< Isaia 35 >

1 Atĩrĩ, werũ ũtarĩ kĩndũ na bũrũri ũrĩa mũũmũ nĩigakena; werũ nĩũgakena na ũcanũke. O ta mahũa ma nyeki-inĩ,
The forsakun Judee and with outen weie schal be glad, and wildirnesse schal make ful out ioye, and schal floure as a lilie.
2 werũ nĩũkaruta kĩro kĩingĩ; nĩũgakena mũno, na wanĩrĩre nĩ gũkena. Nĩũkaheo riiri o ta wa Lebanoni, na ũheo ũkengi o ta wa Karimeli, na wa Sharoni; nĩmakona riiri wa Jehova, na mone ũkengi wa Ngai witũ.
It buriownynge schal buriowne, and it glad and preisynge schal make ful out ioie. The glorie of Liban is youun to it, the fairnesse of Carmele and of Saron; thei schulen se the glorie of the Lord, and the fairnesse of oure God.
3 Ĩkĩrai hinya moko marĩa maregeru, na maru marĩa maregerete mũtũme marũgame wega;
Coumforte ye comelid hondis, and make ye strong feble knees.
4 andũ arĩa marĩ na guoya ngoro meerei atĩrĩ, “Mwĩyũmĩrĩriei, tigai gwĩtigĩra; atĩrĩ, Ngai wanyu nĩagooka, na agooka na ũhoro wa kũrĩhanĩria; nĩwe ũgooka na iherithia rĩa Ngai, ooke kũmũhonokia.”
Seie ye, Men of litil coumfort, be ye coumfortid, and nyle ye drede; lo! oure God schal brynge the veniaunce of yeldyng, God hym silf schal come, and schal saue vs.
5 Hĩndĩ ĩyo maitho ma atumumu nĩmakahingũka, na matũ ma andũ arĩa mataiguaga macooke kũigua.
Thanne the iyen of blynde men schulen be openyd, and the eeris of deef men schulen be opyn.
6 Hĩndĩ ĩyo mũndũ ũrĩa ũthuaga nĩakarũgarũga ta thwariga, na rũrĩmĩ rũrĩa rũtaaragia rwanĩrĩre nĩ gũkena. Namo maaĩ nĩmagatherũka kuuma werũ-inĩ, natuo tũrũũĩ tũtherere werũ-inĩ wa mũthanga.
Thanne a crokid man schal skippe as an hert, and the tunge of doumbe men schal be openyd; for whi watris ben brokun out in desert, and stremes in wildirnesse.
7 Mũthanga ũrĩa mũhiũ ũgaatuĩka karia ka maaĩ, nayo thĩ ĩyo ngʼaru ĩtherũke ithima cia maaĩ. Imamo iria cianakomwo nĩ mbwe-rĩ, igaakũra nyeki, na ithanjĩ, o na marura.
And that that was drie, is maad in to a poond, and the thirsti is maad in to wellis of watris. Grenenesse of rehed, and of spier schal growe in dennes, in whiche dwelliden dragouns bifore. And a path and a weie schal be there,
8 Nakuo kũu nĩgũkagĩa barabara njariĩ; nayo ĩgeetagwo Njĩra ĩrĩa Nyamũre. Andũ arĩa matarĩ atheru matikamĩgera; ĩgaakorwo ĩrĩ Njĩra ya andũ arĩa mamĩgeraga; nĩ ũndũ ũcio o na andũ akĩĩgu matikamĩhĩtia.
and it schal be clepid an hooli weie, he that is defoulid schal not passe therbi; and this schal be a streiyt weie to you, so that foolis erre not therbi.
9 Gũtirĩ mũrũũthi ũgaakorwo njĩra-inĩ ĩyo, o na kana nyamũ o yothe ndĩani ĩmĩgerere; nyamũ icio itikoonekana njĩra-inĩ ĩyo. No rĩrĩ, andũ arĩa makũũrĩtwo nĩo oiki makaamĩgerera,
A lioun schal not be there, and an yuel beeste schal not stie therbi, nether schal be foundun there.
10 nao andũ arĩa akũũre a Jehova nĩmagacooka. Magaatoonya Zayuni makĩinaga; nao nĩmageekĩrwo thũmbĩ ya gĩkeno gĩa tene na tene. Magaakena na macanjamũke, nakĩo kĩeha o na mũcaayo nĩigathira biũ.
And thei schulen go, that ben delyuered and ayenbouyt of the Lord; and thei schulen be conuertid, and schulen come in to Sion with preisyng; and euerlastynge gladnesse schal be on the heed of hem; thei schulen haue ioie and gladnesse, and sorewe and weilyng schulen fle awei.

< Isaia 35 >