< Yanisa Mishiracho 18 >

1 Hessa wursi yootidape guye Yesussay bena kaallizaytara Qeedirone geetetza shooba pinidi akakiltte gidoo gelidees.
When Iesus had spoken these wordes he wet forth with his disciples over the broke Cedron where was a garden into the which he entred with his disciples.
2 Yesussayne iza kaallizayti kasseka he gadeyin daroo wode isife shiqiza gish Yesussa aththi immida Y uday he gadeyo kasseka erress.
Iudas also which betrayed him knewe the place: for Iesus ofte tymes resorted thyther with his disciples.
3 Hessa gish Yuday wotadarata, qeessista halaqatane Farssawistape kitteti yida ashshikarata wursi kaalleththi ekkidi he istti shiqizaso yidees. Izara yida asay paanoose, xoomipenee mashsha toora oykkidi yidees.
Iudas then after he had receaved abonde of men and ministres of the hye Prestes and Pharises came thyther with lanterns and fyerbrondes and wepens.
4 Yesussay ba bolla gakkanaysa wursi erridi yida asako bidi “Oonna koyeti? gides.
Then Iesus knowynge all thinges that shuld come on him went forth and sayde vnto them: whom seke ye?
5 Istti qasse “Nazireete yesussa koyoos” gida, Izika isttas “Tani izakoo” gidees. Isttas aththi immida yuday isttara isife eqqides.
They answered him: Iesus of Nazareth. Iesus sayde vnto them: I am he. Iudas also which betrayed him stode with them.
6 Yesussay “Ta izako” gida mala asati guye ganddigaridi biita bolla kunddida.
But assone as he had sayd vnto them I am he they went backe wardes and fell to the grounde.
7 Yesussay ha7ika “Oonna koyeeti?” gidi oychchin istti zaaridi “Nazireete Yesussa koyoos” gida.
And he axed the agayne: whome seke ye? They sayde: Iesus of Nazareth.
8 Izika zaaridi “Tani izako gadiiskkoo, histtkoo inte koyizay tana gidikoo hayti beto bochchofite” gides.
Iesus answered I sayde vnto you I am he. If ye seke me let these goo their waye.
9 Hesi haniday “Ta aawawu ne tas immidaytape issadeka ta dhaysabeykee” gida qaalay poleistana malako.
That ye sayinge might be fulfilled which he spake: of the which thou gavest me have I not lost one.
10 Simmoona geetetza phixxirossay giththa mashsha oykkda gish mashsha shohope shodidi issi qeessista halaqa ashshikara dizaysa haythe mashshara padhi yegides. He ashshikaraza sunththi “malkosa” geetetes.
Simon Peter had a swearde and drue it and smote the hye prestes servaunt and cut of his ryght eare. The servauntes name was Malchas.
11 Yesussay qasse phixxirossa “Ne mashsha gede shohon zara gelththa. Nees ta aaway tas immida metoo ushsha ta uyoontta milatizee?” gidees.
Then sayde Iesus vnto Peter: put vp thy swearde into ye sheath: shall I not drinke of ye cup which my father hath geven me?
12 Hessafe guye wootadarati, istta azazizaysinne Ayhudata ashshikarati Yesussa oykkidi qachchida.
Then the copany and the captayne and the ministres of of the Iewes toke Iesus and bounde him
13 Koyro he laythas qessistas halaqa gidida qayafaa bollo Haannakko ehaaththaida.
and led him awaye to Anna fyrst: For he was fatherelawe vnto Cayphas which was ye hye preste that same yeare.
14 Qayafaay “Deere gish issadey hayqqiko lo7okko” gidi Ayhudata dulata kase zooridade.
Cayphas was he that gave counsell to ye Iewes that it was expediet that one man shuld dye for the people.
15 Simmona geetettiza phixxirossayne Yesussa kaallizaytape issadey yesussa kaallida. He uray qessista halaqa achchan kehi erretidade. Hessa gish Yesussara isife qessista halaqaza gibbe gelides.
