< 1 Rois 21 >
1 Or après ces événements, en ce même temps, Naboth, le Jezrahélite, avait une vigne qui était dans Jezrahel, près du palais d’Achab, roi de Samarie.
And after these things, in that time, there was a vineyard of Naboth, the Jezreelite, who was in Jezreel, beside the palace of Ahab, the king of Samaria.
2 Achab parla à Naboth, disant: Donne-moi ta vigne, afin que je me fasse un jardin potager, parce qu’elle est voisine, et je te donnerai en sa place une vigne meilleure, ou, si ta juges plus commode pour toi, le prix en argent, selon ce qu’elle vaut.
Therefore, Ahab spoke to Naboth, saying: “Give your vineyard to me, so that I may make for myself a garden of herbs. For it is nearby and is beside my house. And I will give to you, in place of it, a better vineyard. Or if you consider it to be more convenient for you, I will give you the price in silver, whatever it is worth.”
3 Naboth lui répondit: Que le Seigneur me soit propice, pour que je ne vous donne point l’héritage de mes pères!
Naboth responded to him, “May the Lord be gracious to me, lest I give to you the inheritance of my fathers.”
4 Achab vint donc en sa maison, indigné et frémissant, à cause de la parole que lui avait répondue Naboth, le Jezrahélite, disant: Je ne vous donnerai point l’héritage de mes pères. Et, se jetant sur son lit, il tourna sa face vers la muraille, et ne mangea point du pain.
Then Ahab went into his house, angry and gnashing his teeth over the word that Naboth, the Jezreelite, had spoken to him, saying, “I will not give you the inheritance of my fathers.” And casting himself on his bed, he turned away his face to the wall, and he would not eat bread.
5 Mais Jézabel, sa femme, entra auprès de lui, et lui dit: Qu’est-ce que cela? Pourquoi votre âme est-elle contristée? et pourquoi ne mangez-vous point du pain?
Then Jezebel, his wife, entered to him, and she said to him: “What is this matter, by which your soul has been saddened? And why do you not eat bread?”
6 Il lui répondit: J’ai parlé à Naboth, le Jezrahélite, et je lui ai dit: Donne-moi ta vigne, en acceptant de l’argent, ou si cela te plaît, je te donnerai une vigne meilleure en sa place. Et lui m’a répondu: Je ne vous donnerai point ma vigne.
And he responded to her: “I spoke to Naboth, the Jezreelite, and I said to him: ‘Give your vineyard to me, and accept money. Or if it pleases you, I will give to you a better vineyard, in place of it.’ And he said, ‘I will not give my vineyard to you.’”
7 Jézabel, sa femme, lui dit donc: Vous avez une grande autorité et vous gouvernez bien le royaume d’Israël. Levez-vous et mangez du pain, et ayez l’esprit calme; c’est moi qui vous donnerai la vigne de Naboth, le Jezrahélite.
Then Jezebel, his wife, said to him: “You are of great authority, and you rule well in the kingdom of Israel. Rise up and eat bread, and be even-tempered. I will give the vineyard of Naboth, the Jezreelite, to you.”
8 C’est pourquoi elle écrivit des lettres au nom d’Achab, et les scella de l’anneau du roi, et elle les envoya aux anciens et aux grands qui étaient dans la ville de Naboth, et habitaient avec lui.
And so, she wrote letters in the name of Ahab, and she sealed these with his ring. And she sent to those greater by birth, and to the nobles who were in his city and living with Naboth.
9 Or le sens de ces lettres était celui-ci: Publiez un jeûne, et faites asseoir Naboth entre les premiers du peuple,
And this was the judgment of the letters: “Proclaim a fast, and cause Naboth to sit among the first rulers of the people.
10 Et subornez contre lui deux hommes, fils de Bélial, et qu’ils disent ce faux témoignage: Il a blasphémé Dieu et le roi; ensuite menez-le hors de la ville, lapidez-le, et qu’ainsi il meure.
And send out two men, sons of Belial, against him. And let them speak the false testimony: ‘He has blasphemed God and king.’ And then lead him away, and stone him, and so let him die.”
11 Ses concitoyens donc, les anciens et les grands qui habitaient avec lui dans la ville, firent comme leur avait ordonné Jézabel, et comme il était écrit dans la lettre qu’elle leur avait envoyée:
Then his fellow citizens, those greater by birth and the nobles who were living with him in the city, did just as Jezebel had instructed them, and just as it was written in the letters that she had sent to them.
12 Ils publièrent un jeûne, et firent asseoir Naboth entre les premiers du peuple.
They proclaimed a fast, and they caused Naboth to sit among the first rulers of the people.
13 Et deux hommes, fils du diable, ayant été amenés, ils les firent asseoir en face de lui; mais ceux-ci, comme hommes diaboliques, rendirent contre lui ce témoignage devant la multitude: Naboth a blasphémé Dieu et le roi. C’est pourquoi on l’amena hors de la ville, et on le lapida.
And bringing forward two men, sons of the devil, they caused them to sit opposite him. And they, acting indeed like diabolical men, spoke testimony against him before the multitude: “Naboth has blasphemed God and king.” For this reason, they led him away, beyond the city, and they put him to death by stoning.
14 Et ils envoyèrent à Jézabel, disant: Naboth a été lapidé, et il est mort.
And they sent to Jezebel, saying, “Naboth has been stoned, and he has died.”
