the Lord.
7 Na o mũhari-inĩ nĩhaigwo ũbani ũrĩa mũtherie ũtuĩke gĩcunjĩ gĩa kĩririkano ũrũgamĩrĩire mĩgate ĩyo, na ũtuĩke iruta rĩa njino rĩrutĩirwo Jehova na mwaki.
And you shall place upon them the clearest frankincense, so that the bread may be a memorial of oblation for the Lord.
8 Mĩgate ĩyo nĩ ĩigagwo mbere ya Jehova hĩndĩ ciothe, o Thabatũ o Thabatũ, ĩrũgamagĩrĩre andũ a Isiraeli, ĩtuĩke kĩrĩkanĩro gĩa gũtũũra.
On each Sabbath, they shall be changed before the Lord, having been received from the sons of Israel as an everlasting covenant.
9 Mĩgate ĩyo nĩ ya Harũni na ariũ ake, nao mamĩrĩagĩre handũ hatheru, nĩ tondũ mĩgate ĩyo nĩ gĩcunjĩ gĩtheru mũno harĩ rwĩga rwao rwa maruta marĩa marutĩirwo Jehova ma gũcinwo na mwaki.”
And they shall be for Aaron and his sons, so that they may eat these in the holy place; for it is the Holy of holies from the sacrifices of the Lord, as a perpetual right.
10 Na rĩrĩ, mũrũ wa mũtumia Mũisiraeli, no ithe aarĩ Mũmisiri, nĩathiire gũceerera andũ a Isiraeli, nake mũndũ ũcio na Mũisiraeli makĩrũa marĩ kũu kambĩ.
Then, behold, the son of an Israelite woman, whom she had born of an Egyptian man among the sons of Israel, going out, was quarreling in the camp with a man of Israel.
11 Ũcio mũrũ wa mũtumia Mũisiraeli nĩarumire Rĩĩtwa rĩa Ngai na kĩrumi; nĩ ũndũ ũcio makĩmũtwarĩra Musa. (Nyina wa mũndũ ũcio eetagwo Shelomithu, mwarĩ wa Dibiri ũrĩa Mũdani.)
And when he had blasphemed the name, and had cursed it, he was led to Moses. (Now his mother was called Shelomith, the daughter of Dibri from the tribe of Dan.)
12 Makĩmũikia thĩinĩ, makĩmũrangĩra nginya rĩrĩa mangĩamenyire wega wendi wa Jehova.
And they sent him to prison, until they might know what the Lord would command,
13 Nake Jehova akĩĩra Musa atĩrĩ:
who spoke to Moses,
14 “Twara mũrumani ũcio nja ya kambĩ. Andũ arĩa othe maamũiguire akĩrumana mamũigĩrĩre moko mũtwe, nakĩo kĩũngano gĩothe kĩmũhũũre na mahiga nyuguto.
saying: Lead away the blasphemer beyond the camp, and let all who heard him place their hands upon his head, and let the entire people stone him.
15 Ĩra andũ a Isiraeli atĩrĩ, ‘Mũndũ o na ũrĩkũ angĩkaaruma Ngai wake, no nginya agaacookererwo nĩ ũũru ũcio ekĩte:
And you shall say to the sons of Israel: The man who curses his God shall bear his sin,
16 Mũndũ o na ũrĩkũ ũkaaruma rĩĩtwa rĩa Jehova no nginya akooragwo. Kĩũngano gĩothe gĩa Isiraeli no nginya gĩkaamũhũũra na mahiga nyuguto. Aakorwo arĩ mũgeni kana arĩ mũndũ ũciarĩirwo bũrũri-inĩ wanyu, rĩrĩa akaaruma Rĩĩtwa rĩu rĩa Jehova, no nginya akooragwo.
and whoever will have blasphemed the name of the Lord shall be put to death. The entire multitude shall overwhelm him with stones, whether he be a citizen or a sojourner. Whoever blasphemes the name of the Lord shall be put to death.
17 “‘Mũndũ o na ũrĩkũ angĩkooraga mũndũ ũngĩ, no nginya nake akooragwo.
Whoever will have struck and killed a man shall be put to death.
18 Mũndũ o na ũrĩkũ angĩũraga nyamũ ya mũndũ ũrĩa ũngĩ, no nginya akaamĩrĩha, nyamũ ĩrĩhwo na nyamũ ĩngĩ.
Whoever will have struck down an animal shall repay its equivalent, that is, a life for a life.
19 Mũndũ o na ũrĩkũ angĩgatiihia ũrĩa ũngĩ, o ũrĩa ekanĩte no nginya nake ekwo o ũguo:
Whoever will have inflicted a blemish on any of his citizens, just as he has done, so shall it be done to him:
20 Mũndũ oina mũndũ ũrĩa ũngĩ ihĩndĩ, nake akoinwo ihĩndĩ, riitho rĩrĩhagio na riitho, igego rĩrĩhagio na igego. O ũrĩa mũndũ atiihĩtie mũndũ ũngĩ, o nake atiihio o ro ũguo.
fracture for fracture, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, shall he repay. Whatever degree of blemish he has inflicted, so shall he be compelled to suffer.
21 Mũndũ ũrĩa ũkooraga nyamũ nĩakamĩrĩha, no ũrĩa ũkooraga mũndũ ũrĩa ũngĩ no nginya akooragwo.
Whoever strikes down a beast, shall repay another. Whoever strikes a man shall be punished.
22 Mũrĩkoragwo na watho o ro ũmwe ũkoniĩ mũgeni na mũndũ ũrĩa ũciarĩirwo bũrũri wanyu. Niĩ nĩ niĩ Jehova Ngai wanyu.’”
Let there be equal judgment among you, whether it is a sojourner or a citizen who will have sinned. For I am the Lord your God.
23 Nake Musa akĩarĩria andũ a Isiraeli, nao magĩtwara mũndũ ũcio warumĩte Ngai nja ya kambĩ, makĩmũhũũra na mahiga nyuguto. Nao andũ a Isiraeli magĩĩka o ta ũrĩa Jehova aathĩte Musa.
And Moses spoke to the sons of Israel. And they led away him who had blasphemed, beyond the camp, and they overwhelmed him with stones. And the sons of Israel did just as the Lord had instructed Moses.

< Alawii 24 >