And Simon Peter folowed Iesus and another disciple: that disciple was knowen of ye hye preste and went in with Iesus into the pallys of the hye preste.
16 Phixxirossay gidikko penggefe kare baggara eqqdees. Qessista halaqa achchan kehi erretdi Yesussa kaallizaysi yidine penggen diza garadeya phixxirossa gibbe giddo gelththana mala yootdi Pixirosa ekki gelides.
But Peter stode at the dore with out. Then went out that other disciple which was knowen vnto the hye preste and spake to the damsell that kept the dore and brought in Peter.
17 Pengge naggiza garadeya Phixxirossa “Neka hessa addeza kaalliza asatape issa gidikki?” gadus. Izi qasse “Tani iza kaallizade gidike” gides.
Then sayde ye damsell that kept the dore vnto Peter: Arte not thou one of this mannes disciples? He sayde: I am not.
18 Wodey meegiza wode gidida gish ooththanchatnne ashshikarati tama eththidi eqoon ho7etes. Pixxirossaykka isttara eqidii ho7es.
The servauntes and the ministres stode there and had made a fyre of coles: for it was colde: and they warmed them selves. Peter also stode amonge them and warmed him selfe.
19 He wode qeessista halaqay Yesussa iza kaallizayta gishane izi tammarisida tmmirtte gish oychchides.
The hye preste axed Iesus of his disciples and of his doctrine.
20 Yesussayka izas “Ta asa wursos qoonccen yootadas. Ayhudati shiqiza istta wossa keeththan gidinkka Xoossa keeththan tammarisadis; ta qootan haasa7idazii aykoyka deena.
Iesus answered him: I spake openly in ye worlde. I ever taught in ye synagoge and in the temple whyther all ye Iewes resorted and in secrete have I sayde nothynge:
21 Histtin ne tana oychchizay aazee? ta yootshshin siydayta oychcha; ta yootdiysa istti erretes” gides.
Why axest thou me? Axe them whiche hearde me what I sayde vnto the. Beholde they can tell what I sayde.
22 Yesussay hessa gida mala hen eqida ashshikaratape issay “Qeessista halaqas hayssaththo wosta zaaray” gishe Yesussa shagalan baqqa shayides.
Whe he had thus spoken one of ye ministres which stode by smote Iesus on the face sayinge: answerest thou the hyepreste so?
23 Yesussayka zaaridi “Ta iitta hasa7ida gidiko anne ta gooysa ne markkata; ta yootday likee gidiko tana aazas baqqaz?” gides.
Iesus answered him. If I have evyll spoke beare witnes of ye evyll: yf I have well spoke why smytest thou me?
24 Hessafe guye Haanay qachchetida mala Yesussa Qeessista halaqa Qayafaakoo yedidees.
And Annas sent him bounde vnto Caiphas ye hye preste.
25 He wode Simmoona geetetza Phixxrossay eqqidii tama ho7ishin hankko asay iza haysoo, ne Yesussa kaallizaytape issa gidikii?” gida. Izika zaaridi “Ta iza kaallizade gidike” giidi kadides.
Simon Peter stode and warmed him selfe. And they sayde vnto him: arte not thou also one of his disciples? He denyed it and sayde: I am not.
26 Kase Pixxrossay iza hayththe qanxxiidayssa dabooy qeessista halaqa ashshikaratape issay “wona ta nena akaakilitesoon isttara dishin beeyabeykkina? gidees.
One of the servauntes of the hye preste (his cosyn whose eare Peter smote of) sayde vnto him: dyd not I se the in the garden with him?
27 Pixxrossay qassekka kadides, heraka kutooy wasides.
Peter denyed it agayne: and immediatly the cocke crewe.
28 Hessafe guye Yesussa Qayahaaththaa keeththafe dere aysiza kawooza gibbe malladoo wonttara ekki bidda. Ayhuda asas pazziga ba77ele dorssa ashsho mizza wode gidida gish bena tunisontta mala giidi malladora dere aysizaysa gibbe gidoo gelibeytena.
