< Psaumes 97 >
1 L'Éternel règne; que la terre tressaille de joie, que les îles nombreuses se réjouissent!
Yahweh is the king! I want [everyone on] the earth to be glad/happy, and the [people who live on] the islands in the oceans to [also] rejoice [about that!]
2 La nuée et l'obscurité sont autour de lui; la justice et le droit sont la base de son trône.
There are very dark clouds around him [to hide him]; he rules [MTY] righteously/justly and fairly.
3 Le feu marche devant lui, et embrase de tous côtés ses ennemis.
He [sends] fire in front of him, and he completely burns all his enemies in that fire.
4 Ses éclairs brillent sur le monde; la terre tremble en le voyant.
All around the world he causes lightning to flash; [people on] the earth see it, and it causes them to [be afraid and] tremble.
5 Les montagnes se fondent comme la cire, devant l'Éternel, devant le Seigneur de toute la terre.
The mountains/hills melt like wax in front of Yahweh, the one who is the Lord, [who rules] over all the earth.
6 Les cieux annoncent sa justice, et tous les peuples voient sa gloire.
The [angels in] [MTY] heaven proclaim that he acts righteously, and all the people-groups see his glory.
7 Que tous ceux qui servent les images, et qui se glorifient des idoles, soient confus! Vous, tous les dieux, prosternez-vous devant lui!
Everyone who worships idols should be ashamed; all those who are proud of their false gods [should realize that their gods are useless], [It is as though] all those gods bow down [to worship] Yahweh.
8 Sion l'a entendu et s'est réjouie; les filles de Juda ont tressailli d'allégresse, à cause de tes jugements, ô Éternel!
[The people] [MTY] of Jerusalem hear [about Yahweh] and are glad/happy, and [people in the other] [MTY] cities in Judah [also] rejoice, because Yahweh judges [and punishes wicked people].
9 Car toi, ô Éternel, tu es le Souverain de toute la terre, tu es souverainement élevé au-dessus de tous les dieux.
Yahweh is the supreme [king] over all the earth; he has very great power, and all the [other] gods have no power at all.
10 Vous qui aimez l'Éternel, haïssez le mal. Il garde les âmes de ses fidèles, et les délivre de la main des méchants.
Yahweh loves those who hate what [people do that] is evil; he protects the lives of his people, and he rescues them when the wicked [people try to harm them].
11 La lumière est semée pour le juste, et la joie pour ceux qui sont droits de cœur.
His light shines on righteous [people]; he causes those who are righteous to rejoice.
12 Justes, réjouissez-vous en l'Éternel, et célébrez son saint nom!
You righteous [people], rejoice about what Yahweh [has done], and thank him, our holy God!