< 2 Chronik 31 >
1 Als dies alles beendet war, zog ganz Israel, das sich eingefunden, nach den Städten Judas, zertrümmerte die Steinmale, fällte die Ascheren und zerstörte die Höhen und Altäre in ganz Juda und Benjamin, Ephraim und Manasse, bis sie vernichtet waren. Dann kehrten alle Israeliten heim, jeder in seinen Erbsitz, in ihre Städte.
After the festival ended, the Israelis who were there went to all the towns in Judah and smashed the stones/pillars [for worshiping idols], and cut down the poles [for worshiping the goddess] Asherah. They destroyed the shrines on the hilltops and the altars [of Baal] throughout the areas where the tribes of Judah and Benjamin lived, and also in the areas of the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh. After destroying all of them, they returned to their own towns.
2 Ezechias aber bestellte die Abteilungen der Priester und Leviten, für Brand- und Mahlopfer, um Dienste zu tun, zu danken und zu loben in den Toren als Dienst für den Herrn.
Hezekiah divided the priests and [other] descendants of Levi into groups. He appointed some of the groups to offer sacrifices that would be completely burned [on the altar] and offerings to maintain fellowship [with Yahweh]. He appointed some groups to do other work at the temple: some to lead the people in their worship, some to thank Yahweh, and some to sing songs to praise to Yahweh at the gates of the temple.
3 Des Königs Beitrag aus seinem Besitz diente für Brandopfer, für Morgen- und Abendbrandopfer und für Brandopfer an den Sabbaten, Neumonden und Festen nach der Vorschrift in der Lehre des Herrn.
The king contributed some of his own funds to buy animals that would be sacrificed in the morning and in the evening of each day, and on the Sabbath days, to celebrate the new moons, and during the other feasts, according to what was written in the laws [that Yahweh gave to Moses].
4 Er gebot auch dem Volke, den Bewohnern Jerusalems, ihren Teil den Priestern und Leviten zu geben, damit sie festhielten an der Lehre des Herrn.
Hezekiah told the people living in Jerusalem to give to the priests and the other descendants of Levi the portions [of meat] that should be given to them, in order that they could devote all their time to obeying the laws of Yahweh.
5 Als dies bekannt wurde, brachten die Israeliten den ersten Abhub von Getreide, Most, Öl, Honig und allem Feldertrag. Sie brachten den Zehnten von allem in Fülle.
As soon as he told that to the people, they generously gave the first part of their harvest of grain, and the first part of the new wine [that they produced], and [olive] oil and honey, and of the crops that grew in their fields. They brought [to the temple] a tenth of all their crops.
6 Die Söhne Israels wie die Judas, die in anderen Städten Judas wohnten, brachten den Zehnten von Rindern und Schafen sowie den Zehnten der Weihegaben, die dem Herrn, ihrem Gott, geweiht wurden. Sie gaben es haufenweise.
The men of Israel and Judah who were living in various towns in Judah also brought a tenth of their cattle and sheep and goats, and a tenth of other things that they had dedicated to Yahweh their God, and they piled all those things in heaps.
7 im dritten Monat begannen sie die Haufen zu legen, und erst im siebten Monat waren sie damit fertig geworden.
They started to do that in May and finished doing it in September.
8 Da kam Ezechias mit den Fürsten und besah die Haufen. Da priesen sie den Herrn und sein Volk Israel.
When Hezekiah and his officials saw the heaps, they praised Yahweh and [requested God to] bless the people.
9 Ezechias befragte nun die Priester und Leviten über die Haufen.
But Hezekiah asked the priests and other descendants of Levi, “Why are these heaps of things here?”
10 Da sprach zu ihm der Priester Azarja, das Oberhaupt des Hauses Sadok. Er sagte: "Seit man anfing, die Gabe in das Haus des Herrn zu bringen, haben wir gegessen und sind satt geworden, und viel ist noch übriggeblieben. Denn der Herr hat sein Volk gesegnet, und so ist diese Masse übrig."
Then Azariah the [Supreme] Priest, a descendant of Zadok, replied, “Since the time that the people started to bring their offerings to the temple, we have had even more food than we need. This has happened because Yahweh has greatly blessed our fellow Israelis, with the result that all this is left over [after we priests and other descendants of Levi took all that we need]!”
11 Da ließ Ezechias im Hause des Herrn Zellen herrichten. Als man sie hergerichtet hatte,
Then Hezekiah ordered that they should prepare storerooms in the temple. So they did that.
