< Isaia 1 >

1 Maya nĩmo maũndũ marĩa maaguũrĩirio Isaia mũrũ wa Amozu, makoniĩ Juda na Jerusalemu hĩndĩ ya wathani wa Uzia, na wa Jothamu, na wa Ahazu, na wa Hezekia, arĩa maarĩ athamaki a Juda.
The vision of Isaiah, the son of Amoz, which he saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem, in the days of Uzziah, Joatham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah.
2 Atĩrĩrĩ, wee igũrũ, ta thikĩrĩria! Nawe thĩ ta igua! Nĩgũkorwo Jehova nĩarĩtie akoiga atĩrĩ: “Niĩ heete ciana irio, ngacirera igakũra, no cio ikaanemera.
Listen, O heavens, and pay attention, O earth, for the Lord has spoken. I have nurtured and raised children, but they have spurned me.
3 Ndegwa nĩyũũĩ mwene yo, nayo ndigiri ĩkamenya mũharatĩ wa mwene yo, no Isiraeli ndarĩ ũndũ ooĩ, andũ akwa nĩmagĩte ũmenyo.”
An ox knows his owner, and a donkey knows the manger of his lord, but Israel has not known me, and my people have not understood.
4 Hĩ! Kaĩ mũrĩ rũrĩrĩ rwĩhagia-ĩ. Mũrĩ andũ matitikĩte mahĩtia, na rũruka rwa andũ mekaga ũũru, na ciana ciĩrutĩire gũthũkia maũndũ! Nĩmatiganĩirie Jehova; nĩmamenete Ũrĩa Mũtheru wa Isiraeli, makamũhutatĩra, magacooka na thuutha.
Woe to a sinful nation, a people burdened by iniquity, a wicked offspring, accursed children. They have abandoned the Lord. They have blasphemed the Holy One of Israel. They been taken away backwards.
5 Nĩ kĩĩ gĩgũtũma mwende gũikara mũkĩhũũragwo? Nĩ kĩĩ gĩgũtũma mũthiĩ o na mbere kũrema? Mũtwe wothe nĩmũtihangie, nayo ngoro yothe ĩkanyamarĩka.
For what reason shall I continue to strike you, as you increase transgressions? The entire head is feeble, and the entire heart is grieving.
6 Kuuma ikinya rĩa kũgũrũ nginya mũtwe gũtirĩ handũ hagima: no nguraro theri, na mĩtũnda, na ironda cia ndĩĩra itarĩ thambie, kana ikoohwo, kana ikororoiyo na maguta.
From the sole of the foot, even to the top of the head, there is no soundness within. Wounds and bruises and swelling sores: these are not bandaged, nor treated with medicine, nor soothed with oil.
7 Bũrũri wanyu ũkirĩte ihooru, matũũra manyu manene magacinwo na mwaki; mĩgũnda yanyu ĩramathwo ĩgatigwo ũtheri nĩ andũ a kũngĩ o mũkĩonaga, ĩkoonũhwo ta ĩngʼaũranĩtio nĩ ageni.
Your land is desolate. Your cities have been set ablaze. Foreigners devour your countryside in your sight, and it will become desolate, as if devastated by enemies.
8 Mwarĩ wa Zayuni atiganĩirio ta gĩthũnũ kĩrĩ mũgũnda wa mĩthabibũ, agatiganĩrio ta kanyũmba karĩ mũgũnda wa marenge, o na ta itũũra inene rĩthiũrũrũkĩirio nĩ thũ ikĩenda kũrĩtunyana.
And the daughter of Zion will be left behind, like an arbor in a vineyard, and like a shelter in a cucumber field, and like a city being laid to waste.
9 Tiga Jehova Mwene-Hinya-Wothe aatũtigĩirie matigari manini ma andũ-rĩ, tũngĩtuĩkĩte ta Sodomu, na tũkahaana ta Gomora!
If the Lord of hosts had not bequeathed us offspring, we would have been like Sodom, and we would have been comparable to Gomorrah.
