< Jérémie 30 >
1 La parole qui fut adressée à Jérémie par l'Éternel en ces mots:
Yahweh gave me another message. He said,
2 Ainsi parle l'Éternel, Dieu d'Israël: Écris toutes les paroles que je t'ai dites dans un livre.
“[I], Yahweh, the God whom the Israeli people [say they belong to], am telling you that you should write down everything that I have said to you.
3 Car voici, des jours viennent, dit l'Éternel, où je ramènerai les captifs de mon peuple d'Israël et de Juda, dit l'Éternel, et les ferai rentrer dans le pays que j'ai donné à leurs pères pour le posséder.
[I want you to know that] some day I will free my people, [the people of] Israel and Judah, from being slaves [in Babylon]. I will bring them back to this land that I gave to their ancestors, and this land will belong to them again. [That will surely happen because] I, Yahweh, have said it.”
4 Et ce sont ici les paroles prononcées par l'Éternel sur Israël et sur Juda.
Yahweh gave [to me] another message concerning [the people of] Israel and Judah.
5 Car ainsi parle l'Éternel: Nous entendons, [disent-ils, ] la voix de la terreur; c'est l'épouvante, et non pas la paix.
This is what he said: “I hear people screaming because they are terrified [DOU]; there is no peace [in the land].
6 Informez-vous, observez si un mâle enfante!… pourquoi vois-je tous les hommes les mains sur les reins, comme la femme en travail, et tous les visages changés et pâlis?
But think about this: Men certainly do not [RHQ] give birth to babies. Therefore, why do strong men stand there, with their faces very white/pale, with their hands pressed against their stomachs, like women who are about to give birth to babies?
7 O malheur! c'est une grande journée! elle n'a pas sa pareille, et c'est un temps d'angoisse pour Jacob, mais il en sera délivré.
[Terrible things will soon happen]; that will be a terrible day! There has never been such a time. It will be a time when [my] Israeli people will experience great trouble, but [finally] they will be saved [from their sufferings].”
8 Et dans ce jour-là, dit l'Éternel des armées, je briserai le joug de dessus ton col, et je romprai tes fers, et des étrangers ne t'asserviront plus;
The Commander of the armies of angels says this: “At that time [it will be as though] I will sever/cut the ropes [that are around my people], and I will free them from being (slaves/forced to do what the King of Babylon wants them to do) [MET]. People in other countries will no longer be their bosses.
9 mais ils serviront l'Éternel, leur Dieu, et David, leur roi, que je leur susciterai.
My people will [again] serve me, Yahweh, their God, and [they will serve a king who is a descendant of] King David; [they will serve the king] whom I will appoint for them.
10 Toi donc, mon serviteur Jacob, ne crains point, dit l'Éternel, et ne t'effraie point, Israël; car voici, je te retirerai des pays lointains, et ta race de la contrée où elle est exilée; et Jacob reviendra, et il sera tranquille et plein de sécurité, et nul ne lui donnera de l'effroi.
So, [you people of] Israel who serve me, do not be dismayed/worried [now], because [some day] I will bring you back from distant places; I will bring your descendants [back home] from the land to which they were exiled. [Then you] Israeli people will [again] live peacefully and safely, and there will not be any [nation] that will cause you to be terrified.
11 Car je suis avec toi, dit l'Éternel, pour te sauver; car je ferai extermination de tous les peuples où je t'ai disséminé; de toi seul je ne ferai pas extermination. Et je te châtierai équitablement; mais je ne puis te laisser impuni.
I, Yahweh, say that I will be with you and will rescue you; I will completely destroy the nations to which I have scattered you. But I will not completely destroy you. I will punish you [for your many sins], but I will punish you [only] as severely as you deserve: I would be doing wrong if I did not punish you at all.”
12 Car ainsi parle l'Éternel: Ta blessure est incurable, et ta plaie sans espoir.
Yahweh [also] says this: “[You have (suffered very much/endured many disasters)]; [it is as though] you have a terrible wound that cannot be cured.
