< Matthaeus 4 >
1 Dann wurde Jesus von dem Geiste in die Wüste hinaufgeführt, um von dem Teufel versucht zu werden;
Then Jesus was led by the Spirit {[God’s] Spirit led Jesus} into a desolate area to be tempted by the devil {in order that the devil would tempt him}.
2 und als er vierzig Tage und vierzig Nächte gefastet hatte, hungerte ihn danach.
After he did not eat food for 40 days, and 40 nights. he was hungry.
3 Und der Versucher trat zu ihm hin und sprach: Wenn du Gottes Sohn bist, so sprich, daß diese Steine Brot werden. Er aber antwortete und sprach:
[Satan], the tempter, came to him and said, “Because you [claim that you have a relationship with] God [as] a son [has with his father] [MET], [prove it] by commanding these stones to become bread [so that you can eat them]!”
4 Es steht geschrieben: “Nicht von Brot allein soll der Mensch leben, sondern von jedem Worte, das durch den Mund Gottes ausgeht.”
But Jesus said [to him], “[No! I will not change stones into bread, because] it is written [in the Scriptures] {in the Scriptures [Moses] wrote}, [‘Eating] food [SYN] [sustains] people [physically, but] it does not sustain them [spiritually] [SYN]. Instead, [paying attention to] everything that God has spoken [to them is what sustains people spiritually].’”
5 Dann nimmt der Teufel ihn mit in die heilige Stadt und stellt ihn auf die Zinne des Tempels
Then the devil took Jesus to [Jerusalem], the city that is dedicated to God. He set him on the highest part of the Temple,
6 und spricht zu ihm: Wenn du Gottes Sohn bist, so wirf dich hinab; denn es steht geschrieben: “Er wird seinen Engeln über dir befehlen, und sie werden dich auf den Händen tragen, damit du nicht etwa deinen Fuß an einen Stein stoßest.”
and said to him, “Because you [claim that you have a relationship with] God [as] a son [has with his father, prove it by] jumping down [to the ground. You will not be hurt], because it is written [in the Scriptures], [‘God] will command his angels to protect you. They will lift you up in their hands [when you are falling], in order that [you will not get hurt]. You will not [even] strike your foot on a stone.’”
7 Jesus sprach zu ihm: Wiederum steht geschrieben: “Du sollst den Herrn, deinen Gott, nicht versuchen.”
But Jesus said, “[No! I] will not [jump down, because] in another place [in the Scriptures] it is written {there are these words that [Moses] wrote}: ‘Do not [try to] test the Lord your God [to see if he will prevent something bad from happening to you when you do something foolish!]’”
8 Wiederum nimmt der Teufel ihn mit auf einen sehr hohen Berg und zeigt ihm alle Reiche der Welt und ihre Herrlichkeit und spricht zu ihm:
Then the devil took him on [top of] a very high mountain. There he showed him all the nations in the world and the magnificent things in those nations.
9 Alles dieses will ich dir geben, wenn du niederfallen und mich anbeten willst.
And then he said to him, “I will [let you rule all these nations and] give you the magnificent things in them if you bow down and worship me.”
10 Da spricht Jesus zu ihm: Geh hinweg, Satan! Denn es steht geschrieben: “Du sollst den Herrn, deinen Gott, anbeten und ihm allein dienen.”
But Jesus said to him, “[No, I will not worship you], Satan, [so] go away! It is written in the Scriptures, ‘It is the Lord your God whom you [(pl)] must worship, and you [(pl)] must serve only him!’”
11 Dann verläßt ihn der Teufel, und siehe, Engel kamen herzu und dienten ihm.
Then the devil went away, and right away, angels came to Jesus and took care of him.
12 Als er aber gehört hatte, daß Johannes überliefert worden war, entwich er nach Galiläa;
[While] Jesus [was in Judea, John the Baptizer’s disciples] told him that John had been put in prison and kept there {that [Herod Antipas] had put John [the Baptizer] in prison [and kept him there]}. [So] Jesus returned to Galilee [District]. While he was in Galilee, he first went to Nazareth [town].
13 und er verließ Nazareth und kam und wohnte in Kapernaum, das am See liegt, in dem Gebiet von Zabulon und Nephtalim;
Then he left Nazareth and went to Capernaum [city in order to live there. Capernaum is located beside Galilee Lake in the region which was formerly] the regions of [the tribes of] Zebulun and Naphtali.