10 Thikĩrĩriai kiugo kĩa Jehova, inyuĩ mwathanaga Sodomu; na mũigue watho wa Ngai witũ, inyuĩ andũ a Gomora!
Listen to the Word of the Lord, you leaders of the people of Sodom. Listen closely to the law of our God, O people of Gomorrah.
11 “Magongona macio manyu mũndutagĩra maingĩ-rĩ, nĩ ma kĩ kũrĩ niĩ?” Ũguo nĩguo Jehova ekũũria. “Nĩnjiganĩtwo nĩ magongona ma njino, na magongona ma ndũrũme, na maguta ma nyamũ noru; niĩ ndikenagĩra thakame ya ndegwa, na ya tũtũrũme, o na ya mbũri.
The multitude of your sacrifices, what is that to me, says the Lord? I am full. I do not desire holocausts of rams, nor the fat of fatlings, nor the blood of calves and of lambs and of he-goats.
12 Nũũ ũkoragwo amwĩrĩte mũndutĩre magongona macio rĩrĩa mũgũũka mbere yakwa kũũhooya, mũkĩrangaga nja cia nyũmba yakwa?
When you approach before my sight, who is it that requires these things from your hands, so that you would walk in my courts?
13 Tigai gũcooka kũrehe maruta ma tũhũ! Ũbumba wanyu nĩ kĩndũ kĩa magigi harĩ niĩ. Ndingĩhota gũkirĩrĩria ciũngano cianyu cia waganu: mĩcemanio yanyu ya Karũgamo ka Mweri, na Thabatũ, o na ciathĩ iria njathane.
You should no longer offer sacrifice in vain. Incense is an abomination to me. The new moons and the Sabbaths and the other feast days, I will not receive. Your gatherings are iniquitous.
14 Ngoro yakwa nĩĩthũire ciathĩ cianyu cia Karũgamo ka Mweri, o na ciathĩ iria njathane. Maũndũ macio matuĩkĩte mũrigo harĩ niĩ, nĩmanogetie.
My soul hates your days of proclamation and your solemnities. They have become bothersome to me. I labor to endure them.
15 Hĩndĩ ĩrĩa mwambararia moko manyu na igũrũ mũkĩhooya, nĩndĩrĩmũhithaga maitho makwa ndikamuone; o na mũngĩhooya mahooya maingĩ ndirĩmũiguaga. Nĩgũkorwo moko manyu maiyũrĩtwo nĩ thakame;
And so, when you extend your hands, I will avert my eyes from you. And when you multiply your prayers, I will not heed you. For your hands are full of blood.
16 mwĩthambei mwĩtherie. Eheriai ciĩko cianyu njũru maitho-inĩ makwa! Tigai gwĩka maũndũ mooru,
Wash, become clean, take away the evil of your intentions from my eyes. Cease to act perversely.
17 mwĩrutei gwĩkaga wega! Thingatagai ciira wa kĩhooto, na mũkoomĩrĩria arĩa ahinyĩrĩrie. Tuagai ciira wa ciana cia ngoriai na kĩhooto, na mũthaithanagĩrĩre mũtumia wa ndigwa.”
Learn to do good. Seek judgment, support the oppressed, judge for the orphan, defend the widow.
18 Jehova ekuuga atĩrĩ, “Ũkai tũciire. O na mehia manyu mangĩkorwo matunĩhĩte ta gakarakũ-rĩ, nĩmagathera o ta ira; o na maatuĩka matunĩhĩte ta thakame, nĩmakerũha o ta guoya wa ngʼondu.
And then approach and accuse me, says the Lord. Then, if your sins are like scarlet, they shall be made white like snow; and if they are red like vermillion, they shall become white like wool.
19 Mũngĩnjigua na mũnjathĩkĩre, nĩ mũrĩrĩĩaga indo iria njega mũno cia bũrũri;
If you are willing, and you listen to me, then you will eat the good things of the land.
20 no mũngĩrema na mũrege gwathĩka, mũkaaniinwo na rũhiũ rwa njora.” Nĩgũkorwo nĩ kanua ka Jehova koigĩte ũguo.
