< Markus 7 >
1 Und es versammelten sich bei ihm die Pharisäer und etliche Schriftgelehrte, die von Jerusalem gekommen waren,
[One day some] Pharisees and some men who teach the [Jewish] laws gathered around Jesus. They had come from Jerusalem [to investigate him].
2 und als sie etliche seiner Jünger mit gemeinen, das heißt mit ungewaschenen Händen Brot essen sahen
The Pharisees and all of the [other] Jews [strictly] observe the traditions that their ancestors [taught. For example, they refuse to] eat until they first wash their hands [with a special ritual], especially after they [return] from [buying things in] the marketplace. [They think that God will be angry with them if they do not do that, because some person or thing unacceptable to God might have touched] ([them/the things they bought]). There are many other such [traditions] that they accept and try to obey. Specifically, they wash [in a special way] their cups, pots, kettles, containers, and beds [in order that using these things will not make God reject them].
3 (denn die Pharisäer und alle Juden essen nicht, sie haben denn zuvor gründlich die Hände gewaschen, weil sie die Überlieferung der Alten halten.
4 Und wenn sie vom Markte kommen, essen sie nicht, ohne sich zu baden. Und noch viel anderes haben sie zu halten angenommen, nämlich das Untertauchen von Bechern und Krügen und ehernen Geschirren und Stühlen),
5 da fragten ihn die Pharisäer und Schriftgelehrten: Warum wandeln deine Jünger nicht nach der Überlieferung der Alten, sondern essen das Brot mit ungewaschenen Händen?
That day, those Pharisees and men who taught the [Jewish] laws saw that some of his disciples were eating food with hands that they had not washed [using the special ritual]. So they questioned Jesus, saying, “[Your] disciples disobey the traditions of our ancestors! (You should not [let them] eat food if they have not washed their hands [using our special ritual]!/Why do you [let them] eat food if they have not washed their hands [using our special ritual]?) [RHQ]”
6 Er aber antwortete und sprach zu ihnen: Trefflich hat Jesaja von euch Heuchlern geweissagt, wie geschrieben steht: «Dieses Volk ehrt mich mit den Lippen, doch ihr Herz ist ferne von mir;
Jesus said to them, “Isaiah [rebuked your ancestors], and his words describe very well you people who only pretend to be good! He wrote these words [that God said]: These people speak [as if they] honor me, but they [SYN] really do not think about honoring me at all.
7 aber vergeblich verehren sie mich, weil sie Lehren vortragen, welche Gebote der Menschen sind.»
It is useless for them to worship me, because they teach only what people have commanded [as if I myself had commanded them].
8 Ihr verlasset das Gebot Gottes und haltet die Überlieferung der Menschen fest, das Untertauchen von Krügen und Bechern, und viel anderes dergleichen tut ihr.
You, [like your ancestors], refuse [to do] what God has commanded. Instead, you follow only the traditions that (others/your ancestors) have [taught].”
9 Und er sprach zu ihnen: Wohl fein verwerfet ihr das Gebot Gottes, um eure Überlieferung festzuhalten.
Jesus also said to them, “[You think] [IRO] that you are clever in refusing to do what God commanded just so that you can obey your own traditions!
10 Denn Mose hat gesagt: «Ehre deinen Vater und deine Mutter» und: «Wer Vater oder Mutter flucht, der soll des Todes sterben.»
[For example, our ancestor] Moses [wrote God’s] command, ‘Honor your fathers and your mothers’. He also wrote, ‘[The authorities must] execute a person who speaks evil about his father or mother.’
11 Ihr aber sagt: Wenn jemand zum Vater oder zur Mutter spricht: «Korban», das heißt zum Opfer ist vergabt, was dir von mir zugute kommen sollte,
But you [teach people that it is all right that people no longer must help their parents. You teach people that it is all right if people] give their things to God [instead of giving them to their parents]. You allow them to say to their parents, ‘What I was going to give to you [to provide for you, I have now promised to] give to God. So I [cannot any longer help you]!’ As a result, you are [actually telling people] that they no longer have to help their parents!
