< Isaïe 57 >
1 Le juste est mort, et il n'y a personne qui y prenne garde; et les gens de bien sont recueillis, sans qu'on y soit attentif, [sans qu'on considère] que le juste a été recueilli de devant le mal.
Righteous people [sometimes] die [when they are still young], and no one is concerned about it. Godly people [sometimes] die because of disasters, and no one understands why. They are taken away in order that they will not endure more calamities,
2 Il entrera en paix, ils se reposent dans leurs sépulcres, [savoir] quiconque aura marché devant lui.
and now they have peace. They [continually] lived righteously, and [now] they rest [peacefully] in their graves.
3 Mais vous enfants de la devineresse, race adultère, et qui paillardez, approchez ici.
[Yahweh says, ] “But you who practice sorcery, come here! You who worship idols [MET], [listen to me]!
4 De qui vous êtes-vous moqués? contre qui avez-vous ouvert la bouche, [et] tiré la langue? n'êtes-vous pas des enfants prévaricateurs, et une fausse race?
Do you realize [RHQ] whom you are ridiculing, and whom you are insulting? Do you realize [RHQ] to whom you are sticking out your tongues? [You are insulting me, Yahweh]! You are [RHQ] always rebelling against me and always lying.
5 Qui vous échauffez après les chênes, [et] sous tout arbre vert; et qui égorgez les enfants dans les vallées, sous les quartiers des rochers.
You are eager to have sex under every [big] green tree where you worship your gods. You kill your children as sacrifices [to your idols] in the dry riverbeds, and [also] offer them [as sacrifices to your idols] in the rocky caves.
6 Ta portion est dans les pierres polies des torrents; ce sont elles, ce sont elles, qui sont ton lot; tu leur as aussi répandu ton aspersion, tu leur as offert des offrandes; pourrai-je être content de ces choses?
[You take big] smooth stones from the riverbeds and worship them as your gods. You pour out [wine] to be an offering to them, and you bring grain [to burn for] an offering to them. Do you think that I should not punish you for doing all those things?
7 Tu as mis ton lit sur les montagnes hautes et élevées, même tu y es montée pour faire des sacrifices.
You have sex [EUP] [with cult prostitutes] on every hill and mountain, and you go there to offer sacrifices [to your gods].
8 Et tu as mis derrière la porte et [derrière] le poteau ton mémorial, car tu t'es découverte loin de moi, et tu es montée, tu as élargi ton lit, et tu te l'es taillé [plus grand] que n'ont fait ceux-là; tu as aimé leur lit, tu as pris garde aux belles places.
You have put (fetishes/pagan symbols) behind your doors and doorposts, and you have deserted me. You have taken off your clothes [EUP] and climbed into your bed and invited more [of your lovers] to come to bed with you. You have paid them to have sex with you, and you have fondled their sexual organs.
9 Tu as voyagé vers le Roi avec des onguents précieux, et tu as ajouté parfums sur parfums; tu as envoyé tes ambassades bien loin, et tu t'es abaissée jusqu'aux enfers. (Sheol )
You have given [fragrant] oil and lots of perfume to your god Molech, and you sent messengers to distant countries [to find other gods to worship]; you [even tried to] send [messengers] to the place of the dead [to search for new gods]. (Sheol )
10 Tu t'es travaillée dans la longueur de ton chemin, et tu n'as point dit; c'en est fait. Tu as trouvé la vigueur de ta main, et à cause de cela tu n'as point été languissante.
You became weary because of doing all those things, but you never said, ‘It is useless [for us to do that].’ You found new strength for worshiping idols, so you continued to do that [LIT].
11 Et de qui as-tu eu peur, qui as-tu craint, que tu m'aies menti, et que tu ne te sois point souvenue de moi, [et] que tu ne t'en sois point souciée? Est-ce que je me suis tu; même de si longtemps, que tu ne m'aies point craint?
Was it because you were afraid [of those idols more than you were afraid of me] that you lied [about what you were doing], and you do not even think about [DOU, RHQ] me? Was it because I did not punish you for a long time that you are not afraid of me [RHQ]?
12 Je déclarerai ta justice et tes œuvres, qui ne te profiteront point.
You [think that] [IRO] the things that you have done are right, but I will tell the truth. It will not help you to do any of those things.
13 Que ceux que tu assembles te délivrent, quand tu crieras; mais le vent les enlèvera tous, la vanité les emportera; mais celui qui se retire vers moi héritera la terre, et possédera la montagne de ma sainteté.
When you cry out [for help] to your collection of idols, they will not rescue you. The wind will blow them away [DOU]. But those who trust in me will live in the land [of Israel], and [they will worship me on Zion], my sacred hill.”
14 Et on dira; relevez, relevez, préparez les chemins, ôtez les empêchements loin du chemin de mon peuple.
Yahweh will say, “Prepare [yourselves to receive] me, [like] [MET] people build and prepare a road [for a king to come on]. Get rid of [the things that are causing you to sin] [like] [MET] people remove from a road (obstacles/things that cause people to stumble).
15 Car ainsi a dit celui qui est haut et élevé, qui habite dans l'éternité et duquel le nom est le Saint; j'habiterai dans le lieu haut et Saint, et avec celui qui a [le cœur] brisé, et qui est humble d'esprit, afin de vivifier l'esprit des humbles, et afin de vivifier ceux qui ont le cœur brisé.
Because this is what [I], Yahweh, who am holy and greatly honored and who live forever, say: I live in the highest heaven, where [everything] is holy, but I also am with those who are humble and who are sorry for the sinful things that they have done. I will greatly encourage [DOU] those who have repented.
16 Parce que je ne débattrai point à toujours, et que je ne serai point indigné à jamais; car c'est de par moi que l'esprit se revêt, et c'est moi qui ai fait les âmes.
I will not accuse [people] forever; I will not always be angry [with them], because [if I did that], people would become weak/discouraged; all the people whom I created and caused to live would die.
17 A cause de l'iniquité de son gain déshonnête j'ai été indigné, et je l'ai frappé; j'ai caché [ma face], et j'ai été indigné; mais le revêche s'en est allé, [et a suivi] la voie de son cœur.
I was angry [with my people] because they sinned by wanting the things that others had. So because I was angry, I punished them and turned away from them, but they continued sinning.
18 J'ai vu ses voies, et toutefois je l'ai guéri; je l'ai ramené, et je lui ai rendu ses consolations, [savoir], à ceux d'entre eux qui mènent deuil.
I have seen the evil things that they continually do, but I will restore them and lead them. I will encourage/comfort them. And to those who are mourning,
19 Je crée ce qui est proféré par les lèvres; paix, paix à celui qui est loin, et à celui qui est près, a dit l'Eternel, car je le guérirai.
I will enable them to sing songs to praise me. I will restore [all my people], those who live near [Jerusalem] and those who live far away, and I will cause things to go well for them.
20 Mais les méchants sont comme la mer qui est dans la tourmente, quand elle ne se peut apaiser; et ses eaux jettent de la bourbe et du limon.
Wicked [people do not have peace in their inner beings]; they are like [SIM] a sea [whose waves are] always churning up mud,
21 Il n'y a point de paix pour les méchants, a dit mon Dieu.
and [I], Yahweh, say that things will never (go well/be peaceful) for those who are evil.”