< Actes 9 >

1 Cependant Saul, ne respirant que mort et menaces contre les disciples du Seigneur, alla trouver le souverain sacrificateur,
Meanwhile, Saul angrily continued to say, “I will kill those who believe that [Jesus is] the Lord!” He went to the supreme priest [in Jerusalem]
2 et lui demanda des lettres pour les synagogues de Damas, afin que, s'il trouvait des gens de cette croyance, il les amenât, hommes et femmes, enchaînés à Jérusalem.
and requested him [to write] letters [introducing him] to [the leaders of] [MTY] the Jewish meeting places in Damascus [city. The letters asked them to authorize Saul] to seize any men or women who followed the way [that Jesus had taught], and to take them as prisoners to Jerusalem [so that the Jewish leaders could judge and punish them].
3 Comme il était en chemin et qu'il approchait de Damas, tout à coup une lumière, qui venait du ciel, l'enveloppa de sa clarté.
Saul took those letters, and while he [and those with him] traveled toward Damascus, as they were approaching the city, suddenly a [brilliant] light from heaven shone around Saul.
4 Et, étant tombé par terre, il entendit une voix qui lui dit: «Saul, Saul, pourquoi me persécutes-tu?»
[Immediately] he fell down to the ground. Then he heard the voice [of the Lord] say to him, “Saul, Saul, (stop causing me to suffer!/why are you causing me to suffer?) [RHQ]”
5 Il dit: «Qui es-tu, Seigneur?» Le Seigneur répondit: «Je suis Jésus, que tu persécutes:
Saul asked him, “Lord, who are you?” He replied, “I am Jesus, [and] you [(sg)] are causing me to suffer [by hurting my followers]!
6 mais lève-toi, entre dans la ville, et l’on te dira ce que tu dois faire.»
Now instead [of continuing to do that], stand up and go into the city! [Someone there] will tell you [(sg)] what I [want] you to do.”
7 Les hommes qui faisaient route avec lui s'étaient arrêtés, muets; ils entendaient la voix, mais ils ne voyaient personne.
The men who were traveling with Saul [became so frightened that they] could not say anything. [They just] stood there. They only heard the sound [when the Lord spoke], but they did not see anyone.
8 Cependant Saul se releva, et, quoiqu'il eût les yeux ouverts, il ne voyait rien:
Saul got up from the ground, but when he opened his eyes he could not see anything. So the men [with him] took him by the hand and led him into Damascus.
9 c'est en le conduisant par la main qu'on le mena à Damas. Il resta trois jours sans voir; et il ne mangeait ni ne buvait.
For the next three days Saul could not see [anything], and he did not eat or drink anything.
10 Or il y avait à Damas un disciple nommé Ananias; et le Seigneur lui dit dans une vision: «Ananias!» Il répondit: «Me voici, Seigneur.»
In Damascus there was [a Jew] named Ananias who believed in Jesus. While [Ananias was seeing] a vision, the Lord [Jesus] said to him, “Ananias!” He replied, “Lord, I [am listening].”
11 Le Seigneur lui dit: «Lève-toi, va dans la rue qu'on appelle la Rue Droite, et demande, dans la maison de Judas, après un nommé Saul de Tarse; car voici, il est en prière,
The Lord Jesus told him, “Go to Straight Street to the house that belongs to Judas. Ask [someone there if you(sg) can talk to] a man named Saul from Tarsus [city], because, surprisingly, at this moment he is praying [to me].
12 et il a vu un homme nommé Ananias, qui entrait, et lui imposait les mains pour lui rendre la vue.»
[Saul has seen] a vision in which a man named Ananias entered [the house where he was staying] and put his hands on him in order that he might see again.”
13 Ananias répondit: «Seigneur, j'ai entendu dire à plusieurs personnes, combien de maux cet homme a faits à tes saints dans Jérusalem;
But Ananias [protested], saying, “But Lord, many people have told me about this man! He has done many evil things to the people in Jerusalem who [believe in] you!
14 et, ici, il est muni de pouvoirs de la part des principaux sacrificateurs, pour emprisonner tous ceux qui invoquent ton nom.»
And the chief priests have authorized him to come here [to Damascus] in order to seize all of us who believe in you [(sg)] [MTY] [and take us to Jerusalem]!”
15 Mais le Seigneur lui dit: «Va, car cet homme est un instrument que j'ai choisi, pour porter mon nom devant les Gentils, devant les rois et devant les fils d'Israël.
But the Lord [Jesus] told Ananias, “Go to [Saul! Do what I say], because I have chosen him to serve me in order that he might speak about me [MTY] both to non-Jewish people and [their] kings and to the Israeli people.
16 Je lui montrerai tout ce qu'il faut qu'il souffre pour mon nom.»
I myself will tell him that he must often suffer greatly because of [telling people about] me [MTY].”
