< Matthieu 10 >

1 Alors [Jésus] ayant appelé ses douze Disciples, leur donna puissance sur les esprits immondes pour les chasser hors [des possédés], et pour guérir toute sorte de maladies, et toute sorte d'infirmités.
He told [us] twelve disciples to come to him. Then he gave us the power/authority to expel evil spirits [that controlled people]. He also enabled [us] to heal all people who had diseases or who were sick.
2 Et ce sont ici les noms des douze Apôtres: le premier est Simon, nommé Pierre, et André son frère; Jacques, fils de Zébédée, et Jean, son frère;
[Here is a list of us] twelve [disciples whom he called] apostles ([which means ‘messengers’]): Simon, [to whom he gave the new name] Peter; Andrew, Peter’s [younger] brother; James, the son of Zebedee; John, the [younger] brother of James;
3 Philippe et Barthélemy; Thomas, et Matthieu le péager; Jacques, fils d'Alphée, et Lebbée, surnommé Thaddée.
Philip; Bartholomew; Thomas; me, Matthew, the tax collector; James, the [son] of Alpheus; Thaddeus;
4 Simon Cananéen, et Judas Iscariot, qui même le trahit.
Simon, a member of the party [that wanted to overthrow the Roman government; ] and Judas Iscariot (OR, Judas, the man from Kerioth [Town]), who [later] enabled [the Jewish leaders] to seize Jesus.
5 Jésus envoya ces douze, et leur commanda, en disant: n'allez point vers les Gentils, et n'entrez point dans aucune ville des Samaritains;
When Jesus was [about to] send [us] twelve [apostles to tell his message to people in various places], he gave [us] these instructions: “Do not go where the non-Jews live [MTY] or into the towns [where the] Samaritans live, [because they hate you].
6 Mais plutôt allez vers les brebis perdues de la Maison d'Israël.
Instead, go to the people of Israel [SYN] who have [gone away from God like] sheep that have gotten lost [MET].
7 Et quand vous serez partis, prêchez, en disant: le Royaume des cieux est proche.
When you go [to them], proclaim to them that God [EUP/MTY] will soon begin to rule over people.
8 Guérissez les malades, rendez nets les lépreux, ressuscitez les morts, chassez les démons hors [des possédés]; vous l'avez reçu gratuitement, donnez-le gratuitement.
Heal sick people, cause dead people to become alive, heal people who have leprosy, and cause demons to leave people [who are controlled by them] {[whom demons control]}. Do not charge money [for helping people, because God] did not charge you anything [for helping you].
9 Ne faites provision ni d'or, ni d'argent, ni de monnaie dans vos ceintures;
Do not take any money with you [MTY], nor a knapsack. Do not take an extra shirt, nor sandals [in addition to what you are wearing], nor a walking stick. Every worker deserves to get pay [from the people for whom he works], [so you deserve to receive food and a place to stay from the people to whom you go].
10 Ni de sac pour le voyage, ni de deux robes, ni de souliers, ni de bâton; car l'ouvrier est digne de sa nourriture.
11 Et dans quelque ville ou bourgade que vous entriez, informez-vous qui y est digne [de vous loger]; et demeurez chez lui jusqu'à ce que vous partiez de là.
In whatever town or village you enter, find out which person is worthy [that you should stay in his home]. And as you go into that house, [ask God to] bless the people [who live there] [MTY]. Stay in that home until you leave [that town or village].
12 Et quand vous entrerez dans quelque maison, saluez-la.
13 Et si cette maison en est digne, que votre paix vienne sur elle; mais si elle n'en est pas digne, que votre paix retourne à vous.
If the people who live in [MTY] that house are worthy [of being blessed] {[God blessing them]}, [God] will bless them. If the people who live in that house are not worthy [of being blessed] {[of God blessing them]}, [God] will bless you [instead of blessing them].
14 Mais lorsque quelqu'un ne vous recevra point, et n'écoutera point vos paroles, secouez en partant de cette maison, ou de cette ville, la poussière de vos pieds.
If the people [who live in any house or town] do not welcome you [to their home or town], nor listen to your message, leave that house or town. And as you leave, shake off the dust from your feet. [By doing that, you will warn them that God will punish them for rejecting your message].
15 Je vous dis en vérité, que ceux du pays de Sodome et de Gomorrhe seront traités moins rigoureusement au jour du jugement que cette ville-là.