15 Or il arriva que, lorsque Jézabel eut appris que Naboth avait été lapidé et qu’il était mort, elle dit à Achab: Levez-vous, et prenez possession de la vigne de Naboth, le Jezrahélite, qui n’a pas voulu se rendre à votre désir, ni vous la donner en acceptant de l’argent; car Naboth ne vit plus, mais il est mort.
Then it happened that, when Jezebel had heard that Naboth was stoned and was dead, she said to Ahab: “Rise up and take possession of the vineyard of Naboth, the Jezreelite, who was not willing to acquiesce to you, and to give it to you in exchange for money. For Naboth is not alive, but dead.”
16 Lorsque Achab eut appris cela, c’est-à-dire que Naboth était mort, il se leva, et il descendait dans la vigne de Naboth, le Jezrahélite, pour en prendre possession.
And when Ahab had heard this, namely, that Naboth was dead, he rose up and descended to the vineyard of Naboth, the Jezreelite, so that he might take possession of it.
17 La parole du Seigneur fut donc adressée à Elle, le Thesbite, disant:
Then the word of the Lord came to Elijah, the Tishbite, saying:
18 Lève-toi, et descends à la rencontre d’Achab, roi d’Israël, qui est dans Samarie: car voilà qu’il descend dans la vigne de Naboth pour en prendre possession.
“Rise up, and descend to meet Ahab, the king of Israel, who is in Samaria. Behold, he is descending to the vineyard of Naboth, so that he may take possession of it.
19 Et tu lui parleras, disant: Voici ce que dit le Seigneur: Tu as tué, et de plus tu as pris possession. Et après cela, tu ajouteras: Voici ce que dit le Seigneur: En ce même lieu dans lequel les chiens ont léché le sang de Naboth, ils lécheront aussi ton sang.
And you shall speak to him, saying: ‘Thus says the Lord: You have killed. Moreover you have also taken possession.’ And after this, you shall add: ‘Thus says the Lord: In this place, where the dogs have licked the blood of Naboth, they shall also lick your blood.’”
20 Et Achab dit à Elie: Est-ce que tu m’as trouvé ton ennemi? Elie lui répondit: Je vous ai trouvé tel, parce que vous vous êtes vendu pour faire le mal en la présence du Seigneur.
And Ahab said to Elijah, “Have you discovered me to be your enemy?” And he said: “I have discovered you to have been sold, so that you would do evil in the sight of the Lord:
21 Voilà que j’amènerai des maux sur toi; je moissonnerai ta postérité, et je tuerai d’Achab celui qui urine contre une muraille, celui qui est renfermé, et celui qui est le dernier dans Israël.
‘Behold, I will lead evil over you. And I will cut down your posterity. And I will put to death of Ahab whatever urinates against a wall, and whatever is lame, and whatever is last in Israel.
22 Et je rendrai ta maison comme la maison de Jéroboam, fils de Nabath, et comme la maison de Baasa, fils d’Ahia, parce que tu as agi de manière à provoquer mon courroux, et que tu as fait pécher Israël.
And I will cause your house to be like the house of Jeroboam, the son of Nebat, and like the house of Baasha, the son of Ahijah. For you have acted so that you provoked me to anger, and so that you caused Israel to sin.’
23 Mais le Seigneur a parlé aussi de Jézabel, disant: Les chiens mangeront Jézabel dans la campagne de Jezrahel.
And about Jezebel also, the Lord spoke, saying: ‘The dogs shall consume Jezebel in the field of Jezreel.
24 Si Achab meurt dans la ville, les chiens mangeront sa chair; et s’il meurt dans la campagne, les oiseaux du ciel le mangeront.
If Ahab will have died in the city, the dogs will consume him. But if he will have died in the field, the birds of the air will consume him.’”
25 Ainsi, il n’y eut point un autre semblable à Achab, qui se vendit pour faire le mal en la présence du Seigneur; car Jézabel, sa femme, l’excita,
And so, there was no other person similar to Ahab, who was sold so that he did evil in the sight of the Lord. For his wife, Jezebel, urged him on.
26 Et il devint tellement abominable, qu’il suivait les idoles qu’avaient faites les Amorrhéens, que le Seigneur extermina à la face des enfants d’Israël.
And he became abominable, so much so that he followed the idols that the Amorites had made, whom the Lord consumed before the face of the sons of Israel.
27 C’est pourquoi, lorsque Achab eut entendu ces paroles, il déchira ses vêtements, couvrit sa chair d’un cilice, jeûna et dormit avec le sac, et marcha la tête baissée.
Then, when Ahab had heard these words, he tore his garments, and he put haircloth on his body, and he fasted, and he slept in sackcloth, and he walked with his head downcast.
28 Et la parole du Seigneur fut adressée à Elie, le Thesbite, disant:
And the word of the Lord came to Elijah, the Tishbite, saying:
29 N’as-tu pas vu Achab humilié devant moi? Puis donc qu’il s’est humilié à cause de moi, je n’amènerai pas le malheur en ses jours, mais pendant les jours de son fils, je porterai le malheur dans sa maison.
“Have you not seen how Ahab has humbled himself before me? Therefore, since he has humbled himself because of me, I will not lead in the evil during his days. Instead, during the days of his son, I will bring in the evil to his house.”