< Psalm 131 >

1 Ein Wallfahrtslied Davids. HERR, mein Herz ist nicht hochfahrend,
A SONG OF THE ASCENTS. BY DAVID. YHWH, my heart has not been haughty, Nor have my eyes been high, Nor have I walked in great things, And in things too wonderful for me.
2 Nein, ich habe mein Herz beruhigt und gestillt; wie ein entwöhntes Kind an der Mutter Brust, so ruht entwöhnt mein Herz in mir. –
Have I not compared, and kept my soul silent, As a weaned one by its mother? As a weaned one by me [is] my soul.
3 Israel, harre des HERRN von nun an bis in Ewigkeit.
Israel waits on YHWH, From now on, and for all time!

< Psalm 131 >