< Psaumes 109 >

1 Au maître-chantre. Psaume de David.
God, you are the one whom I praise, [So please] answer [my prayer],
2 O Dieu de ma louange, ne te tais point! Car la bouche du méchant et la bouche du perfide se sont ouvertes contre moi; ils me parlent avec une langue menteuse.
because wicked people slander me and tell [MTY] lies about me.
3 Ils m'environnent de paroles de haine; ils me font la guerre sans cause.
They are constantly saying that they hate me, and they say evil things about me for no reason.
4 En retour de mon amour, ils se font mes adversaires; moi, je ne fais que prier.
I show them that I want to be their friends and I pray for them, but [instead of being kind to me], they say that I have done evil things.
5 Ils m'ont rendu le mal pour le bien, et la haine pour mon amour.
In return for my doing good things for them and loving them, they do evil things to me and hate me.
6 Établis sur lui un méchant, et qu'un adversaire se tienne à sa droite!
They said, “Appoint a wicked [judge] who will judge him, and bring in one of his enemies who will stand up and accuse him.
7 Quand on le jugera, qu'il soit déclaré coupable, et que sa prière lui soit imputée à péché!
And cause that when the trial [ends], [the judge will] declare that he is guilty, and that [even] his prayer will be considered to be a sin.
8 Que ses jours soient peu nombreux; qu'un autre prenne sa charge!
[Then], cause that he will soon die and that someone else will have his job/work (OR, possessions).
9 Que ses fils soient orphelins, et sa femme veuve!
Cause that his children will not have a father any more and that his wife will become a widow.
10 Que ses fils soient errants et mendiants; qu'ils aillent quêter loin de leurs masures!
Cause that his children will be forced to leave the ruined homes that they have been living in and wander around begging for food.
11 Que le créancier jette le filet sur ce qu'il a; que les étrangers pillent son travail!
Cause that all the people to whom he owed money will seize all his property; Cause that strangers will take away everything that he worked to acquire.
12 Qu'il n'y ait personne qui lui continue sa bonté; que nul n'ait pitié de ses orphelins!
Cause that [while he is still living] no one will be kind to him, and [after he dies], cause that no one will pity his children.
13 Que sa postérité soit retranchée; que dans la génération à venir leur nom soit effacé!
Cause that all his descendants will die and that his grandchildren will not remember who he [MTY] was.
14 Que l'iniquité de ses pères revienne en mémoire devant l'Éternel, et que le péché de sa mère ne soit point effacé;
Yahweh, remember [and do not forgive] his ancestors for the evil things that they did, and do not [even] forgive the sins that his mother committed;
15 Qu'ils soient toujours devant l'Éternel, et qu'il retranche leur mémoire de la terre;
think about his sins continually, and cause that his name will be completely forgotten.
16 Parce qu'il ne s'est pas souvenu d'user de bonté, qu'il a persécuté l'affligé, le pauvre, l'homme au cœur brisé, pour le faire mourir!
He never was kind to anyone; he (persecuted/cause problems for) poor and needy [people] and even killed helpless [people].
17 Il a aimé la malédiction, elle viendra sur lui; il n'a point pris plaisir à la bénédiction, elle s'éloignera de lui.
He liked to curse [people]. [So] cause those terrible things that he requested to happen to others to happen to him! He did not want to bless [others], [so] cause that no one will bless him!
18 Il sera enveloppé de malédiction comme d'un manteau; elle pénétrera dans son corps comme de l'eau, et dans ses os comme de l'huile.
He cursed other people [as often/easily] as he put on his clothes [SIM]; cause that the terrible things that he wanted to happen to others will [happen to him and] enter his body like water [that he drinks] [SIM], like [olive] oil soaks into a person’s bones [when it is rubbed on his skin] [SIM].
19 Elle sera comme l'habit dont il se couvre, comme la ceinture dont il est toujours ceint.
Cause that those terrible things will cling to him like his clothes and be around him like the belt that he wears every day.”
20 Tel sera, de la part de l'Éternel, le salaire de mes adversaires, et de ceux qui disent du mal contre moi.
Yahweh, I want you to punish all my enemies that way, those who say evil things about me.
21 Mais toi, Éternel mon Dieu, agis en ma faveur, à cause de ton nom; selon la grandeur de ta bonté, délivre-moi!
But Yahweh, my God, do good things for me in order that I may honor you; rescue me [from my enemies] because your faithfully loving me is good.
22 Car je suis affligé et misérable, et mon cœur est blessé au-dedans de moi.
[I ask you to do this] because I am poor and needy and my inner being is (full of pain/very troubled/discouraged).
23 Je m'en vais comme l'ombre quand elle décline; je suis chassé comme la sauterelle.
[I think that] my time [to remain alive] is short, like an evening shadow [that will soon disappear] [SIM]. I will be blown away like a locust/grasshopper is blown [by the wind].
24 Mes genoux chancellent par le jeûne; ma chair a perdu son embonpoint.
My knees are weak because I have (fasted/abstained from eating food) very often, and my body has become very thin.
25 Je suis pour eux un sujet d'opprobre; en me voyant, ils hochent la tête.
The people who accuse me make fun of me; when they see me, they [insult me by] shaking their heads [at me as though I were an evil man].
26 Sois-moi en aide, Éternel mon Dieu!
Yahweh, my God, help me! Because you faithfully love [me], rescue me!
27 Sauve-moi selon ta bonté, afin qu'ils sachent que c'est ta main, que c'est toi, Éternel, qui l'as fait.
[When you save me], cause my enemies to know that you are the one who has done it!
28 Ils maudiront, toi tu béniras; ils s'élèvent, mais ils rougiront, et ton serviteur se réjouira.
They may curse me, but I ask that you bless me. Cause those who (persecute/cause problems for) me [to be defeated and as a result] to be disgraced/ashamed, and cause me to be glad/happy!
29 Que mes adversaires soient revêtus de confusion, et couverts de leur honte comme d'un manteau!
Cause those who accuse me to be completely disgraced; cause [other people to see] that they are disgraced, as [easily as they see] the clothes that they wear [SIM]!
30 Ma bouche louera hautement l'Éternel; je le célébrerai au milieu de la multitude.
But I will thank Yahweh very greatly; I will praise him [when I am] among the crowd [of people who are worshiping him].
31 Car il se tient à la droite du pauvre, pour le sauver de ceux qui condamnent son âme.
[I will do that] because he defends [MTY] needy [people like me], and saves us from those who have decided/declared that we must be executed.

< Psaumes 109 >