Note this carefully: [At the time when God] judges [all people, he] will punish [the people who lived in] Sodom and Gomorrah [MTY], [the ancient cities which God destroyed because their people were extremely wicked]. But in any town where the people [MTY] refuse to hear your message, God will punish them even more severely.”
16 Voici, je vous envoie comme des brebis au milieu des loups; soyez donc prudents comme des serpents, et simples comme des colombes.
“Take note: After I send you out, [you will be as defenseless] as sheep [MET] in the midst of [people who are as dangerous as] wolves. So you should wisely [stay away from such people, like you stay away from poisonous] snakes [SIM]. You should be as harmless as doves are [SIM].
17 Et donnez-vous garde des hommes; car ils vous livreront aux Consistoires, et vous fouetteront dans leurs Synagogues.
Also, be on guard against [our religious leaders]. They will arrest you and take you to the members of the religious councils [to put you on trial and punish you because you are my disciples]. You will be whipped {The local leaders will whip you} [in] their meeting places.
18 Et vous serez menés devant les Gouverneurs, et même devant les Rois, à cause de moi, pour leur rendre témoignage de moi de même qu'aux nations.
[And] because [you teach] about me, you will be taken {[the religious leaders] will take you} to governors and kings [in order that they may put you on trial and punish you]. As a result, you will testify to those rulers and to [other] non-Jews [about what I have done].
19 Mais quand ils vous livreront, ne soyez point en peine de ce que [vous aurez à dire], ni comment vous parlerez, parce qu'il vous sera donné dans ce moment-là ce que vous aurez à dire.
When [the religious leaders] arrest you, do not be worried about what you will say [to them], because at that very time [the] Holy Spirit will tell you the words that you should say.
20 Car ce n'est pas vous qui parlez, mais c'est l'Esprit de votre Père qui parle en vous.
It is not that you [will decide what to] say. Instead, you will say what the Spirit of your [heavenly] Father tells [you to say].
21 Or le frère livrera son frère à la mort, et le père son enfant; et les enfants s'élèveront contre leurs pères et leurs mères, et les feront mourir.
[You will be taken] {[People who do not believe in me will] take you} to the authorities to be killed [because you believe in me. For example], people will betray their brothers, and fathers will betray their children. Children will rebel against their parents and cause [them] to be killed.
22 Et vous serez haïs de tous à cause de mon Nom; mais quiconque persévérera jusques à la fin, sera sauvé.
Many people will hate you [because you believe in me]. Nevertheless, [many people] will keep on believing in me until they die. They are the people whom [God] will take to live with him.
23 Or quand ils vous persécuteront dans une ville, fuyez dans une autre; car en vérité je vous dis, que vous n'aurez pas achevé de parcourir toutes les villes d'Israël, que le Fils de l'homme ne soit venu.
When people in one town cause you to suffer, escape to another town [and tell the people there about me]. Note this: [I], the one who came down from heaven, will certainly return [to earth] before you have finished going from one town to another town throughout Israel [and telling people about me].
24 Le Disciple n'est point au-dessus du maître, ni le serviteur au-dessus de son Seigneur.
A disciple should not [expect to be] greater than his teacher, and servants [are not] superior to their master.
25 Il suffit au Disciple d'être comme son maître, et au serviteur comme son Seigneur, s'ils ont appelé le père de famille Béelzébul, combien plus [appelleront-ils ainsi] ses domestiques?
You do not [expect that] people will [treat] a disciple better than [they treat] his teacher, or that [they will treat] a servant [better than they treat] his master. [Similarly, because I am your teacher and master, you can expect that people will mistreat you, because they have mistreated me]. The most you can expect is that people [will treat you like they treat me. I am like] the ruler of a household [MET]. But people [have insulted me by] calling [me] Beelzebub, [the ruler of the demons]. So they [will] certainly [insult you more, you who are only like] members of my household [MET]!”
26 Ne les craignez donc point. Or il n'y a rien de caché qui ne se découvre, ni rien de secret qui ne vienne à être connu.
“Do not be afraid of [people who insult you and do evil things to you. God wants] everything that is unknown now to be revealed {[God wants you to] reveal everything [that is unknown now]}. [He does] not [want his truth] to remain hidden [MET] and kept secret [DOU].
27 Ce que je vous dis dans les ténèbres, dites-le dans la lumière; et ce que je vous dis à l'oreille, prêchez-le sur les maisons.
[So, instead of being afraid], what I say to you [secretly as people do] at night [MTY], tell [publicly as people do] during the daytime [MTY]. What I [say to you privately as people do when they] whisper to you [MTY], proclaim publicly [MTY, DOU].
