< Psalm 80 >
1 Dem Musikmeister, nach (der Singweise = Melodie) »Lilien(rein) ist das Zeugnis«; von Asaph ein Psalm. O Hirte Israels, merk auf,
[Yahweh], you [who lead us like] a shepherd leads his flock [of sheep], listen to us Israeli people. You sit on your throne [in the Very Holy Place in the temple], above the [carvings of] winged creatures.
2 Als Anführer Ephraims und Benjamins und Manasses biete deine Heldenkraft auf und komm uns zu Hilfe!
Show yourself to [the people of the tribes of] Ephraim and Benjamin and Manasseh! Show us that you are powerful and come and rescue us!
3 O Gott (der Heerscharen), stelle uns wieder her und laß dein Angesicht leuchten, damit uns Rettung widerfährt!
God, cause our nation to be strong like it was before; be kind to us [IDM] in order that we may be saved [from our enemies.]
4 O HERR, Gott der Heerscharen, wie lange noch raucht dein Zorn trotz der Gebete deines Volkes?
Yahweh, you who are the commander of the armies of heaven, how long will you be angry with us, your people, when we pray to you?
5 Du hast uns Tränenbrot essen lassen und uns eimerweise getränkt mit Tränen;
[It is as though] the only food and drink that you have given us is a cup full of our tears!
6 du hast uns gemacht zum Zankapfel unsern Nachbarn, und unsere Feinde spotten über uns.
You have allowed the people-groups that surround us to fight with [each other to decide which part of our land each of them will take]; our enemies laugh at us.
7 O Gott der Heerscharen, stelle uns wieder her und laß dein Angesicht leuchten, damit uns Rettung widerfährt!
God, commander of the armies of heaven, cause our nation to be strong like it was before! Be kind to us in order that we may be saved!
8 Einen Weinstock hast aus Ägypten du ausgehoben, hast Heidenvölker vertrieben, ihn eingepflanzt,
[Our ancestors were like] a grapevine [MET] that you brought out of Egypt; you expelled the other people-groups [from this land], and you put your people in their land.
9 hast weiten Raum vor ihm her geschafft, daß er Wurzeln schlug und das Land erfüllte;
[Like people] clear ground to plant a grapevine [MET], [you cleared out the people who were living in this land for us to live in it]. [Like] the roots of a grapevine go deep down into the ground and spread [MET], [you enabled our ancestors to prosper and start living in towns all over this land].
10 die Berge wurden von seinem Schatten bedeckt und von seinen Reben die Zedern Gottes;
[Like huge] grapevines cover the hills with their shade and their branches are taller than big cedar [trees] [MET, HYP],
11 er streckte seine Ranken aus bis ans Meer und seine Schößlinge bis zum Euphratstrom.
[your people ruled all of Canaan], from the [Mediterranean] Sea [in the west] to the [Euphrates] River [in the east].
12 Warum hast du sein Gehege eingerissen, so daß alle ihn zerpflücken, die des Weges ziehn?
So why have you abandoned us and [allowed our enemies to] tear down our walls [RHQ]? [You are like] someone who tears down the fences [around his vineyard], with the result that all [the people] who pass by [can] steal the grapes,
13 Es zerwühlt ihn der Eber aus dem Walde, und die Tiere des Feldes fressen ihn kahl.
and wild pigs [can] trample [the vines], and wild animals [can also] eat [the grapes].
14 O Gott der Heerscharen, kehre doch zurück, schaue vom Himmel nieder und blicke her und nimm dich dieses Weinstocks an,
You who are the commander of the armies of heaven, (turn to/stop abandoning) us! Look down from heaven and see [what is happening to] us! Come and rescue [us who are like] [MET] your grapevine,
15 des Setzlings, den deine Rechte gepflanzt, und des Schößlings, den du dir großgezogen!
who are [like] the young vine that you [SYN] planted and caused to grow!
16 Er ist mit Feuer verbrannt, ist abgehauen: vor dem Zornblick deines Angesichts kommen sie um.
Our enemies have torn down and burned everything in our land; look at them angrily and get rid of them!
17 Halte schirmend die Hand über den Mann deiner Rechten, den Menschensohn, den du dir großgezogen:
But strengthen [us] people whom you have chosen [IDM], [us] Israeli people whom you [previously] caused to be very strong.
18 so wollen wir nimmer von dir weichen! Schenke uns neues Leben, so wollen wir deinen Namen preisen!
When you do that, we will never turn away from you again; (revive us/cause us to be again like we were previously), and [then] we will praise/worship you.
19 O HERR, Gott der Heerscharen, stelle uns wieder her, laß dein Angesicht leuchten, damit uns Rettung widerfährt!
Yahweh, commander of the armies of heaven, restore us; be kind to us in order that we may be rescued [from our enemies]!