< Jacques 4 >

1 D'où viennent parmi vous les disputes et les querelles? n'est-ce point de vos voluptés, qui combattent dans vos membres?
Now I will tell you why you are fighting among yourselves and quarreling with each other [RHQ]. It is [RHQ] because each of you wants to do evil things [PRS]. You keep on wanting to do things that are not [what God wants you to do].
2 Vous convoitez, et vous n'avez point [ce que vous désirez]; vous avez une envie mortelle, vous êtes jaloux, et vous ne pouvez obtenir [ce que vous enviez]; vous vous querellez, et vous disputez, et vous n'avez point [ce que vous désirez], parce que vous ne le demandez point.
There are things that you [very much] desire to have, but you do not get [those things, so] you [want to] kill [HYP] [those who hinder you from getting them]. You desire what [other people have], but you are unable to get [what you desire, so] you quarrel and fight [with one another] [HYP]. You do not have [what you desire] because you do not ask [God for it].
3 Vous demandez, et vous ne recevez point; parce que vous demandez mal, [et] afin de l'employer dans vos voluptés.
[And even when] you do ask [him], he does not give you [what you ask for] because you are asking for the wrong reason. [You are asking for things] in order that you may use them just to (enjoy yourselves/make yourselves happy).
4 Hommes et femmes adultères, ne savez-vous pas que l'amitié du monde est inimitié contre Dieu? celui donc qui voudra être ami du monde, se rend ennemi de Dieu.
[Like] a woman who is unfaithful to her husband, you [are being unfaithful to God and not obeying him any more] [MET]. Those who are behaving as evil people do [MTY] (OR, Those who love [the evil pleasures of] this world) are hostile toward God. Perhaps you do not realize that [RHQ]. So those who decide to act as evil people do [MTY] become enemies of God.
5 Pensez-vous que l'Ecriture parle en vain; l'Esprit qui a habité en nous, vous inspire-t-il l'envie?
(Surely you remember that [God told us in] the Scriptures that he eagerly desires that his Spirit, who lives in us, will help us to love [God] only!/Do you think that it is for no reason that [God told us in] the Scriptures that he strongly desires that his Spirit, who lives in us, will help us to love [God] only?) [RHQ] God has a reason for desiring that.
6 Il vous donne au contraire une plus grande grâce; c'est pourquoi [l'Ecriture] dit: Dieu résiste aux orgueilleux, mais il fait grâce aux humbles.
[It is because] he is kind [to us and he] wants very much to help us. That is why (someone said/[King Solomon] wrote) [in the Scriptures], “God opposes those who are proud, but he helps those who are humble.”
7 Soumettez-vous donc à Dieu. Résistez au Démon, et il s'enfuira de vous.
So submit yourselves to God. (Resist the devil/Refuse to do what the devil wants), and [as a result] he will run away from you.
8 Approchez-vous de Dieu, et il s'approchera de vous; pécheurs, nettoyez vos mains; et vous qui êtes doubles de cœur, purifiez vos cœurs.
Come near [spiritually] to God, and [as a result] he will come near to you. You who are sinners, stop doing what is wrong, and do only what is good [SYN, MET]. You who cannot decide [whether you will] ([commit yourselves to God/obey God completely]), stop thinking wrong thoughts, and think only pure thoughts [MTY].
9 Sentez vos misères, et lamentez, et pleurez; que votre ris se change en pleurs, et votre joie en tristesse.
Be sorrowful and weep/mourn [DOU] [because of the wrong things that you have done]. Do not laugh [DOU], ([enjoying only what you selfishly/enjoying only what you yourselves]) [desire]. Instead, be sad [because you have done what is wrong].
10 Humiliez-vous en la présence du Seigneur, et il vous élèvera.
Humble yourselves before the Lord, and [as a result] he will honor you.
11 Mes frères ne médisez point les uns des autres; celui qui médit de son frère, et qui condamne son frère, médit de la Loi, et condamne la Loi; or si tu condamnes la Loi, tu n'es point l'observateur de la Loi, mais le juge.
My fellow believers, stop saying evil things about one another, [because] those who say something evil about a fellow believer and [are therefore] condemning [one who is like] a brother [to them] are really speaking against the law [that God gave us to obey]. [In this law, God commanded] [MTY] [us to love others], and those who say evil things about fellow believers, [it is as though] they are saying that we do not have to do what [God] commanded. If you [(sg)] say that you do not have to do what God commanded, you [(sg)] are not obeying God’s law. Instead, you [(sg)] are claiming that you [have the authority] to condemn [others].
12 Il n'y a qu'un seul Législateur, qui peut sauver et qui peut perdre; [mais] toi qui es-tu, qui condamnes les autres?
[But in fact], there is only one who [has the authority to] tell [people] what is right to do and to condemn [them, and that is God]. He alone is able to save [people] or to destroy people. [So], (you [(sg)] certainly have no right to decide how God should punish other people./who are you to decide how God should punish other people?) [RHQ]
13 Or maintenant, vous qui dites: Allons aujourd'hui ou demain en une telle ville, et demeurons là un an, et y trafiquons et gagnons;
[Some of you] are [arrogantly] saying, “Today or tomorrow we will go to a certain city. We will spend a year there and we will buy and sell things and earn a lot of money.” Now, you listen to me!
14 (Qui toutefois ne savez pas ce qui arrivera le lendemain car qu'est-ce que votre vie? ce n'est certes qu'une vapeur qui parait pour un peu de temps, et qui ensuite s'évanouit; )
[You should not talk like that, because] you do not know what will happen tomorrow, and you do not know [how long] you will live! Your life [is short] [MET], [like] a mist that appears for a short time and then disappears.
15 Au lieu que vous deviez dire: si le Seigneur le veut, et si nous vivons, nous ferons ceci, ou cela.
Instead of [what you are saying], you should say, “If the Lord wills/desires, we will live and do this or that.”
16 Mais maintenant vous vous vantez en vos pensées orgueilleuses; toute vanterie de cette nature est mauvaise.
But what you are doing is boasting about all the things that you arrogantly [plan to do]. Your boasting like that is evil.
17 Il y a donc du péché en celui qui sait faire le bien, et qui ne le fait pas.
So if anyone knows the right thing that he should do, [but] he does not do it, he is sinning.

< Jacques 4 >