< Psaumes 50 >

1 Cantique d'Asaph. Dieu, l'Éternel Dieu parle, Il appelle la terre, du soleil levant au soleil couchant;
God, the all-powerful one, speaks; he summons all people, from the east to the west.
2 de Sion, perfection de beauté, Dieu apparaît resplendissant;
His glory shines from Zion [Hill in Jerusalem], an extremely beautiful city.
3 notre Dieu vient, mais non pas en silence; devant lui le feu dévore, et autour de lui il y a grande tempête.
Our God comes to us, and he is not silent. A great fire is in front of him, and a storm is around him.
4 Il appelle les Cieux d'en haut, et la terre, au jugement de son peuple:
He comes to judge his people. He shouts to the [angels in] heaven and to [the people on] the earth.
5 « Rassemblez-moi mes bien-aimés, qui solennisèrent mon alliance par le sacrifice! »
He says, “Summon those who faithfully [worship] me, those who made an agreement with me by offering sacrifices to me.”
6 Que donc les Cieux proclament sa justice, car Dieu est celui qui va juger! (Pause)
The [angels in] heaven declare, “God is righteous, and he is the supreme judge.”
7 « Ecoute, mon peuple, je vais parler! Israël, je vais te sommer! Je suis Dieu, ton Dieu.
God says, “My people, listen! You Israeli people, listen, as I, your God, say what you have done that is wrong.
8 Je ne te reprends pas pour tes sacrifices, car tes holocaustes sont constamment devant moi.
I am not rebuking you for making sacrifices to me, for the offerings that you completely burn [on the altar].
9 Je n'irai pas prendre des taureaux dans ta maison, ni des béliers dans tes bergeries.
But I do not really need [you to sacrifice] the bulls from your barns and the goats from your pens,
10 Car à moi sont toutes les bêtes des forêts, les animaux des montagnes par milliers;
because all the animals in the forest belong to me, [and all] the cattle on 1,000 hills also belong to me.
11 je connais tous les oiseaux des montagnes, et les bêtes des champs sont en mon pouvoir.
I [own and] know all the birds and all [the creatures] that move around in the fields.
12 Si j'avais faim, je ne te le dirais pas; car à moi est le monde avec ce qu'il enserre.
[So], if I were hungry, I would not tell you [to bring me some food], because everything in the world belongs to me!
13 Est-ce que je mange la chair des taureaux, et bois le sang des boucs?
I do not eat the flesh of the bulls [that you sacrifice], and I do not drink the blood of the goats [that you offer to me].
14 Fais à Dieu l'offrande de tes actions de grâces, et accomplis tes vœux envers le Très-haut!
The sacrifice [that I really want is that] you thank me and do all that you have promised to do.
15 et invoque-moi au jour de la détresse; je te délivrerai, et tu me glorifieras! »
And pray to me when you have troubles. [If you do that], I will rescue you, and [then] you will praise me.
16 Et Dieu dit au méchant: « Que fais-tu d'énumérer mes lois, et d'avoir mon alliance à la bouche,
But I say this to the wicked people: (Why do you/It does not benefit you at all to) [RHQ] recite my commandments or talk about the agreement that I made with you,
17 quand tu hais la discipline, et que tu jettes mes paroles derrière toi?
because you have refused to allow me to discipline you, and you have rejected what I told you to do.
18 Si tu vois un voleur, tu te plais avec lui, et tu entres en part avec les adultères.
Every time that you see a thief, you become his friend, and you spend [much] time with those who commit adultery.
19 Tu lâches la bride à ta bouche pour le mal, et ta langue ourdit la fraude;
You are [always] talking [MTY] about doing wicked things, and you are [always] to deceive people.
20 tu t'assieds, et parles contre ton frère, et tu dresses des embûches au fils de ta mère.
You are always accusing members of your own family [of doing wrong], and slandering them.
21 C'est ce que tu as fait, et je me suis tu; tu t'es imaginé que je te ressemblais; mais je te détromperai, et je mettrai la liste devant toi.
You did [all] those things, and I did not say anything to you, [so] you thought that I was [a sinner] just like you. But now I rebuke you and accuse you, right in front of you.
22 Prenez-y garde, vous qui oubliez Dieu, de peur que Je ne déchire, sans que personne délivre!
So, all you who have ignored me, pay attention to this, because if you do not, I will tear you to pieces, and there will be no one to rescue you.
23 Qui m'offre des actions de grâces, me glorifie; et à quiconque règle sa voie, Je fais voir le salut de Dieu. »
The sacrifice that [truly] honors me is to thank me [for what I have done]; and I will save those who always do the things that I want them to.”

< Psaumes 50 >