14 auf daß erfüllt würde, was durch den Propheten Jesajas geredet ist, welcher spricht:
[One reason that he went there] was so that [these words] that were written by the prophet Isaiah might be fulfilled {so that he might fulfill these words that the prophet Isaiah wrote}:
15 “Land Zabulon und Land Nephtalim, gegen den See hin, jenseit des Jordan, Galiläa der Nationen:
“Zebulun region and Naphtali region [are on] the road [which is] near Galilee [Lake and] on the eastern side of the Jordan [River. They are] the regions in Galilee [District where many] non-Jews [are living].
16 das Volk, das in Finsternis saß, hat ein großes Licht gesehen, und denen, die im Lande und Schatten des Todes saßen, Licht ist ihnen aufgegangen.”
[Although the people there will be like] people who sit in a dark place [MET], [they will suddenly perceive clearly a new teaching, as] people who have seen a big light shining on them [MET] perceive everything clearly. [The] people who are located in a dangerous [MET] region [will suddenly perceive clearly what God teaches], as people on whom a light shines perceive things clearly [MET, DOU].
17 Von da an begann Jesus zu predigen und zu sagen: Tut Buße, denn das Reich der Himmel ist nahe gekommen.
From that time, [while] Jesus was [in Capernaum city, he began to preach this to people: “God [MTY/EUP] will very soon begin to rule, and he will judge you when he rules]. So you [(pl)] need to turn from your sinful ways [so that God will not punish you].”
18 Als er aber am See von Galiläa wandelte, sah er zwei Brüder: Simon, genannt Petrus, und Andreas, seinen Bruder, die ein Netz in den See warfen, denn sie waren Fischer.
[One day] while Jesus was walking by Galilee Lake, he saw two men, Simon, who was [later] called Peter, and Andrew, his [younger] brother. They were casting their [fishing] net into the lake because they [earned money by] catching [and selling] fish.
19 Und er spricht zu ihnen: Kommet mir nach, und ich werde euch zu Menschenfischern machen.
He said to them, “[Just like you have been] gathering fish, come with me and I will teach you how to gather people [to become my disciples].” [MET]
20 Sie aber verließen alsbald die Netze und folgten ihm nach.
They immediately left [the work that they were doing with] their [fishing] nets, and they went with him.
21 Und als er von dannen weiterging, sah er zwei andere Brüder: Jakobus, den Sohn des Zebedäus, und Johannes, seinen Bruder, im Schiffe mit ihrem Vater Zebedäus, wie sie ihre Netze ausbesserten; und er rief sie.
As [the three of them] walked on from there, Jesus saw two other men, James, and John, the [younger] brother of James. [They were] in their boat with Zebedee, their father, mending their [fishing] nets. Jesus told them that [they should leave their work and] go with him.
22 Sie aber verließen alsbald das Schiff und ihren Vater und folgten ihm nach.
They immediately left their fishing boat and their father, and they went with Jesus.
23 Und Jesus zog in ganz Galiläa umher, lehrte in ihren Synagogen und predigte das Evangelium des Reiches und heilte jede Krankheit und jedes Gebrechen unter dem Volke.
Jesus went [with those four men] throughout all of Galilee [District]. He was teaching [the people] in the buildings where we Jews worship God. He was preaching the good message that tells how to become members of the group of people whose lives God rules over. He was also healing all [the Galileans] who had diseases or who were sick.
24 Und sein Ruf ging aus in das ganze Syrien; und sie brachten zu ihm alle Leidenden, die mit mancherlei Krankheiten und Qualen behaftet waren, und Besessene und Mondsüchtige und Gelähmte; und er heilte sie.
When people who lived in other parts of Syria [District] heard [PRS] what he was doing, they brought to him people who suffered from illnesses, people who suffered from many kinds of diseases, people who [suffered from] severe pains, people who were controlled by demons {whom demons controlled}, people who were epileptics, and people who were paralyzed. And Jesus healed them all.
25 Und es folgten ihm große Volksmengen von Galiläa und Dekapolis und Jerusalem und Judäa und von jenseit des Jordan.
Then crowds started to go with him. [They were people from] Galilee [District], (from the Decapolis/from the Ten Towns [area]), from Jerusalem [city], from other [parts of] Judea [district], and from areas east of the Jordan [River].