12 so muß er für seinen Vater oder seine Mutter nichts mehr tun.
13 Also hebet ihr mit eurer Überlieferung, die ihr weitergegeben habt, das Wort Gottes auf; und dergleichen tut ihr viel.
And, by doing that, you disregard what God commanded! You teach your own traditions to others [and tell them strongly that they should obey them] And you do many other things like that.”
14 Und er rief alles Volk zu sich und sprach zu ihnen: Höret mir alle zu und merket!
Then Jesus again summoned the crowd [to come closer. Then] he said to them [figuratively], “All of you people listen to me! [Try to] understand [DOU] [what I am about to tell you].
15 Es ist nichts außerhalb des Menschen, das, wenn es in ihn hineingeht, ihn verunreinigen kann; sondern was aus dem Menschen herauskommt, das ist es, was den Menschen verunreinigt.
Nothing that people eat causes [God to] consider them to be unacceptable. On the contrary, it is that which comes from people’s (inner beings/hearts) that causes God to reject them.”
16 Hat jemand Ohren zu hören, der höre!
17 Und als er vom Volke weg nach Hause gegangen war, fragten ihn seine Jünger über das Gleichnis.
After Jesus had left the crowd and then entered a house with the disciples, they asked him about the parable [that he had just spoken].
18 Und er sprach zu ihnen: Seid auch ihr so unverständig? Merket ihr nicht, daß alles, was von außen in den Menschen hineingeht, ihn nicht verunreinigen kann?
He replied, “([I am disappointed that] you also do not understand [what it means]!/Why can you not understand [what it means]?) [RHQ] (You ought to understand that nothing that [enters us from] outside can cause [God to] consider us unacceptable to him./Can you not understand that nothing that [enters us from] outside of us can cause [God to] consider us unacceptable to him?) [RHQ]
19 Denn es geht nicht in sein Herz, sondern in den Bauch und wird auf dem natürlichen Wege, der alle Speisen reinigt, ausgeschieden.
Instead of entering [and ruining] our minds/souls, it goes into our stomachs, and afterwards the refuse passes out [of our bodies].” By saying this, Jesus was declaring that people [can eat] any food without causing [God] to reject them.
20 Er sprach aber: Was aus dem Menschen herauskommt, das verunreinigt den Menschen.
He also said, “It is the [thoughts and actions] that come from within people that cause [God] to consider them unacceptable to him.
21 Denn von innen, aus dem Herzen des Menschen, kommen hervor die bösen Gedanken, Unzucht, Mord, Diebstahl,
Specifically, it is people’s innermost being [that causes them to] think things that are evil; they act immorally, they steal [things], they commit murder.
22 Ehebruch, Geiz, Bosheit, Betrug, Üppigkeit, Neid, Lästerung, Hoffart, Unvernunft.
They [commit] adultery, they are greedy, they [act] maliciously, they deceive [people]. They [act] indecently, they envy [people], they speak evil about others, they are proud, and they [act] foolishly.
23 All dies Böse kommt von innen heraus und verunreinigt den Menschen.
People think [these thoughts] and then they do these evil actions, and that is what causes [God to] consider them unacceptable to him.”
24 Und er brach auf von dort und begab sich in die Gegend von Tyrus und Zidon und trat in ein Haus, wollte aber nicht, daß es jemand erführe, und konnte doch nicht verborgen bleiben.
After Jesus [and his disciples] left [Galilee district], they went to the region around Tyre. While he stayed at a certain house, he desired that no one know [it], but people soon found out [that he was there].
25 Denn eine Frau hatte von ihm gehört, deren Töchterlein einen unreinen Geist hatte, und sie kam und fiel ihm zu Füßen;
A certain woman, whose daughter had an evil spirit [within her], heard about Jesus. At once she came to him and prostrated herself at his feet.
