< Kitetidayta Ootho 16 >

1 Phawuloossay Darbbene giizasoone Lisxira giizaso gakkidi Aaway Girikke asi, ayiya qass Ayhude asi gidida Ximtossa geetettiza isi ammaniizade hen demmides.
Among other places Paul went to Derbe and Lystra. At the latter place they found a disciple, named Timothy, whose mother was a Jewish woman who was a believer, while his father was a Greek,
2 Izikka Lisxiranine Iqqoniyon ammaniza asa achchan loo7o markkateth dizade.
and who was well spoken of by the followers of the Lord in Lystra and Iconium.
3 Phawuloossaykka Ximtoossa benara ekki banass koyidees. Hessa gish he heran Ayhudeista gish giidi Ximitossa qaxxarides. Gasooykka ayhudeti Ximitossa Aaway Girikke ass gididayssa erriza gishaskko.
Wishing to take this man with him on his journey, Paul caused him to be circumcised out of consideration for the Jews in that region, for they all knew that his father had been a Greek.
4 Istt isi kaatamape hara kaatama adhdhi adhdhi bishe hawaretinne Yerusalame wossa keeththa cimatti yeedida kiitta asay ekkidi nagana mala ammaniiza asas immi immi adhdhida.
As they traveled from town to town, they gave the followers the decisions which had been reached by the apostles and church elders at Jerusalem, for them to observe.
5 Wossa keeththa asay ammanon miini miini bidees qasse asaykka qoodan gallas gallas gujjeti gujeti bidees.
So the churches grew stronger in the faith, and increased in numbers from day to day.
6 Phawuloossayne izara diza zatatti qaalla isiyan sabakoontta mala xiillo ayanay digida gish pirigiyarane galatiya derera adhdhi bida.
They next went through the Phrygian district of Galatia, but were restrained by the Holy Spirit from delivering the message in Roman Asia.
7 Istti misiya gizaso gakkana maatishe Biitaniya gizaso gelana qoopin Yesuussa ayanay diggides.
When they reached the borders of Mysia, they attempted to go into Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus did not permit them.
8 Hessa gish Misiyara adhdhidi Xiru7ada gizasoo wodhdhida.
Passing through Mysia, they went down to Troas;
9 Isi Maqeedooniya asi eqqidi Phawuloossa ha Maqeedoniya pinada nuna maada gishin Phawuloossay omars ajjutan beeyides.
and there one night Paul saw a vision. A Macedonian was standing and appealing to him – ‘Come over to Macedonia and help us.’
10 Izikka he ajjuta beeyidi Xoossi nu isttas mishsiraccchcho qaala yootana mala xeeygidees gi qachchidi nu heerakka gede Maqeedooniya baana koyidos.
So, immediately after Paul had seen the vision, we looked for an opportunity to cross over to Macedonia, concluding that God had summoned us to tell the good news to the people there.
11 Markkabera Xiru7ada gizasoope denddidi siiti gidi Samotiraqe giizasoo bidos. Wontteththa gallas naphule gizaso sinthth hamuththu gujjidos.
Accordingly we set sail from Troas, and ran before the wind to Samothrace, reaching Neapolis the next day.
12 Hepekka Roome asay tooran hariida dere gidida Maqeedoniya dere wana kaatama gidida Philliphisiyosa geetettizaso gellidoos. Hinkka unddena wode utiidos.
From there we made our way to Philippi, which is the principal city of that part of Macedonia, and also a Roman Settlement. In that city we spent several days.
13 Sambbata gallas wossa wossizaso koyishe kaatama gelizaso pengge keziidi duge shaafa wodhdhos; heen nu utidi shiqqi diza macashshas qaala yootidos.
On the Sabbath we went outside the gate to the riverside, where we supposed there would be a place of prayer; and we sat down and talked to the women who were gathered there.
14 Qaala loo7eththi siyza macaashatappe isi lidiya geetetizzara izakka Xoossu gooyinzzarone tyaxiirone kaatamape yada zoo7o hare mayo zallizaro Phawuloossay yootiza qaalla iza wozinan woththa siyana mala goday izi woziina doyides.