17 Ananias donc s'en alla et vint dans cette maison; puis, ayant imposé les mains à Saul, il dit: «Saul, mon frère, le Seigneur Jésus qui t'est apparu sur la route par laquelle tu venais, m'a envoyé, afin que tu recouvres la vue, et que tu sois rempli du Saint-Esprit.»
So Ananias went, and [after he found] the house [where Saul was], he entered it. Then, [as soon as he met Saul], he put his hands on him, and he said, “Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus [himself] commanded me to come [to you]. He is the [same] one who appeared to you [(sg)] while you were traveling along the road. [He sent me to you] in order that you might see again and that you might be completely controlled by the Holy Spirit {that the Holy Spirit might completely control you}.”
18 Aussitôt, il tomba des yeux de Saul comme des écailles, et il recouvra la vue. Il se leva et fut baptisé;
Instantly, things like [fish] scales fell from Saul’s eyes, and he was able to see again. Then he stood up and was baptized {[Ananias] baptized him} [immediately].
19 puis, ayant pris de la nourriture, il retrouva des forces. Dès qu'il eut passé quelques jours avec les disciples de Damas,
After Saul ate some food, he felt strong again. Saul stayed with the [other] believers in Damascus for several days.
20 il prêcha dans les synagogues que Jésus est le Fils de Dieu.
Right away Saul began to preach [to people about Jesus] in the Jewish meeting places [in Damascus. He told them] that Jesus is (the Son of/the man who is also) God.
21 Tous ceux qui l'entendaient étaient surpris, et disaient: «N'est-ce pas lui qui, à Jérusalem, persécutait ceux qui invoquent ce nom, et n'était-il pas venu ici dans le dessein de les emmener, prisonniers, aux principaux sacrificateurs?»
And all the people who heard him [preach] were amazed. [Various ones of] them were saying, “([We(inc) can hardly believe that] this is the [same man] who persecuted the believers in Jerusalem!/Is this really the [same man] who persecuted the believers in Jerusalem?) [RHQ, MTY] And we [(inc)] know that he has [RHQ] come here to seize us and take us to the chief priests [in Jerusalem]!”
22 Cependant Saul se fortifiait de plus en plus, et il confondait les Juifs qui demeuraient à Damas, leur démontrant que Jésus est le Messie.
But [God] enabled Saul [to preach to many people even] more convincingly. He was proving [from the Scriptures] that Jesus is the Messiah. So the Jewish leaders in Damascus could not think of anything (to refute [what he said/to prove that what he said was not true]).
23 Au bout de quelque temps, les Juifs complotèrent de le faire périr;
Some time later, [after Saul had left Damascus and then returned], the Jewish [leaders] [SYN] [there] plotted to kill him.
24 mais Saul eut connaissance de leur trame. Ils gardaient aussi les portes, jour et nuit, pour le tuer;
[During each] day and night those Jews were continually watching [the people passing through] the city gates, in order that [when they saw Saul] they might kill him. However, someone told Saul what they planned to do.
25 mais ses disciples le prirent et le firent évader de nuit par le rempart, en le descendant dans une corbeille.
So some of those whom he had helped [to believe in Jesus] took him [one] night [to the high stone wall that surrounded the city]. They [used ropes to] lower him in a [large] basket through an opening in the wall. [So he escaped from Damascus].
26 Arrivé à Jérusalem, il tâchait de se lier avec les disciples, mais tous le craignaient, ne croyant pas qu'il fût disciple de Jésus.
When Saul arrived in Jerusalem, he began trying to associate with other believers. However, [almost] all of them continued to be afraid of him, because they did not believe that he had become a believer.
27 Barnabas, l'ayant pris avec lui, le conduisit auprès des apôtres, et leur raconta comment Saul avait vu le Seigneur sur la route, lui avait parlé, et comment, à Damas, il avait prêché hardiment au nom de Jésus.
But Barnabas took him and brought him to the apostles. He explained to the apostles how, [while Saul was traveling] along the road [to Damascus], he had seen the Lord [Jesus] and how the Lord had spoken to him [there. He] also told them how Saul had preached boldly about Jesus [MTY] [to people] in Damascus. [The apostles believed Barnabas and told the other believers about that].
28 Dès lors Saul allait et venait avec eux à Jérusalem, et il ne craignait pas de parler au nom du Seigneur.
So Saul began to associate with the apostles [and other believers] throughout Jerusalem, and he spoke boldly [to people] about [MTY] the Lord [Jesus].
29 Il abordait les hellénistes et disputait avec eux; mais ceux-ci cherchaient à lui ôter la vie.
Saul was [also] speaking [about Jesus] with Jews who spoke Greek, and he was debating with them. But they were continually trying [to think] ([of a way] to kill him/of [how they could] kill him).
