< Maatosa 3 >
1 He wode xaammqiza Yaanisay asas “salo kawotethi matida gish inte nagarappe simite” gi sabakishe Yihuda bazo biittara yidess.
Some time later John the Baptist appeared on the scene, proclaiming in the Judean desert,
“Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has arrived!”
3 “Goda ogge othite, wogga oggezakka lo7othite gishe bazo biittan wasiza qaala” getetidi kasse nabe Isayasan yotetidaysi Yaanisa gishasa.
He was the one Isaiah spoke about when he said, “A voice is heard crying out in the desert, ‘Prepare the way of the Lord. Make the paths straight for him.’”
4 Yanisay gamela ithikkeppe othetida mayo mayess, ba xesikka dafora gixess, izi miza qummay degera essanne bole.
John had clothes made of camel hair, with a leather belt around his waist. His food was locusts and wild honey.
5 Yerusalameppe, kumetha Yiudappene Yordanosse shahaaththaa matan diza dere wursoppe asay wuri Yaanisakko woodhdhidi
People came to him from Jerusalem, all of Judea, and the entire Jordan region,
6 ba nagarakka izas paxxishe Yordanosse shaafan iza kushen xaamaqetidess.
and were baptized in the Jordan River, publicly admitting their sins.
7 Daro farsawetinne saduqaweti izi xamaqizaso yishin beydi Yaanisay “inteno shoshato iintte sinthara diza hanqoppe atana mala intena oni beside?”
But when John saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to be baptized, he said to them, “You vipers' brood! Who warned you to run away from the coming judgment?
8 Iintte iintte nagrappe simidaysa besiza otho othitte.
Show by what you do that you have truly repented,
9 ‘Nu away Abiramey nus dess’ gizaysan interkka intena balethopitte, ta intess Xoossi hayta shuchatappe Abirames na othi denthanas danda7es gays.
and don't presume to say proudly to yourselves, ‘Abraham is our father.’ I tell you that God could make children of Abraham from these stones.
10 Hekko beeyxxey qanxxanas miththata garsan gigeti utidess. Hesa gish Lo7o ayfe ayfonta mithi wuri qanxxistanane taman yegistana.
In fact the ax is ready to chop down the trees. Every tree that doesn't produce good fruit will be chopped down and thrown into the fire.
11 tani marotethas hathan xamaqays haray ato shin ta iza caama tokanas besontadey, tappe adhiza minoy guyera yana, izikka Xillo Ayananine tamn intena xxamaqqana.
Yes, I baptize you in water to show repentance, but after me is coming one who is greater than I am. I'm not worthy even to remove his sandals. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire.
12 kath suragiza layday iza kushen dess, izikka ba kaththa baleza piti geeshana, ba gistezakka kaththa di7en qolana, happa gidikko to7onta taman xxugana.” gidess.
He has his winnowing tool ready in his hand. He will clean up the threshing floor and gather the wheat into the storehouse, but he will burn the chaff with fire that can't be put out.”
13 He wode Yesusay Yanisan xamaqistanas Galilappe Yordanose shaafa bidess.
Then Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan River to be baptized by John.
14 Gido atin Yanisay “haysi hanena tani nenan xamaqistana besishin neni waanada taakko yayi?” gidi izara eqetidess.
But John tried to change his mind. He told Jesus, “I need to be baptized by you, and you come to me to baptize you?”
15 Yesuusaykka “aykkoyka ba ero garki! hayssa othidi nuni xilloteth wursi polans nus beses” gidess. Yansaykka iza qofa ero gi ekidess.
“Please do so, because it's good for us to do what God says is right,” Jesus told him. So John agreed to do it.
16 Yesusay xamqetidi hathappe kezida mala herakka saloy doyetin Xossa ayany woolle kafo milatidi iza bolla wodhishin beyidess.
Immediately after he was baptized, Jesus came out of the water. The heavens were opened, and he saw God's Spirit like a dove descending, landing on him.
17 Saloppekka “tani izan ufa7etiza nazine ta siqiza ta nazi hayssakko” giza qalay siyetidess.
A voice from heaven said, “This is my son whom I love, who pleases me.”