< Psaumes 52 >
1 Lorsque Doëg, l'Iduméen, vint avertir Saül, et lui dit que David s'était rendu dans la maison d'Achimélec. Pourquoi te glorifies-tu de la malice, homme puissant? La bonté de Dieu dure toujours.
For the end, [a Psalm] of instruction by David, when Doec the Idumean came and told Saul, and said to him, David is gone to the house of Abimelech. Why do you, O mighty man, boast of iniquity in [your] mischief? All the day
2 Pareille au rasoir affilé, ta langue médite la ruine, artisan de fraudes!
your tongue has devised unrighteousness; like a sharpened razor you have wrought deceit.
3 Tu aimes le mal plus que le bien, le mensonge plus que les paroles justes. (Sélah, pause)
You have loved wickedness more than goodness; unrighteousness better than to speak righteousness. (Pause)
4 Tu n'aimes que les paroles de destruction, langue perfide!
You has loved all words of destruction, [and] a deceitful tongue.
5 Aussi Dieu te détruira pour toujours; il te saisira et t'arrachera de ta tente; il te déracinera de la terre des vivants. (Sélah)
Therefore may God destroy you for ever, may he pluck you up and utterly remove you from [your] dwelling, and your root from the land of the living. (Pause)
6 Les justes le verront, et ils craindront; et ils se riront de lui:
And the righteous shall see, and fear, and shall laugh at him, and say,
7 Le voilà, cet homme qui n'avait point pris Dieu pour mettait sa force dans sa méchanceté!
Behold the man who made not God his help; but trusted in the abundance of his wealth, and strengthened himself in his vanity.
8 Mais moi, comme un olivier verdoyant dans la maison à perpétuité.
But I am as a fruitful olive in the house of God: I have trusted in the mercy of God for ever, even for evermore.
9 Je te louerai toujours, parce que tu auras fait cela; et j'espérerai en ton nom, car il est propice, en faveur de tes fidèles.
I will give thanks to you for ever, for you have done [it]: and I will wait on your name; for [it is] good before the saints.