< Zacharie 10 >
1 Demandez de la pluie à l'Eternel au temps de la pluie de la dernière saison, et l'Eternel fera des éclairs, et vous donnera une pluie abondante, et à chacun de l'herbe dans son champ.
Ask Yahweh to cause rain to fall (in the springtime/before the hot season starts), [because] he is the one who makes the clouds [from which the rain falls]. He causes showers to fall on us, and he causes crops to grow well in the fields.
2 Car les Théraphims ont dit fausseté, et les devins ont vu le mensonge, ils ont proféré des songes vains, et ont donné des consolations vaines; c'est pourquoi on s'en est allé comme des brebis, et on a été abattu, parce qu'[il] n'y avait point de pasteur.
[What people think that] the idols in their houses suggest [is only] nonsense, and people who [say that they can] interpret dreams tell [only] lies. When they [tell people things to] comfort [them, what they say] is useless, so the people [who (consult/trust in) them] are like lost sheep; they are attacked because they have no [one to protect them] [like] [MET] a shepherd [protects his sheep].
3 Ma colère s'est embrasée contre ces pasteurs-là, et j'ai puni ces boucs; mais l'Eternel des armées a fait la revue de son troupeau, [savoir], de la maison de Juda; et il les a rangés en bataille comme son cheval d'honneur.
[Yahweh says, ] “I am angry with the leaders [MET] of my people, and I will punish them. [I, ] the Commander of the armies of angels, take care of my people, the people of Judah, [like a shepherd takes care of his] [MET] flock, and I will cause them to be like [SIM] proud/powerful war horses.
4 De lui est l'encoignure, de lui est le clou, de lui est l'arc de bataille, et pareillement de lui sortira tout exacteur.
From Judah will come rulers [who will be very important], [like] [MET] a cornerstone is [the most important stone for a house], [like] [MET] a tent peg [is very important for a tent], [like] [MET] a bow [is very important for (an archer/a man who shoots arrows]).
5 Mais ils seront comme des vaillants hommes qui foulent la boue des chemins dans la bataille, et ils combattront, parce que l'Eternel sera avec eux, et les gens de cheval seront confus.
They will all be like [SIM] mighty warriors trampling [their enemies] in the mud during a battle. [I, ] Yahweh, will be with them, so they will fight and defeat their enemies who ride on horses.
6 Car je renforcerai la maison de Juda, et je préserverai la maison de Joseph; et je les ramènerai, et les ferai habiter en repos, parce que j'aurai compassion d'eux, et ils seront comme si je ne les avais point rejetés; car je suis l'Eternel leur Dieu, et je les exaucerai.
I will cause the people [MTY] of Judah to become strong, and I will rescue the people [MTY] of Israel. I will bring them back [from the countries to which they were (exiled/forced to go)]; [I will do that] because I pity them. Then they will be as though I had not abandoned them, because I am Yahweh, their God, and I will answer them [when they pray for help].
7 Et ceux d'Ephraïm seront comme un vaillant homme, et leur cœur se réjouira comme par le vin; et ses fils le verront, et se réjouiront; leur cœur s'égayera en l'Eternel.
The people of Israel will be like [SIM] strong soldiers; they will be as happy as [people who have drunk a lot of] wine. Their children will see [their fathers being very happy], and they [also] will be happy because of what Yahweh [has done for them].
8 Je leur sifflerai, et je les rassemblerai, parce que je les aurai rachetés; et ils seront multipliés comme ils l'ont été [auparavant].
I will signal for my people [to return from (being exiled/other countries)], and I will gather them together [in their own country]. I will rescue them, and they will become very numerous like [they were] previously.
9 Et après que je les aurai semés entre les peuples, ils se souviendront de moi dans les pays éloignés, et ils vivront avec leurs fils, et retourneront.
I have caused them to be scattered among many people-groups, but in those distant countries they will think about me again. They and their children will remain alive and return [to Judah].
10 Ainsi je les ramènerai du pays d'Egypte, je les rassemblerai d'Assyrie, je les ferai venir au pays de Galaad, et au Liban, et il n'y aura point [assez d'espace] pour eux.
I will bring them [back] from Egypt and from Assyria; I will bring them [back] from the Gilead and Lebanon [regions], and there will hardly be enough [HYP] space for them all [to live in Judah].
11 Et la détresse passera par la mer, et il y frappera les flots; et toutes les profondeurs du fleuve seront taries, et l'orgueil de l'Assyrie sera abattu, et le sceptre d'Egypte sera ôté.
They will endure/experience many difficulties [as though they were walking] [MET] through a sea, but [I] will calm the waves of the sea; the Nile [River which is usually] deep will dry up. [I] will defeat the proud [soldiers of] Assyria, and [I will cause] Egypt to no longer be powerful [MTY].
12 Et je les renforcerai en l'Eternel, et ils marcheront en son Nom, dit l'Eternel.
I will enable my people to be strong, and they will honor me and obey [IDM] me. [That will surely happen because I, ] Yahweh, have said it.”