Among them was a woman, named Lydia, belonging to Thyatira, a dealer in purple cloth, who was accustomed to join in the worship of God. The Lord touched this woman’s heart, so that she gave attention to the message delivered by Paul,
15 Izane izisoo asaykka xamaqeetidappe guye iza ista ta Xoossu amaniidayssa inte tumu eriida gidikoo ha tasoo yidi gutha woode diishshite gada ista miinththa woosadus.
and, when she and her household had been baptized, she urged us to become her guests. “Since you have shown your conviction,” she said, “that I really am a believer in the Lord, come and stay in my house.” And she insisted on our doing so.
16 Issi gallas nu wossaso bishin kayo kayoota marotetha ayanan hasa7iza issi garade na dizara nuna demmadus. Izakka ba marotaththan bena ayisizayitas daroo mishsh gelthaysu.
One day, as we were on our way to the place of prayer, we were met by a girl possessed by a divining spirit, who made large profits for her masters by fortune-telling.
17 Hana garade naya Phawulossane nuna kaalla kaalla “haytti asati intes inte attana oge yootizayti woogga Xoossa ooththanchata” ga ga wassadus.
This girl followed Paul and the rest of us, calling, “These men are servants of the most high God, and they are bringing you news of a way to salvation.”
18 Hessakka daroo gallas shira shira gadus. Gido attin Phawulossay ha Izi qaalan daroo meetotida gish yuyidi izi duunara hasa7iza tuna ayana “Nee iziipe keezana mala ta nena Goda Yesuss Kiristrtossa sunththan azazayis” gides. He ayanaykka herakka yeeggi iziipe kezides.
She had been doing this for several days, when Paul, much vexed, turned and said to the spirit within her, “In the name of Jesus Christ I command you to leave her.” That very moment the spirit left her.
19 Izo ayisiza asati isttas mishshe demmiza ogeey duxxin istta uhaaththaayisi qanxxettidayss isttas geelin Phawulossane Silasse oykkidi biittara gochchidi wannati dizasoo giya gidoo ehaaththaida.
When her masters saw that there was no hope of further profit from her, they seized Paul and Silas, dragged them into the public square to the authorities,
20 Deere aysiza wannatako shishshidi “hayiti asati bees ayhude gidi uttidi nu kaatama mullaketes.
and took them before the Magistrates. “These men are causing a great disturbance in our town,” they complained;
21 Qasse nu Roome asati ekkanas woykko ooththanas nuus beesontta woga nu asa gidoon laalletes.
“They are Jews, and they are teaching customs which it is not right for us, as Romans, to sanction or adopt.”
22 dereykka issi bolla gididi Phawulossa bollane Sillasa bolla denddides, Deera ayszzayiti Phawulossantta mayo qaarri ekkidi durqqara qoxxana mala azazida.
The mob rose as one person against them, and the Magistrates stripped them of their clothing and ordered them to be beaten with rods.
23 Itta buka buukidi gede qachcho keeththan yeegida, qasho keeththa nagizayiskka istta loo7ethi nagana mala azaziida.
After beating them severely, the Magistrates put them in prison, with orders to the jailer to keep them in safe custody.
24 Izikka hessa mala miino azazo ekkidi qasho keethas wanna gidoo kifille gellithidi istta too gita durumara shishshi qachchides.
On receiving so strict an order, the Governor put them into the inner cell, and secured their feet in the stocks.
25 Giiddi giidothu gidishin phawulossayne Sillasey wossanine mazimuren Xoossa galatishin qasho asay istta yeeththane galata ezziggi siyidees.
About midnight, while Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and while the prisoners were listening to them,
26 Hassa7ay bayinida dinggate qasho keeththa xaphphope qaththiza miino biitta qaathi denddides, herakka qasho keeththa penggeti dooyetida. Qachchetida wursio asa qashoy birshetides.
suddenly there was an earthquake of such violence that the jail was shaken to its foundations; all the doors flew open, and all the prisoners’ chains were loosened.