28 Et ne craignez point ceux qui tuent le corps, et qui ne peuvent point tuer l'âme; mais plutôt craignez celui qui peut perdre et l'âme et le corps [en les jetant] dans la géhenne. (Geenna g1067)
Do not be afraid of people who [are able to] kill your body [SYN] but are not able to destroy your soul. Instead, fear [God because] he is able to destroy both a [person’s] body and a [person’s] soul in hell. (Geenna g1067)
29 Ne vend-on pas deux passereaux pour un sou? et cependant aucun d'eux ne tombe point en terre sans [la volonté de] votre Père.
[Think about the] sparrows. [They have so little value] that [you] can buy cares two of them for [only] one small coin [RHQ]. But when [any] sparrow falls to the ground [and dies] [LIT], [God], your [heavenly] Father, knows it, [because he cares about everything].
30 Et les cheveux mêmes de votre tête sont tous comptés.
[He cares about you, too]. He even knows how many hairs you have on your head!
31 Ne craignez donc point; vous valez mieux que beaucoup de passereaux.
[God] values you much more than he values sparrows [LIT]. So, do not be afraid [of people who threaten to kill you]
32 Quiconque donc me confessera devant les hommes, je le confesserai aussi devant mon Père qui est aux cieux.
If people, [without being afraid, are willing to] tell others [that they are my disciples], I will acknowledge before my Father who is in heaven [that they are my disciples].
33 Mais quiconque me reniera devant les hommes, je le renierai aussi devant mon Père qui est aux cieux.
But if they are afraid to say in front of others that they are my [disciples], I will tell my Father, who is in heaven, [that] they are not [my disciples].”
34 Ne croyez pas que je sois venu apporter la paix sur la terre; je n'y suis pas venu apporter la paix, mais l'épée.
“Do not think that I came to earth to cause [people] to live together harmoniously. The result of my coming is that [some of those who follow me] [MTY] will be killed.
35 Car je suis venu mettre en division le fils contre son père, et la fille contre sa mère, et la belle-fille contre sa belle-mère.
Because I came [to earth, people who do not believe in me] will oppose [those who do believe in me. For example], some sons will oppose their fathers, some daughters will oppose their mothers, and some daughters-in-law will oppose their mothers-in-law.
36 Et les propres domestiques d'un homme seront ses ennemis.
[This shows that sometimes] a person’s enemies will be members of his own household.
37 Celui qui aime son père ou sa mère plus que moi, n'est pas digne de moi; et celui qui aime son fils ou sa fille plus que moi, n'est pas digne de moi.
People who love their fathers or mothers more than [they love] me are not worthy to [have a relationship with me]. And people who love their sons or daughters more than [they love] me are not worthy [to belong to] me.
38 Et quiconque ne prend pas sa croix, et ne vient après moi, n'est pas digne de moi.
[People who are ready to execute a prisoner force him to] carry a cross [to the place where they will nail him to it] [MET]. Those who are not [willing to allow other people to hurt and disgrace them like that because of being my disciples] are not worthy to belong to me.
39 Celui qui aura conservé sa vie, la perdra; mais celui qui aura perdu sa vie pour l'amour de moi, la retrouvera.
People who [deny that they believe in me in order to escape being killed] will not live [with God eternally] [MET], but people who [confess that they believe in] me and, [as a result are] killed, will live [with God eternally] [MET].”
40 Celui qui vous reçoit, me reçoit; et celui qui me reçoit, reçoit celui qui m'a envoyé.
“[God considers that] everyone who welcomes you, welcomes me [SIM], and [he considers that] everyone who welcomes me welcomes [him], the one who sent me [SIM].
41 Celui qui reçoit un Prophète en qualité de Prophète, recevra la récompense d'un Prophète; et celui qui reçoit un juste en qualité de juste, recevra la récompense d'un juste.
Those who welcome [someone because] [MTY] [they know] that person is a prophet they will receive the [same] reward that prophets [receive from God. Likewise], those who welcome a person [because] [MTY] [they know] that person is righteous will receive the reward righteous people [receive from God].
42 Et quiconque aura donné à boire seulement un verre d'eau froide à un de ces petits en qualité de Disciple, je vous dis en vérité, qu'il ne perdra point sa récompense.
[Note this: ] people [see that you are thirsty] [MTY] [and] give you a drink of cold water because they know that [MTY] you are one of my disciples. [God] will certainly reward people who do that. [They might consider that what they did] is insignificant, [but God will consider it very significant]” [LIT].

< Matthieu 10 >