30 Les frères, en ayant eu connaissance, l'emmenèrent à Césarée, et le firent partir pour Tarse.
When the [other] believers heard that [those Jews were planning to kill him, some of] the believers took Saul down to Caesarea [city. There] they arranged for him to go [by ship] to Tarsus, [his hometown].
31 L'Église jouissait donc de la paix dans toute la Judée, la Galilée et la Samarie, s'édifiant et marchant dans la crainte du Seigneur, et elle s'accroissait par les exhortations qu'inspirait le Saint-Esprit.
So the groups of believers throughout [the entire regions of] Judea, Galilee, and Samaria lived peacefully [because no one was persecuting them any more]. The Holy Spirit was strengthening them [spiritually] and encouraging them. They were continuing to revere/honor the Lord [Jesus, and the Holy Spirit] was enabling many other people [to become believers].
32 Pierre qui faisait une tournée générale, vint aussi chez les saints qui demeuraient à Lydde.
While Peter was traveling throughout those [regions, once] he went to [the coastal plain to visit] the believers [who lived] in Lydda [town].
33 Il y trouva un homme nommé Énée, qui gardait le lit depuis huit ans: il était paralysé.
There he met a man whose name was Aeneas. Aeneas had not been able to get up from [his] bed for eight years, because he was paralyzed.
34 Pierre lui dit: «Énée, Jésus, le Messie, te guérit. Lève-toi, et fais toi-même ton lit; » et aussitôt il se leva.
Peter said to him, “Aeneas, Jesus Christ heals you [(sg) right now]! Get up and roll up your mat!” Right away Aeneas stood up.
35 Tous les habitants de Lydde et du Saron le virent, et ils se convertirent au Seigneur.
Most of the people who lived in Lydda and on Sharon [Plain] saw Aeneas [after the Lord had healed him], so they believed in the Lord [Jesus].
36 Il y avait à Joppé, parmi les disciples, une femme nommée Tabitha, en grec Dorcas: elle était riche en bonnes oeuvres, notamment en aumônes.
In Joppa [town] there was a believer whose name was Tabitha. [Her name] in the [Greek] language was Dorcas. [Both of these names mean gazelle/deer/antelope]. That woman was continually doing good deeds [for others. Specifically], she was helping poor people [by giving them things that they needed].
37 Elle tomba malade en ce temps-là, et mourut. Après l'avoir lavée, on la déposa dans une chambre haute.
During the time [that Peter was in Lydda], she became sick and died. [Some women there] washed her body [according to the Jewish custom so that the people could bury it]. Then they [covered her body with cloth and] placed it in an upstairs room [in her house].
38 Comme Lydde est près de Joppé, les disciples, ayant appris que Pierre s'y trouvait, lui dépêchèrent deux hommes, pour le prier de venir jusque chez eux, sans tarder.
Lydda was near Joppa, so when the believers heard that Peter was [still] in Lydda, they sent two men to [go] to Peter. [When they arrived where Peter was], they repeatedly urged/begged him, “Please come immediately with us [to Joppa]!”
39 Pierre se leva, et partit avec les messagers. Dès qu'il fut arrivé, on le fit monter à la chambre haute. Toutes les veuves vinrent à lui en pleurant, et en lui montrant toutes les tuniques et tous les vêtements que faisait Dorcas pendant qu'elle était avec elles.
So [right away] Peter got ready and went with them. When they arrived [at the house in Joppa], the two men took Peter to the upstairs room [where Dorcas’ body was lying]. All the widows [there] around Peter. They were crying and showing him the cloaks and [other] garments that Dorcas had made for people while she was still alive.
40 Pierre fit sortir tout le monde, se mit à genoux et pria; puis, s'étant tourné vers le corps, il dit: «Tabitha, lève-toi.» Elle ouvrit les yeux, et, ayant vu Pierre, elle se mit sur son séant.
But Peter sent them all out of the room. Then he got down on his knees and prayed. Then, turning toward Tabitha’s body, he said, “Tabitha, stand up!” [Immediately] she opened her eyes and, when she saw Peter, she sat up.
41 Il lui donna la main, et la fit lever; puis, ayant appelé les saints et les veuves, il la leur présenta vivante.
He grasped one of her hands and helped her to stand up. After he had summoned the believers and [especially] the widows [among them to come back in], he showed them that Tabitha was alive [again].
42 Ce miracle fut connu dans toute la ville de Joppé; et beaucoup crurent au Seigneur.
[Soon] people everywhere in Joppa knew about that miracle, and as a result many people believed in the Lord [Jesus].
43 Pierre demeura quelque temps à Joppé, chez un corroyeur nommé Simon.
Peter stayed in Joppa many days with a man named Simon who made leather [from animal skins].

< Actes 9 >