27 Qacho keeththa nagizayisi dhiskkope beeggidi qasho keeththa penggeti dooya dizayssa beeyidi qasho asay wuri kessi ekkida millatin bena wodhdhana mashsha shodiidis.
Roused from his sleep, and seeing the prison doors open, the Governor drew his sword intending to kill himself, in the belief that the prisoners had escaped.
28 Phawulossay qass ba qaala dhoqqu hisisttidi “nu wuri haani doos! ne bolla ayine iita oosofa” gi wassidees.
But Paul called out loudly, “Do not harm yourself! We are all here.”
29 Qachcho keeththa nagiizaysi xoomppe woossi ekkidi gede gidoo guppi gellidees. Kokkorshe Phawulossa too bollane Sillase too bolla kunddides.
Calling for a light, the Governor rushed in, and flung himself trembling at the feet of Paul and Silas.
30 Istta ekki kare kezidi “ha asato ta attana mala ayi ooso?” gides.
Then he led them out, and said, “What must I do to be saved?”
31 Isttikka izas “Goda Yesussa ammana nekka neso asaykka inte wuri attana” gida.
“Believe in Jesus, our Lord,” they replied, “and you will be saved, you and your household too.”
32 Hessafe guye izasine izasoon diza asas wursioos Goda qaala yootida.
Then they spoke to him of God’s message, and to all his household as well.
33 Qachcho keeththa nagizayissi herakka he gallas qamara ehaaththaidi istta maduunththa meeciddes. Herakka izine izasso asay wuri xaamaqetida.
And that very hour of the night he took them and washed their wounds, and he himself and everyone belonging to him were baptized without delay.
34 Qachcho keeththa nagizayiskka istta ba keethe ehaaththaridi isttas kaathi aththides, beso asa wursioora Xoossa ammanida gish addezi daroo uhaaththaaides.
Afterward he took them up to his house and set before them something to eat, rejoicing that he, with all his household, had come to believe in God.
35 Gadey wonttishin dere ayssizayiti “heyita asata birsha yeeda” gidi ba shuumista qachcho ketha nagizayissakko yeedida.
In the morning the Magistrates sent the guards with an order for the men to be discharged.
36 Qachcho ketha keeththa nagizayiskka isttas “dere ayssizayti inte birshistana mala azazida hessa gish ha7i saroon keezi biite” gidi Phawulossas yootides.
The jailer told Paul of his instructions. “The Magistrates have sent an order for your discharge,” he said, “so you had better leave the place at once and go quietly away.”
37 Phawulossay qass “Nu Roome yelleteth gidishin pirday bayindda dere sinthan duriqara bukkidine qasho keeththan yeegida. Histtin ha7i qass nuna qootara asi errontta kessana koyzoo? hessi hanena, istta yidi berkka birsheto” gidees.
But Paul’s answer to them was, “They have flogged us in public without trial, though we are Roman citizens, and they have put us in prison, and now they are for sending us out secretly! No, indeed! Let them come and take us out themselves.”
38 Shuumeti he izi gida qaala dere ayssizaytas yootida isttikka Phawulossayne sillasey Rome yeleta gididayssa siyidi daggamida.
The guards reported his words to the Magistrates, who, on hearing that Paul and Silas were Roman citizens, were alarmed,
39 Yidi isttafe mareteth oychchidi woynepe keessida. Istti he kaatamayo aggidi haraso bana mala istta woossida.
and went to the prison, and did their best to conciliate them. Then they took them out, and begged them to leave the city.
40 Phawulossayne Sillasey qasho keethafe kezidi Lidiyaso bida henkka diza ammaniizayti istta daroo minththethin heepe keezi bida.
When Paul and Silas left the prison, they went to Lydia’s house, and, after they had seen the Lord’s followers, and encouraged them, they left the place.

< Kitetidayta Ootho 16 >