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1 Phawuloossape, Sillasepenne Ximitossape; Intes Xoossa Aawa Goda Yesuss Kiristtosayta gidida Taselonqqen diza ammaniza asas nu Aawa Xoossafene Goda Yesuss Kiristtoossa kiyatethinne sarotethi intes gido.
I PAUL and Sylvanus and Timothy, to the church of the Thessalonians, which is in God the Father and in our Lord Jesus the Messiah: Grace be with you, and peace.
2 Nu intena nu woosan qoppishe wursso wode Xoossa inte gish galatoos.
We give thanks to God at all times, on account of you all, and remember you continually in our prayers:
3 Ammanoninne mino siqqotethane inte oothida ootho qasseka Goda Yesussa Kiristtoossa bolla diza inte mino ufayssan beettida inte minotetha gish nu Godaa Xoossa, nu Aawa sinththan wursso gaalas inte gish qopoos.
and we call to mind before God the Father the works of your faith, and the toil of your love, and the patience of your hope in our Lord Jesus the Messiah.
4 Xoossan dosettida nu ishato izi intena doordayssa nu eroosu.
For we know your election, my brethren, beloved of God.
5 Gasooykka mishirachcho qaalay inteko yiday wolqara xillo ayananine loeththi shaaki erin attin coo qaala xalla gidena; Qasseka nu inte gish giidi nu waani deydakkone inte ereta.
For our preaching among you, was not in words only; but also in power, and in the Holy Spirit, and in genuine persuasion. Ye also know, how we were among you for your sakes.
6 Ha7i inte nunane Goda milatidista. Inte bolla ay metoy gakkida gidikokka Xillo Ayana ufayssan qaala ekkidista.
And ye became imitators of us, and of our Lord, in that ye received the word in great affliction, and with the joy of the Holy Spirit.
7 Hessafe denddidayssan inte Maqidoniyanine Akayan ammaniza asa wursos lo7o leemisota gididista.
And ye were a pattern for all the believers who are in Macedonia and in Achaia.
8 Goda qaalay intefe kezidi Maqidoniyanine Akayan siyeteth xalla gidontta intes Xoossa bolla diza ammanoy wurssoson erretides; hessa gish nu intes yootanas aykkoka koshshena.
For from you the word of our Lord sounded forth; and not only in Macedonia and Achaia, but in every place, your faith in God is heard of; so that we have no need to say any thing concerning you.
9 Inte nuna wostt mooki ekkidaakone deyon diza tumu Xoossas oothanas inte eeqatape Xoossakko inte waani simmidako asay inte gish hasa7es.
For they declare, what an ingress we had to you, and how ye turned from the worship of idols unto God, that ye might worship the living and true God;
10 Qasseka Xoossi hayqope denththidayssa buro yaana hanqqofe nuna ashshana salope yaana Xoossa na yesusa yuusa inte wosti nagizakkone asay hasa7es.
while ye wait for his Son from heaven, that Jesus whom he raised from the dead, who delivereth us from the wrath to come.

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