12 brachte man die Gabe getreulich hinein, den Zehnten und die Weihegaben. Der Levite Konanjahu führte darüber die Aufsicht, und sein Bruder Simei war der zweite im Range.
Then they brought into the storerooms all the tithes and offerings and the things dedicated to Yahweh [which the people had brought]. One of the descendants of Levi whose name was Conaniah was in charge of those things, and his [younger] brother Shimei was his assistant.
13 Jechiel, Azazjahu, Nachat, Asael, Jerimot, Jozabad, Eliel, Ismakjahu, Machat und Benajahu waren Gehilfen des Konanjahu und seines Bruders Simei laut Anordnung des Königs Ezechias und Azarjahus, des Fürsten im Gotteshause.
Those two men supervised Jehiel, Azaziah, Nahath, Asahel, Jerimoth, Jozabad, Eliel, Ismakiah, Mahath and Benaiah while they did the work. They were appointed by King Hezekiah; Azariah was in charge of [everything that was done in] the temple.
14 Kore, Imnas Sohn, der Levite und Torhüter gen Osten, beaufsichtigte die freiwilligen Gottesgaben, um die Gabe für den Herrn und die hochheiligen Gaben abliefern zu können.
Kore the son of Imnah, another descendant of Levi, who guarded the east gate of the temple, was in charge of the offerings to God that were made voluntarily. He distributed to the priests and [other] descendants of Levi the offerings and other things that were dedicated to Yahweh.
15 Unter seiner Aufsicht standen Eden, Minjamin, Jesua, Semajahu, Amarjahu und Sekanjahu. Sie sollten in den Priesterstädten gewissenhaft ihren Brüdern ihren Teil geben, abteilungsweise, den Alten und den Jungen.
Eden, Miniamin, Jeshua, Shemaiah, Amariah and Shecaniah faithfully assisted him in the towns where the priests lived. They distributed those things to the groups of their fellow priests; they distributed them to everyone, from the youngest to the oldest.
16 Außerdem trug man in das Geschlechtsregister die Mannspersonen ein, von den dreijährigen und darüber, alle, die zum Hause des Herrn kamen zu ihrem täglichen Dienste, je nach ihren Ämtern und Abteilungen.
They also distributed things to the males who were at least 30 years old, those whose names were written on the scrolls where lists of family names were written. They were males who [were allowed to] enter the temple to perform their tasks/work each day, the tasks that each group had been assigned to do.
17 Auch die Priester trug man in das Geschlechtsregister ein nach ihren Stammhäusern, ebenso die Leviten, von den Zwanzigjährigen an und darüber, nach ihren Ämtern und Abteilungen.
The names of the priests were on the scrolls where their clans’ names were written. They also distributed things to groups of [other] descendants of Levi, those who were at least 20 years old.
18 Man verzeichnete sie dabei mit all ihren kleinen Kindern, Weibern, Söhnen und Töchtern in jeder Gemeinde. Denn diese wurden durch das lebenslängliche Amt jener geheiligt.
They included all their little children and wives and other sons and daughters whose names were on the scrolls where their clans’ names were written, because they also faithfully had dedicated themselves to Yahweh.
19 Die Aaronssöhne, die Priester, hatten auf den Feldern der Weidetriften ihrer Städte für jede Stadt Leute, die mit Namen genannt waren. Sie mußten jedem Männlichen unter den Priestern seinen Teil geben, ebenso jedem eingetragenen Leviten.
[Hezekiah] also appointed other men to distribute portions of those offerings to the priests and other descendants of Levi who were living in the pasturelands around the towns in Judah. But they gave things only to those who were descendants of Aaron [the first Supreme Priest], whose names were on the scrolls containing the names of their clans.
20 So tat Ezechias in ganz Juda. Er tat das Gute, Rechte und Wahre vor dem Herrn, seinem Gott.
That is what Hezekiah did throughout Judah. He always faithfully did things that Yahweh his God considered to be right and good.
21 Bei allem Tun, das er für den Dienst am Gotteshaus, für die Lehre und das Gebot, seinen Gott zu suchen, unternahm, verfuhr er mit ganzem Herzen und hatte Glück dabei.
In everything that he did for the worship in the temple, and as he obeyed God’s laws and commands, he tried to find out what his God wanted, and he worked energetically. So he was successful.