< Ayubu 1 >

1 Bũrũri-inĩ wa Uzu nĩ kwarĩ mũndũ watũire kuo wetagwo Ayubu. Mũndũ ũcio ndaarĩ ũcuuke ningĩ aarĩ mũndũ mũrũngĩrĩru; nĩetigĩrĩte Ngai na agatheemaga maũndũ marĩa mooru.
In the land named Uz, there was a man named Job. He was a very godly/righteous [DOU] man, who greatly respected/revered God and always avoided doing evil things.
2 Ayubu aarĩ na ariũ mũgwanja na airĩtu atatũ,
He had seven sons and three daughters.
3 ningĩ nĩ aarĩ na ngʼondu 7,000, na ngamĩĩra 3,000, na ndegwa cia kũigana kuohwo macooki 500, na ndigiri 500, na nĩ aarĩ na ndungata nyingĩ mũno. Nĩwe warĩ mũndũ ũrĩa mũnene mũno kũrĩ andũ arĩa angĩ othe a mwena wa Irathĩro.
He owned 7,000 sheep, 3,000 camels, 1,000 oxen, and 500 female donkeys. He also had many servants. He was the richest man in all the area east [of the Jordan River].
4 Ariũ ake nĩmagĩaga na iruga o mũndũ riita rĩake gwake mũciĩ, na nĩmetaga aarĩ a nyina acio atatũ nĩguo marĩĩanĩre na manyuuanĩre nao.
Each year, Job’s sons made feasts [in their houses] to celebrate their birthdays. Whenever each one made a feast, he would invite [all his brothers and] his three sisters to come and eat together.
5 Na matukũ ma maruga maathira, Ayubu nĩamatũmanagĩra moke nĩguo amatherie. Nĩokagĩra rũciinĩ tene akaruta igongona rĩa njino nĩ ũndũ wa o ũmwe wao, tondũ eeciiragia atĩrĩ, “No gũkorwo ciana ciakwa nĩciĩhĩtie ikaruma Ngai na ngoro.” Ũcio nĩguo warĩ mũtũgo wa Ayubu wa mahinda mothe.
When each celebration ended, Job would summon them. He would get up early in the morning and kill animals and burn them on the altar as sacrifices, one for each of his children. He said to himself, “Perhaps [one of] my sons has sinned and said something evil about God in his heart.”
6 Na rĩrĩ, mũthenya ũmwe araika nĩmathiire kũrũgama mbere ya Jehova, na Shaitani o nake agĩthiĩ hamwe nao.
One day, the angels came and gathered together in front of Yahweh, and Satan came too.
7 Nake Jehova akĩũria Shaitani atĩrĩ, “Uuma kũ?” Nake Shaitani agĩcookeria Jehova atĩrĩ, “Nyuma kũriũnga thĩ, o na gũcangacanga kuo kũndũ na kũndũ.”
Yahweh asked Satan, “Where have you come from?” Satan replied, “I have come from the earth, where I been traveling back and forth, seeing what is happening.”
8 Ningĩ Jehova akĩũria Shaitani atĩrĩ, “Nĩũcũũranĩtie ũhoro wa ndungata yakwa Ayubu? Ũkoona atĩ kũu thĩ gũtirĩ mũndũ ũngĩ ũhaana take; ndarĩ ũcuuke na nĩmũrũngĩrĩru, mũndũ mwĩtigĩri-Ngai na ũtheemaga maũndũ marĩa mooru?”
Yahweh said to Satan, “Have you (noticed/thought about) my [faithful] servant Job? He is very godly/righteous [DOU], he greatly respects/reveres me, and he always avoids doing evil things. There is no one else on the earth like him.”
9 Shaitani agĩcookia atĩrĩ, “Kaĩ Ayubu agĩĩtigagĩra Ngai o ro ũguo tũhũ?
Satan replied to Yahweh, “[What you say is true], but Job greatly respects you [only] because of what [you have done for him] [RHQ].
10 Githĩ wee ndũmũirigĩire na ũkamũrigiicĩria hamwe na nyũmba yake, o hamwe na maũndũ make mothe? Nĩũrathimĩte wĩra wa moko make, nĩ ũndũ ũcio ũhiũ wake na ndũũru ciake ciyũrĩte bũrũri wothe.
You have always [RHQ] protected [MET] him and his family and everything that he owns. You have made him very prosperous/rich. He has livestock all over this land.
11 No rĩrĩ, ta tambũrũkia guoko gwaku ũhutie indo ciothe iria arĩ nacio, na ti-itherũ ndarĩ hĩndĩ ategũkũruma o ũthiũ-inĩ waku.”
But if you take away [MTY] everything that he has, he will curse you openly. [IDM]”
12 Jehova akĩĩra Shaitani atĩrĩ, “No wega, indo ciothe iria arĩ nacio nĩndaciiga moko-inĩ maku, nowe mwene ndũkanamũhutie.” Nake Shaitani akiuma hau mbere ya Jehova.