Then led they Iesus fro Cayphas into the hall of iudgement. It was in the mornynge and they them selves went not into the iudgement hall lest they shuld be defyled but that they myght eate the paschall lambe.
29 Hessa gish Philaxoossay gede isttako kezidi “Hayssa addeza inte aazas mootetii?” gidii oychchidees.
Pylate then went out vnto the and sayde: what accusacion bringe ye agaynste this man?
30 Istti qasse “Haysi addeezi iita oosonttade gididako nu iza nes aththi immokoko shin” gida
They answered and sayd vnto him. If he were not an evyll doar we wolde not have delyvered him vnto the.
31 Philaxossayka “Inte iza ekki bidi inte woga mala pirditee” gidees. Ayhudata aysizayti qasse zaaridi “Nu ass wodhana mala nuus fiqadey immetibeyna” gides
Then sayd Pylate vnto the: take ye him and iudge him after youre awne lawe. Then the Iewes sayde vnto him. It is not lawfull for vs to put eny ma to deeth.
32 Hessika haniday Yesussay kase isttas izi waani hayqanakoone yoottida qaalay polistana gishshasko.
That ye wordes of Iesus myght be fulfilled which he spake signifyinge what deeth he shuld dye.
33 Philaxoosay qasseka guye gibbe gido gelidi Yesussa xeeygisidi “Ne Ayhudata kawoo?” gidii oychchidees.
Then Pylate entred into the iudgemet hall agayne and called Iesus and sayd vnto him: arte thou the kynge of ye Iewes?
34 Yesussaykka zaaridi “Ne hessa gizay nepeyee woykoo hara asatii ta gish nes yoottdoo?” gides.
Iesus answered: sayst thou that of thy selfe or dyd other tell it the of me?
35 Philaxoossayka “Ta Ayhuda asee? Nena tas aththi immidayti ne baggatanne qeessista halaqattako; ne ayy ooththadii?” gides.
Pylate answered: Am I a Iewe? Thyne awne nacion and hye prestes have delyvered ye vnto me. What hast thou done?
36 Yesussaykka “Ta kawootethi hayssa ha biita bolla gideena, ta kawootethi hayssa ha biita bolla gididakoo Ayhudata dannata kushshen ta kunddoontta mala ta ashshikarati ta gish olistanakoshin. Ta kawootethi gidikoo ha biita bolla gideena” gides.
Iesus answered: my kyngdome is not of this worlde. Yf my kyngdome were of this worlde then wolde my ministres suerly fight yt I shuld not be delyvered to ye Iewes but now is my kyngdome not fro hence.
37 Philaxoossayka “Histtin ne kawoo?” gides, Yesussay qasse “Tani ne gidaysa mala ee kawoo, ta yeleetidayne ha biitta yiday tuma gish markkatanasko. Tumape gididay wuri ta qaala siyees” gides.
Pylate sayde vnto him: Arte thou a kynge then? Iesus answered: Thou sayst yt I am a kynge. For this cause was I borne and for this cause came I into ye worlde yt I shuld beare witnes vnto the trueth. And all that are of ye trueth heare my voyce.
38 Philaxoossayka “Tumay azee?” gides. Hessafe guye Phiilaxossay namm7enththo Ayhudatako kezzidi “Ta iza bolla ayko bala beyabeyke.
Pilate sayde vnto him: what thinge is trueth? And when he had sayd yt he went out agayne vnto the Iewes and sayde vnto them: I fynde in him no cause at all.
39 Gido attin kasseka ta intes paziga ba77ele gaalas issi qachcho ass birshiza mala hayssa Ayhudata kawoo intes birshana mala koyeetii?” gides.
Ye have a custome that I shuld delyver you one lowsse at ester. Will ye that I lowse vnto you the kynge of ye Iewes.
40 Istti gidiko “nus Barbbanne birsha attin hayssa gideena!” giidi wassida. Barbbanney ba hu7es pangga.
Then cryed they all agayne sayinge: Not him but Barrabas that Barrabas was a robber.

< Yanisa Mishiracho 18 >