< Ayubu 14 >

1 “Mũndũ ũciarĩtwo nĩ mũndũ-wa-nja-rĩ, aikaraga o matukũ manini, namo makaiyũrwo nĩ mathĩĩna.
“We humans are very frail. We live only a short time, and we experience a lot of trouble.
2 Akũraga ta ihũa na agacooka akooma; ahĩtũkaga na ihenya ta kĩĩruru, na ndatũũraga.
We disappear quickly, like flowers that grow from the ground quickly and then wither and die [SIM]. We are like shadows that disappear [when the sun stops shining].
3 Mũndũ ta ũcio wakĩmũkũũrĩra maitho? Mũndũ ta ũcio wamũrehe mbere yaku aciirithio?
[Yahweh, ] why do you keep watching me [to see if I am doing something that is wrong] [RHQ]? Are you wanting to take me to court to judge me?
4 Nũũ ũngĩhota kũruta kĩndũ gĩtheru kuuma harĩ kĩndũ kĩrĩa gĩtarĩ gĩtheru? Gũtirĩ o na ũmwe!
People are sinners from the time when they are born; who can cause them to be sinless? No one [RHQ]!
5 Matukũ ma mũndũ nĩ matare; nĩũtuĩte mũigana wa mĩeri yake, na nĩũmũigĩire mĩhaka ĩrĩa ataangĩkĩra.
You have decided how long our lives will be. You have decided how many months we will live, and we cannot live more months than the (limit/number of months) that you have decided.
6 Nĩ ũndũ ũcio tiga kũmũrora, tigana nake, nginya arĩĩkie mĩthenya yake ta mũthũkũmi.
So please stop examining us, and allow us to be alone, until/while we finish our time [here on earth], like a man finishes his work [at the end of the day].
7 “Mũtĩ-rĩ, nĩwĩrĩgagĩrĩrwo atĩ ũngĩtemwo, no ũthethũke rĩngĩ, na atĩ mathethũka maguo matikaaga.
If someone cuts a tree down, we hope that it will sprout again and grow new branches.
8 O na mĩri yaguo ĩngĩkũrĩra thĩ na gĩthukĩ kĩaguo kĩũmĩre tĩĩri-inĩ,
Its roots in the ground may be very old, and its stump may decay,
9 ũngĩkaguucia maaĩ-rĩ, nĩũgathethũka na ũrute honge ta mũtĩ wa kũhaandwo.
but if some water falls on it, it may bud/sprout and send up shoots like a young plant.
10 No mũndũ akuuaga agathikwo; aatuĩkana-rĩ, ndacookaga kuonwo rĩngĩ.
But when we people lose all our strength and die, we stop breathing and then we are gone [forever].
11 O ta ũrĩa maaĩ mahũũaga kũu iria-inĩ, na ta ũrĩa mũtaro wa rũũĩ ũngʼaraga ũkooma-rĩ,
Just like water evaporates from the ocean, or like a riverbed dries up,
12 ũguo noguo mũndũ akomaga na ndacookaga gũũkĩra rĩngĩ; o nginya rĩrĩa igũrũ rĩgaathira-rĩ, andũ matirĩ hĩndĩ magookĩra kana maarahũrwo mookĩre.
people [lie down and die and] do not get up again. Until the heavens disappear, people who die [EUP] do not wake up, and no one can wake them up.
13 “Naarĩ korwo wahitha thĩinĩ wa mbĩrĩra, na ũnjige hitho-inĩ nginya rĩrĩa marakara maku magaathira! Naarĩ korwo wanduĩra gĩathĩ, ũgaacooka kũndirikana hĩndĩ ĩyo. (Sheol h7585)
[“Yahweh, ] I wish that you would put me safely in the place of the dead and forget about me until you are no longer angry with me. I wish that you would decide how much time I would spend there, and then remember [that] I [am there]. (Sheol h7585)
14 Mũndũ akua-rĩ, nĩagatũũra muoyo rĩngĩ? Matukũ makwa mothe ma wĩra mũritũ-rĩ, ngweterera ihinda rĩakwa rĩa kwerũhĩrio hinya rĩkinye.
When we humans die, we will certainly not live again [RHQ]. If [I knew that] we would live again, I would wait patiently, and I would wait for you to release me [from my sufferings].
15 Wee ũgetana, na niĩ nĩngagwĩtĩka; na nĩũkeerirĩria kĩũmbe gĩkĩ wombire na moko maku.
You would call me, and I would answer. You would be eager to see me, one of the creatures that you had made.
16 Hĩndĩ ĩyo nĩũgatara makinya makwa, no ndũkarũmbũiya mehia makwa.
You would take care of [MET] me, instead of watching me to see if I would sin.
17 Mahĩtia makwa meekĩrĩtwo mondo-inĩ, ĩkoohwo na ĩkahũũrwo mũhũũri; nĩũkahumbĩra mehia makwa.
[It is as though the record of] my sins would be sealed in a small bag, and you would cover them up.
18 “No rĩrĩ, o ta ũrĩa kĩrĩma kĩenjekaga na gĩkamomoka, na o ta ũrĩa rwaro rwa ihiga rũeheragio handũ ha ruo,
“But, just like mountains crumble and rocks fall down from a cliff,
19 na o ta ũrĩa maaĩ mamuthũraga mahiga, na o ta ũrĩa mbura nene ĩtwaraga tĩĩri-rĩ, ũguo noguo wanangaga kĩĩrĩgĩrĩro kĩa mũndũ.
and just like water slowly wears away the stones, and just like floods wash away soil, [you eventually destroy us]; you do not allow us to continue to (hope/confidently expect) [that we will keep on living].
20 Wee ũmũtooragia o rĩmwe rĩa kũigana, nake agathira; ũgarũraga gĩthiithi gĩake ũrĩa kĩhaana, na ũkamũingata.
You always defeat us, and then we die [EUP]. You cause our faces to look ugly after we die, and you send us away.
21 Ariũ ake mangĩheo gĩtĩĩo, ndangĩmenya ũhoro ũcio; mangĩconorithio, we ndoonaga ũndũ ũcio.
[When we die] we do not know if our sons will grow up and [do things that will cause them to] be honored. And if they become disgraced, we do not see that, [either].
22 We no ruo rwa mwĩrĩ wake aiguaga, nake atũũraga o ecaayagĩra.”
We will feel our own pains; we will not feel anything else; we will be sorry for ourselves, not for anyone else.”

< Ayubu 14 >