< Psaumes 65 >

1 Cantique de Jérémie et d’Ézéchiel, pour le peuple émigré, lorsqu’il commençait à sortir. À vous, ô Dieu, convient un hymne en Sion; et à vous sera rendu un vœu dans Jérusalem.
God, it is right/appropriate [for us] to praise you in Jerusalem, and to do what [we] have promised you that [we] would do,
2 Exaucez ma prière: vers vous, toute chair viendra.
[because] you answer our prayers. People everywhere will come to you
3 Des paroles d’ hommes iniques ont prévalu sur nous; mais vous, vous pardonnerez nos iniquités.
because of the sins [that they have committed]. Our many sins are like a very heavy burden to us, but you forgive us.
4 Bienheureux celui que vous avez choisi et pris à votre service: il habitera dans vos parvis.
You are pleased with those whom you have chosen to live close to your temple. We are happy with all the blessings that we receive from [worshiping in] your sacred temple.
5 Admirable par l’équité qui y règne.
[God, when we pray to you], you answer us and save us by doing awesome deeds; you are the one who rescues us; people who live in very remote places on the earth, on the other side of the oceans, trust in you.
6 Vous qui disposez les montagnes par votre force, armé de puissance;
By your strength you put the mountains in their places, [showing that] you are very powerful.
7 Qui troublez le profond de la mer, le bruit de ses flots. Les nations seront troublées,
You calm the seas when they roar, and you stop the waves from crashing [on the shore]; you [also] calm people when they (make a great uproar/shout angrily together).
8 Et ceux qui habitent les limites de la terre craindront à la vue de vos miracles: vous réjouirez le matin naissant et le soir.
People who live in very remote/distant places on the earth (are awed by/revere) you because of the miracles that you perform; because of what you do, people who live far to the west and far to the east shout joyfully.
9 Vous avez visité la terre, et vous l’avez enivrée: vous avez multiplié ses richesses.
You take care of the soil and send rain, causing many good things to grow; you fill the streams with water, and cause grain/crops to grow. That is what you have determined/said would happen.
10 Enivrez ses ruisseaux, multipliez ses productions: dans les pluies douces elle se réjouira en produisant.
You [send plenty of rain] on the fields that have been plowed, and you fill the furrows with water. With showers you soften the [hard clods/lumps of] soil, and you bless the soil by causing young plants to grow.
11 Vous bénirez la couronne de l’année, objet de votre bonté; et vos champs seront remplis par l’abondance des fruits.
Because you bless the soil, there are very good crops at harvest season; wherever you have gone [MTY], good crops are very abundant [IDM].
12 Les lieux riants du désert seront engraissés; et les collines seront ceintes d’exultation.
The pastures are full of flocks [of sheep and goats]; [it is as though] the hills are very joyful.
13 Les béliers des brebis ont été revêtus d’une riche toison, et les vallées abonderont en froment: elles crieront, et elles diront un hymne.
The meadows are full of sheep and goats, and the valleys are full of grain; [it is as though] they [also] sing and shout joyfully.

< Psaumes 65 >