13 Nul ne prend ton parti pour y porter remède; il n'y a ni guérison, ni traitement pour toi.
There is no one to help you, no one to put a bandage on your wound. There is no [medicine that will] heal you.
14 Tous tes amants t'oublient, et ne s'enquièrent pas de toi; car c'est d'un coup d'ennemi que je t'ai frappé, d'un châtiment cruel, pour le nombre de tes péchés, la multitude de tes iniquités.
All your allies [MET] have deserted you and they do not want to help you [any more]. [It is true that] I have punished you severely, [like your] enemies would wound you, because you have committed many sins and you are very guilty.
15 Pourquoi ta blessure te fait-elle crier? ta souffrance est mortelle: c'est pour le nombre de tes péchés et la multitude de tes iniquités que je te traite ainsi. –
[Because that is true], why do you protest about my punishing you, [as though I had caused] a wound that could not be cured [RHQ]? It was necessary for me to punish you, because you had committed many sins and you were very guilty.
16 C'est pourquoi tous ceux qui t'ont dévoré, seront dévorés, et tous tes oppresseurs s'en iront tous en captivité, et tes spoliateurs deviendront une dépouille, et tous ceux qui te pillent, je les livrerai au pillage.
But [some day] all those who [are trying to] destroy you will be destroyed; all your enemies will be exiled [to other nations]. All those who have stolen things from you will have their [valuable] possessions stolen, and all those who attack you will be attacked.
17 Car je veux te mettre un bandage et te guérir de tes plaies, dit l'Éternel. Car on t'appelait Sion la repoussée, celle que personne ne cherche.
[Everyone] says that you are (outcasts/people that they no longer associate with), and that [you live in] Jerusalem, a city that no one cares about.” But Yahweh says, “I will heal your injuries/wounds and cause you to be healthy again.”
18 Ainsi parle l'Éternel: Voici, je ramène les captifs des tentes de Jacob, et je prends pitié de ses demeures; et la ville sera rebâtie sur ses ruines, et le pays habité selon l'usage;
This is what Yahweh says: “I will bring the people of Israel back from the lands to which they were taken and enable them to possess their land and their houses again. [When that happens], Jerusalem will be rebuilt on top of its ruins, and the [king’s] palace will be rebuilt to be like it was before.
19 il en sortira des louanges et des chants de réjouissance; je les multiplierai, et ils ne seront pas amoindris; je les honorerai, et ils ne seront pas ravalés.
People will [again] sing joyfully to thank [me], and I will cause there to be more people [in Jerusalem], not fewer; I will cause them to be honored, not despised.
20 Et ses fils seront comme jadis, et leur nation sera affermie devant moi, et je châtierai tous ses oppresseurs.
Their children will [prosper] like they did before. I will cause them to be a group of people [who worship] me, and I will punish any [nation] that oppresses them.
21 Et son chef sera l'un des siens, et son souverain sortira de son sein; et je leur donnerai accès auprès de moi, et ils s'approcheront de moi. Car qui est-ce qui cautionnerait son propre cœur pour oser s'approcher de moi? dit l'Éternel.
One of their own people will be their king, and I will invite him to come close to me [to worship me], because no one [RHQ] would (dare/have courage) to come close to me [if I did not invite him].
22 Ainsi, vous serez mon peuple, et je serai votre Dieu.
You [Israeli people] will be my people, and I will be your God.”
23 Voici, la tempête de l'Éternel, la colère éclate, une tempête impétueuse fondra sur la tête des impies.
Yahweh will punish [MTY] [your enemies]; [it will be like a great] storm; it will come down [like] a whirlwind, swirling around the heads of wicked people.
24 L'ardente colère de l'Éternel ne cessera point qu'il n'ait agi et exécuté les pensées de son cœur. Dans la suite des temps vous le sentirez.
He will not stop being angry until he completely accomplishes [all] that he has planned. In the future, you will understand [all] of this [clearly].