Yahweh replied to Satan, “(All right/Okay), I will permit you to take away everything that he has. But do not harm him.” Then Satan left, [and he prepared to cause many disastrous things to happen to Job].
13 Na rĩrĩ, mũthenya ũmwe hĩndĩ ĩrĩa ariũ na aarĩ a Ayubu maarĩĩaga na makanyua ndibei kwa mũrũ wa nyina wao ũrĩa mũkũrũ-rĩ,
One day [after that], Job’s sons and daughters were feasting and drinking wine at the home of their oldest brother.
14 mũkinyia-ũhoro agĩkora Ayubu, akĩmwĩra atĩrĩ, “Ndegwa nĩkũrĩma ikũrĩmaga na mĩraũ, nacio ndigiri ikũrĩĩaga o hau hakuhĩ,
While they were doing that, a messenger arrived at Job’s home and said to him, “While your oxen were plowing [the fields] and the donkeys were grazing nearby,
15 nao andũ a Sabea macitharĩkĩra na macitaha. Ndungata nacio maciũraga na rũhiũ rwa njora, na no niĩ nyiki ndahonoka, ndagĩũka gũkũrehere ũhoro!”
a group of men from [the] Sheba [area] came and attacked us. They killed all your servants [who were working in the fields] and took away all the oxen and donkeys! I am the only one who escaped to [come and] tell you what happened.”
16 O akĩaragia-rĩ, mũkinyia-ũhoro ũngĩ agĩũka, akiuga atĩrĩ, “Mwaki wa Ngai uumire na igũrũ na wacina ngʼondu o na ndungata waniina biũ; no niĩ nyiki ndahonoka, ndagĩũka gũkũrehere ũhoro!”
While he was still talking to Job, another messenger arrived. He said to Job, “Lightning from the sky [MTY] struck and killed all the sheep and all the men who were taking care of the sheep! I am the only one who escaped to [come and] tell you [what happened].”
17 O akĩaragia-rĩ, mũkinyia-ũhoro ũngĩ agĩũka, akiuga atĩrĩ, “Akalidei meyũmba mbũtũ ithatũ, maatharĩkĩra ngamĩĩra ciaku na macitaha, maathiĩ nacio. Ndungata nacio maciũraga na rũhiũ rwa njora; na no niĩ nyiki ndahonoka, ndagĩũka gũkũrehere ũhoro!”
While he was still talking to Job, another messenger arrived. He said to Job, “Three groups [of robbers/bandits] from Chaldea [land] came and attacked us. They stole all the camels and killed all the men who were taking care of them. I am the only one who escaped to [come and] tell you [what happened].”
18 O akĩaragia-rĩ, mũkinyia-ũhoro o ũngĩ agĩũka, akiuga atĩrĩ, “Ariũ na aarĩ aku mekũrĩĩaga, makĩnyuuaga ndibei kwa mũrũ wa nyina wao ũrĩa mũkũrũ;
While he was still talking to Job, another messenger arrived and reported this to Job: “Your sons and daughters were feasting in the home of their oldest brother.
19 na rĩrĩ, o hĩndĩ ĩyo rũhuho rũnene rwahurutana ruumĩte werũ-inĩ, na ruo rwahũũra nyũmba ĩyo koine ciayo inya, yamomoka, yamagwĩra maakua; na no niĩ nyiki ndahonoka, ndagĩũka gũkũrehere ũhoro!”
Suddenly a (very strong wind/tornado) came from the desert and struck the house. The house collapsed on your sons and daughters and killed them all! I am the only one who escaped to [come and] tell you [what happened].”
20 Nake Ayubu aigua-ũhoro ũcio, akĩrũgama, agĩtembũranga nguo yake ya igũrũ, na akĩenjwo mũtwe. Agĩcooka akĩĩgũithia thĩ, akĩhooya Ngai,
Job stood up, and tore his robe and shaved his head [because he was very sad/grieved]. Then he prostrated himself on the ground [to worship God].
21 akiuga atĩrĩ: “Ndoimire nda ya maitũ ndĩ njaga, na ngoima thĩ ĩno ndĩ njaga. Nĩ Jehova waheanire, na nĩ Jehova wacookera: rĩĩtwa rĩa Jehova rĩrogoocwo.”
He said, “When I was born, I had no clothes on. When I die, I will not take any clothes with me. Yahweh gave me [everything that I possessed], and [now] he has taken it all away. But (we should/I will) always praise Yahweh [anyway]! [MTY]”
22 Thĩinĩ wa maũndũ macio mothe-rĩ, Ayubu ndaigana kwĩhia na ũndũ wa gũtuĩra Ngai mahĩtia.
In spite of all these [things that happened to] Job, [he] did not sin by saying that what God had done was wrong.

< Ayubu 1 >