But if you are not willing, and you provoke me to anger, then the sword will devour you. For the mouth of the Lord has spoken.
21 Hĩ! Kaĩ itũũra inene rĩrĩa rĩĩhokeku nĩrĩtuĩkĩte ta mũmaraya-ĩ! Hĩndĩ ĩmwe rĩaiyũrĩte ũtuanĩri ciira wa kĩhooto; ũthingu nĩguo watũũraga thĩinĩ warĩo, no rĩu nĩ oragani matũũraga kuo!
How has the faithful city, full of judgment, become a harlot? Justice lived in her, but now murderers.
22 Betha yanyu ĩtuĩkĩte gĩko, ndibei yanyu ĩrĩa njega mũno ĩgatukanio na maaĩ.
Your silver has turned into dross. Your wine has been mixed with water.
23 Andũ anyu arĩa mamwathaga nĩ kũrema maremete, magatuĩka a thiritũ ya aici; othe nĩmendete mahaki, nao mahanyũkanagia na indo cia kũheo. Maticiiragĩra ciana cia ngoriai na kĩhooto; na matithikagĩrĩria ciira wa mũtumia wa ndigwa.
Your leaders are unfaithful, the associates of thieves. They all love gifts; they pursue rewards. They do not judge for orphans, and the widow’s case is not brought before them.
24 Nĩ ũndũ ũcio, Mwathani, Jehova Mwene-Hinya-Wothe, O we Mwene Hinya wa Isiraeli, ekuuga atĩrĩ, “Hĩ! Nĩngaitĩrĩria amuku akwa mangʼũrĩ makwa, na ndĩĩrĩhĩrie harĩ thũ ciakwa.
Because of this, the Lord God of hosts, the Strength of Israel, says: Ah! I will be consoled over my enemies, and I will be vindicated from my adversaries.
25 Nĩngagũũkĩrĩra na guoko gwakwa; ngagũtheria gĩko gĩaku gĩthire biũ, na maũndũ maku mothe marĩa matarĩ matheru ndĩmatherie.
And I will turn my hand to you. And I will temper your dross unto purity, and I will take away all your tin.
26 Aciirithania aku ngaatũma matuĩke o ta ũrĩa maatariĩ matukũ-inĩ ma tene, na aheani kĩrĩra aku o ta ũrĩa maatariĩ kĩambĩrĩria-inĩ. Thuutha ũcio ũgeetagwo Itũũra Inene rĩa Ũthingu, o na Itũũra Inene Rĩĩhokeku.”
And I will restore your judges, so that they will be as before, and your counselors as in times long past. After this, you shall be called the City of the Just, the Faithful City.
27 Itũũra rĩa Zayuni rĩgaakũũrwo na ciira wa kĩhooto, nao andũ a rĩo arĩa merirĩte makũũrwo na ũthingu.
Zion will be redeemed in judgment, and they will lead her back to justice.
28 No andũ arĩa aremi na arĩa ehia makaaniinwo hamwe, nao arĩa matiganagĩria Jehova nĩmagathira biũ.
And he shall crush the accursed and sinners together. And those who have abandoned the Lord will be consumed.
29 “Nĩmũgaconoka nĩ ũndũ wa mĩgandi ĩyo mĩamũre mũtũire mũkenagĩra; nĩmũkaigua thoni nĩ ũndũ wa mĩgũnda ĩyo mwĩthuurĩire.
For they shall be confounded because of the idols, to which they have sacrificed. And you shall be ashamed over the gardens that you chose,
30 Mũgaatuĩka ta mũgandi ũrahooha mathangũ, mũtuĩke ta mũgũnda ũtarĩ maaĩ.
when you were like an oak with falling leaves, and like a garden without water.
31 Mũndũ ũrĩa ũrĩ hinya agaatuĩka maragara, naguo wĩra wake ũtuĩke thandĩ; we na wĩra wake nĩmakahĩa hamwe, haage mũndũ wa kũhoria mwaki ũcio.”
And your strength will be like the embers from stubble, and your work will be like a spark, and both will burn together, and there will be no one to extinguish it.

< Isaia 1 >