< Gũcookerithia 34 >

1 Thuutha wa ũguo Musa akĩambata kĩrĩma kĩa Nebo oimĩte werũ-inĩ ũrĩa mwaraganu wa Moabi, agĩkinya gacũmbĩrĩ ka Pisiga, kũngʼethera Jeriko. Arĩ hau, Jehova akĩmuonia bũrũri wothe wa Kaanani, kuuma Gileadi nginya Dani,
Then Moses climbed up from the plains in the Moab [region] to the top of Pisgah Peak on Nebo Mountain, across [the Jordan River] from Jericho. There Yahweh showed him all the land [that the Israelis would occupy]. He showed him the Gilead [region] as far north as Dan [city];
2 na Nafitali guothe, na bũrũri wa Efiraimu na wa Manase, na bũrũri wothe wa Juda wothe nginya iria-inĩ rĩa mwena wa ithũĩro,
all [the land that the tribe of] Naphtali would occupy; all the land [that the tribes] of Ephraim and Manasseh [had occupied]; all the land [that the tribe of] Judah would occupy as far west as the Mediterranean sea;
3 na akĩmuonia kũu Negevu na rũgongo ruothe kuuma Gĩtuamba kĩa Jeriko, na Itũũra inene rĩa Mĩkĩndũ, gũthiĩ o nginya Zoari.
the desert [area in the south part of Judah]; and the [Jordan] Valley that extends from Jericho [in the north] to Zoar [city in the south].
4 Ningĩ Jehova akĩmwĩra atĩrĩ, “Ũyũ nĩguo bũrũri ũrĩa nderĩire Iburahĩmu, na Isaaka na Jakubu na mwĩhĩtwa rĩrĩa ndoigire atĩrĩ, ‘Nĩngaũhe njiaro cianyu.’ Nĩndareke ũwone na maitho maku, no ndũkũringa ũtoonye kuo.”
Then Yahweh said to him, “You have now seen this land that I solemnly promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, saying ‘I will give it to your descendants.’ I have allowed you to see it [from a distance], but you will not go there.”
5 Nake Musa, ndungata ya Jehova agĩkuĩra kũu Moabi, o ta ũrĩa Jehova oigĩte.
So Moses, who [always] served Yahweh [faithfully], died there [on that mountain] in the Moab [region], which is what Yahweh said would happen.
6 Nake akĩmũthika kũu Moabi gĩtuamba kĩrĩa kĩangʼetheire Bethi-Peori, no nginya ũmũthĩ gũtirĩ mũndũ ũũĩ harĩa mbĩrĩra yake ĩrĩ.
Yahweh buried Moses’ body in a valley in the Moab [region], opposite/near Beth-Peor [town], but no one to this day knows where Yahweh buried him.
7 Musa aarĩ na ũkũrũ wa mĩaka igana rĩa mĩrongo ĩĩrĩ agĩkua, na maitho make matiorĩtwo nĩ hinya kana akoorwo nĩ hinya wa mwĩrĩ.
Moses was 120 years old when he died, but he was still very strong, and he could still see [MTY] very well.
8 Nao andũ a Isiraeli magĩcakaĩra Musa kũu werũ-inĩ ũrĩa mwaraganu wa Moabi ihinda rĩa matukũ mĩrongo ĩtatũ, nginya matukũ ma kũmũrĩrĩra na kũmũcakaĩra magĩthira.
The Israeli people mourned for him in the plains of the Moab [region] for 30 days.
9 Na rĩrĩ, Joshua mũrũ wa Nuni nĩaiyũrĩtwo nĩ roho wa ũũgĩ, tondũ Musa nĩamũigĩrĩire moko make. Nĩ ũndũ ũcio andũ a Isiraeli makĩmũthikĩrĩria, na magĩĩka ũrĩa Jehova aathĩte Musa.
God caused Joshua to be very wise, because Moses had put his hands on Joshua [to appoint him to be their new leader]. The Israeli people obeyed Joshua, and they obeyed all the commands that Yahweh had given to Moses to tell to the Israeli people.
10 Kuuma hĩndĩ ĩyo, gũtirĩ kwagĩa mũnabii ũngĩ ta Musa kũu Isiraeli, ũrĩa Jehova aamenyanĩte nake ũthiũ kwa ũthiũ,
Since the time that Moses [lived], there has never been a prophet in Israel like him. Yahweh spoke to him face-to-face/directly.
11 na ũrĩa waringire ciama na agĩĩka maũndũ ma magegania marĩa Jehova aamũtũmĩte ageeke kũu bũrũri wa Misiri, na kũrĩ Firaũni, na kũrĩ anene ake othe, na kũrĩ bũrũri wake wothe.
No other prophet has performed all the kinds of [DOU] miracles that Yahweh sent Moses to perform in front of the king of Egypt, his officials, and all [HYP] the people of Egypt.
12 Nĩgũkorwo gũtirĩ mũndũ ũrĩ wonania hinya mũnene kana ageeka ciĩko cia kũmakania ta iria Musa eekire maitho-inĩ ma andũ a Isiraeli othe.
No other prophet has been able to do all the great and terrifying things that Moses did while all the Israelis watched.

< Gũcookerithia 34 >