< 2 Maũndũ 4 >

1 Ningĩ Solomoni agĩakithia kĩgongona gĩa gĩcango kĩa ũraihu wa mĩkono mĩrongo ĩĩrĩ, na wariĩ wa mĩkono mĩrongo ĩĩrĩ, na mĩkono ikũmi kũraiha na igũrũ.
Also, he made a brass altar of twenty cubits in length, and of twenty cubits in width, and of ten cubits in height,
2 Agĩcooka agĩaka itangi inene mũno rĩrĩa rĩetagwo Karia rĩa kĩgera gĩtwekie, na rĩarĩ rĩa gĩthiũrũrĩ, na rĩarĩ rĩa mĩkono ikũmi kuuma mwena ũmwe wa mũromo nginya ũrĩa ũngĩ, na mĩkono ĩtano kũraiha na igũrũ. Rĩathimwo gĩthiũrũrĩ kĩarĩo rĩathiũrũrũkĩirio nĩ rũrigi rwa mĩkono mĩrongo ĩtatũ.
as well as a molten sea of ten cubits from brim to brim, round in its circumference. It had five cubits in height, and a line of thirty cubits went around it on all sides.
3 Mũhuro wa mũthia warĩo, nĩrĩathiũrũrũkĩirio na magemio mahaanaine na ndegwa, o mũkono ũmwe ndegwa ikũmi. Ndegwa icio ciaigĩtwo mĩhari ĩĩrĩ itwekanĩirio na Karia kau ikanyiitana.
Also, under it there was the likeness of oxen. And certain engravings encircled the cavity of the sea, along ten cubits of the outside, as if in two rows. Now the oxen were molten.
4 Nako Karia kau kaigĩrĩirwo igũrũ rĩa mĩhiano ya ndegwa ikũmi na igĩrĩ: ithatũ ciacio ciarorete mwena wa gathigathini, na ithatũ ikarora mwena wa ithũĩro, na ithatũ ikarora mwena wa gũthini, ithatũ ikarora irathĩro. Karia kau kaigĩrĩirwo igũrũ rĩacio, nacio ciĩga cia na thuutha cia ndegwa icio nĩcio ciarorete na kũu thĩinĩ.
And the sea itself was placed upon the twelve oxen, three of which were looking toward the north, and another three toward the west, then another three toward the south, and the three that remained toward the east, having the sea imposed upon them. But the posteriors of the oxen were toward the interior, under the sea.
5 Ũtungu wa Karia kau waiganaine na rũhĩ kwarama, naruo rũtiriho rwako rwatariĩ ta rũtiriho rwa gĩkombe, kana ta gĩtoka gĩcanũku. Karia kau kaiganagĩra maaĩ mbathi 3,000.
Now its thickness had the measure of the palm of a hand, and its brim was like the lip of a cup, or like the outturned petal of a lily. And it held three thousand measures.
6 Ningĩ agĩthondeka iraĩ ikũmi cia gwĩthambĩra, na akĩiga ithano mwena wa gũthini na ithano mwena wa gathigathini. Indo iria ciahũthagĩrwo nĩ ũndũ wa magongona ma njino ciathambagĩrio thĩinĩ wacio, no Karia kau geethambagĩrwo nĩ athĩnjĩri-Ngai.
Also, he made ten basins. And he placed five on the right, and five on the left, so that they might wash in them all the things that they were to offer as holocausts. But the priests were to be washed in the sea.
7 Nĩathondekire mĩtĩ ikũmi ya kũigĩrĩrwo matawa ya thahabu, o ta ũrĩa mũthondekere wamo watuĩtwo, na akĩmĩiga hekarũ thĩinĩ, ĩtano akĩmĩiga mwena wa gũthini na ĩtano mwena wa gathigathini.
Then he also made ten gold lampstands, according to the form by which they had been ordered to be made. And he set them in the temple, five on the right, and five on the left.
8 Agĩcooka agĩthondeka metha ikũmi, agĩciiga thĩinĩ wa hekarũ, ithano mwena wa gũthini na ithano mwena wa gathigathini, agĩcooka agĩthondeka mbakũri 100 cia thahabu cia kũminjaminjĩria maaĩ.
Moreover, there were also ten tables. And he placed them in the temple, five on the right, and five on the left. Also, there were one hundred gold bowls.
9 Nĩathondekire nja ya athĩnjĩri-Ngai, na nja ĩrĩa nene na mĩrango yayo, nayo mĩrango akĩmĩgemia na gĩcango.
Then too, he made the court of the priests, and a great hall, and doors in the hall, which he covered with brass.