26 die Frau war aber eine Griechin, aus Syrophönizien gebürtig; und sie bat ihn, er möge den Dämon von ihrer Tochter austreiben.
This woman [was not a Jew. Her ancestors came] from Greece [country], but she was born in [the region around] Phoenicia [town] in Syria district. She pleaded with Jesus that he expel the evil spirit from her daughter.
27 Aber Jesus sprach zu ihr: Laß zuvor die Kinder satt werden! Denn es ist nicht recht, daß man den Kindern das Brot nimmt und es den Hündlein hinwirft!
But he [wanted to see how strongly she believed in him. So, suggesting that he should help the Jews first and not the non-Jews whom some Jews called dogs] [MET], [he] spoke to her saying, “First let the children eat all they want, because it is not good for someone to take the food [the mother has prepared] for the children and then throw it to the [little] dogs.”
28 Sie aber antwortete und sprach zu ihm: Ja, Herr; und die Hündlein unter dem Tisch essen [nur] von den Brosamen der Kinder!
But [to show that she believed that non-Jews could also receive help from God] [MET], she replied to him, “Sir, [what you say is] correct, but even the [little] dogs, which lie under the table, eat the crumbs that the children [drop].”
29 Und er sprach zu ihr: Um dieses Wortes willen gehe hin; der Dämon ist aus deiner Tochter ausgefahren.
[Jesus] said to her, “Because of what you have said, [you have shown me that you believe in what I can do for you]. So I will help you. Now you may go [home, because I have caused] the evil spirit to leave your daughter.”
30 Und als sie in ihr Haus kam, fand sie die Tochter auf dem Bette liegend und den Dämon ausgefahren.
The woman returned to her house and saw that her child was lying [quietly] on the bed and that the evil spirit had left.
31 Und er verließ das Gebiet von Tyrus wieder und begab sich durch Zidon nach dem galiläischen Meer, mitten in die Landschaft der Zehn-Städte.
Jesus [and his disciples] left the region around Tyre [city] and went [north] through Sidon [city], then [toward the east] through the district of the Ten Towns, and then [south] to [the towns near] Lake Galilee.
32 Und sie brachten einen Tauben zu ihm, der kaum reden konnte, und baten ihn, ihm die Hand aufzulegen.
[There], people brought to him a man who was deaf and who could hardly talk. They begged [Jesus] to lay his hands on him [in order to heal him].
33 Und er nahm ihn von dem Volk abseits, legte ihm die Finger in seine Ohren und berührte seine Zunge mit Speichel.
[So Jesus] took him away from the crowd [in order that the two of them could be] alone. Then he put [one of] his fingers into [each of] the man’s ears. After he spat [on his fingers], he touched the man’s tongue [with his fingers].
34 Dann blickte er gen Himmel, seufzte und sprach zu ihm: «Ephata!» das heißt, tue dich auf!
Then he looked up toward heaven, he sighed [because he was concerned for the man], and then [in his own language] he said to the man’s [ears], “Ephphatha”, which means, “Be opened {Open up}!”.
35 Und alsbald wurden seine Ohren aufgetan und das Band seiner Zunge gelöst, und er redete richtig.
At once the man could hear plainly [MTY]. He also began to speak clearly because [what was causing him to be unable to speak] was healed {Jesus healed [what was causing him to be unable to speak]}.
36 Und er gebot ihnen, sie sollten es niemand sagen; aber je mehr er es ihnen verbot, desto mehr machten sie es kund.
Jesus told ([the people/his friends]) not to tell anyone [what he had done]. But, although he ordered them [and others] repeatedly [not to tell anyone about it], they kept talking about it very much.
37 Und sie erstaunten über die Maßen und sprachen: Er hat alles wohl gemacht! Die Tauben macht er hören und die Sprachlosen reden!
[People who heard about it] were utterly amazed and were saying [enthusiastically], “Everything he has done is wonderful! [Besides doing other amazing things], he enables deaf people to hear! And he enables those who cannot speak to speak!”