10 Akĩiga Karia kau mwena wa gũthini, koine-inĩ ya irathĩro ya mwena wayo.
Now he placed the sea on the right side, facing the east, toward the south.
11 O na nĩathondekire nyũngũ na icakũri na mbakũri cia kũminjaminja maaĩ. Nĩ ũndũ ũcio Huramu akĩrĩkia wĩra wothe ũrĩa aaheetwo arute nĩ Mũthamaki Solomoni thĩinĩ wa Hekarũ ya Ngai, naguo nĩ:
Then Hiram made cooking pots and hooks and bowls. And he completed every work of the king in the house of God,
12 itugĩ iria igĩrĩ, na ciongo igĩrĩ iria ciahaanaga ta mbakũri irĩ igũrũ wa itugĩ icio; na irengeeri iria igĩrĩ ciagathĩkanĩtio ta mĩnyororo iria ciagemetie ciongo icio ciarĩ igũrũ wa itugĩ;
that is, the two pillars, and the crossbeams, and the heads, and something like a little net, which would cover the heads above the crossbeams,
13 na makomamanga marĩa 400 ma irengeeri iria igĩrĩ ciagathĩkanĩtio ta mĩnyororo (yarĩ mĩhari ĩĩrĩ ya makomamanga o harĩ kĩrengeeri kĩmwe, ĩkagemia ciongo icio ciahanaga ta mbakũri iria ciarĩ igũrũ wa itugĩ icio);
and also four hundred pomegranates, and two little nets, so that two rows of pomegranates were joined to each net, which would cover the crossbeams and the heads of the pillars.
14 makaari na iraĩ ciamo;
He also made bases; and basins that he placed upon the bases;
15 Karia na mĩhiano ya ndegwa iria ikũmi na igĩrĩ rungu rwako;
one sea, and twelve oxen under the sea;
16 nyũngũ, na icakũri, na hũũma cia nyama, na indo ciothe iria ciakonainie nacio. Indo icio ciothe Huramu-Abi aathondekeire Mũthamaki Solomoni cia hekarũ ya Jehova, ciarĩ cia gĩcango gĩkumuthe gĩkahenia.
and cooking pots and hooks and bowls. Hiram, his father, made all the vessels for Solomon, in the house of the Lord, from the purest brass.
17 Nake mũthamaki aatwekithagĩria indo icio kũrĩa gwathondekagĩrwo indo cia rĩũmba kũu werũ-inĩ wa Jorodani gatagatĩ ga Sukothu na Zarethani.
The king cast these in the region near the Jordan, in the clay soil between Succoth and Zeredah.
18 Indo icio ciothe ciathondekithirio nĩ Solomoni ciarĩ nyingĩ mũno, ũũ atĩ ũritũ wa gĩcango ndwamenyekire ũrĩa waiganaga.
Now the multitude of the vessels was innumerable, so much so that the weight of the brass was unknown.
19 Ningĩ Solomoni nĩathondekithirie indo ciothe iria ciarĩ thĩinĩ wa hekarũ ya Ngai: aathondekire kĩgongona gĩa thahabu; na metha cia mĩgate ĩrĩa yaigagwo mbere ya Jehova;
And Solomon made all the vessels for the house of God, and the gold altar, and the tables upon which were the bread of the presence;
20 na mĩtĩ ya matawa ya thahabu therie hamwe na matawa mayo ma gwakanaga marĩ mbere ya harĩa haamũre o ta ũrĩa gwathanĩtwo;
and also, of the purest gold, the lampstands with their lamps, to shine before the oracle, according to the rite;
21 na wĩra wa magemio wa mahũa ma thahabu, na matawa na mĩĩhato (iria ciathondeketwo na thahabu theri);
and certain flowers, and lamps, and gold tongs. All these were made from the purest gold.
22 magathĩ ma kũrenga ndaambĩ, ma thahabu therie, na mbakũri cia kũminjaminjĩria, na thaani na ngĩo cia mwaki; na mĩrango ya thahabu ya hekarũ: na mĩrango ya thĩinĩ ya gũthiĩ Handũ-harĩa-Hatheru-Mũno, na mĩrango ya nyũmba ĩrĩa nene ya Hekarũ.
Also, the vessels for the perfumes, and the censers, and the bowls, and the little mortars were from the purest gold. And he engraved the doors of the inner temple, that is, for the Holy of Holies. And the doors of the outer temple were of gold. And so, every work was completed that Solomon made in the house of the Lord.

< 2 Maũndũ 4 >