< Actes 15 >

1 Or quelques-uns qui étaient descendus de Judée, enseignaient les frères, [en disant]: si vous n'êtes circoncis selon l'usage de Moïse, vous ne pouvez point être sauvés.
[Then] some [Jewish] believers went down from Judea [province] to Antioch. They started teaching the [non-Jewish] believers [there, and said], “[You] ([must] be circumcised/must have God’s mark put on you) [to indicate you belong to God], as Moses [commanded] in the laws that [he received from God]. If you do not do that, you will not be saved {[God] will not save you}.”
2 Sur quoi une grande contestation et une grande dispute s'étant excitée entre Paul et Barnabas et eux, il fut résolu que Paul et Barnabas, et quelques autres d'entre eux, monteraient à Jérusalem vers les Apôtres et les Anciens, pour cette question.
Paul and Barnabas strongly disagreed with those Jews and started arguing [with them. So the believers at Antioch] appointed Paul and Barnabas and some of the other believers to go to Jerusalem, in order that they would/could discuss this matter with the apostles and [other spiritual] leaders.
3 Eux donc étant envoyés de la part de l'Eglise, traversèrent la Phénicie et la Samarie, racontant la conversion des Gentils; et ils causèrent une grande joie à tous les frères.
After Paul, Barnabas, and the others were given things for their trip by the congregation [at Antioch] {After the congregation [at Antioch] gave Paul, Barnabas, and the others things for their trip}, they traveled through Phoenicia and Samaria [provinces. When they stopped at different places in those provinces], they reported [to the believers] that [many] non-Jews [in Antioch] had become believers. As a result, all the believers [in those places] rejoiced greatly.
4 Et étant arrivés à Jérusalem, ils furent reçus de l'Eglise, et des Apôtres, et des Anciens, et ils racontèrent toutes les choses que Dieu avait faites par leur moyen.
And when Paul, Barnabas, and the others arrived in Jerusalem, they were welcomed by the apostles, the [other] elders, and the [other members of the] congregation [there] {the apostles, the [other] elders, and the [other members of the] congregation [there] welcomed them}. Then Paul and Barnabas reported the things that God had enabled them to do [among non-Jewish people].
5 Mais quelques-uns, [disaient-ils], de la secte des Pharisiens qui ont cru, se sont levés, disant qu'il les faut circoncire, et leur commander de garder la Loi de Moïse.
But some of the [Jewish] believers who belonged to the Pharisee sect stood up [among the other believers and] said to them, “The non-Jews [who have believed in Jesus] must be circumcised, and they must be told to obey the laws [that God gave to] Moses.”
6 Alors les Apôtres et les Anciens s'assemblèrent pour examiner cette affaire.
Then the apostles and [the other] elders met together in order to talk about this matter.
7 Et après une grande discussion Pierre se leva, et leur dit: hommes frères, vous savez que depuis longtemps Dieu [m']a choisi entre nous, afin que les Gentils ouïssent par ma bouche la parole de l'Evangile, et qu'ils crussent.
After they had discussed it for a long time, Peter stood up and spoke to them. He said, “Fellow believers, you [all] know that a long time ago God chose me from among you [other apostles, in order that] the non-Jewish people might [also] hear me [SYN] tell [them] the good message [about the Lord Jesus], so that they could hear [it] and believe [in him. So Paul and Barnabas are not the first ones to tell non-Jews about Jesus].
8 Et Dieu, qui connaît les cœurs, leur a rendu témoignage, en leur donnant le Saint-Esprit, de même qu'à nous.
God knows [and judges] people according to what they think, [not according to who their ancestors were]. By sending the Holy Spirit to [the non-Jews], just like [he had] also done for us [(inc)] Jews, he showed [me and others] that he had accepted them [also to be his people].
9 Et il n'a point fait de différence entre nous et eux: ayant purifié leurs cœurs par la foi.
[God] saved us [Jews] and those [non-Jews] similarly, making them clean spiritually simply as a result of their believing [in the Lord Jesus. That was exactly how he has forgiven us].
10 Maintenant donc pourquoi tentez-vous Dieu en voulant imposer aux disciples un joug que ni nos pères ni nous n'avons pu porter?
[You are wanting to force the non-Jewish believers to obey our Jewish rituals and laws]—laws that God has shown that he does not require them to obey [MET]. [Your doing that is like] putting a heavy burden on them! So then, (stop making God angry by doing that!/why are you making God angry by doing that?) [RHQ] Our ancestors and we [(inc) Jews] have never been able to bear [the burden of obeying those laws]!
11 Mais nous croyons que nous serons sauvés par la grâce du Seigneur Jésus-Christ, comme eux aussi.
But we [(inc) know that it is not because] we [(inc) try to obey those laws that God saves us(inc) Jews. On the contrary], we [(inc)] know that it is because of what the Lord Jesus did for us [(inc)] that we did not deserve that we [(inc)] are saved {that [God] saves us} [from the guilt of our sins. God saves non-Jews who believe in the Lord Jesus] exactly like [he saves] us Jews.”
12 Alors toute l'assemblée se tut; et ils écoutaient Barnabas et Paul, qui racontaient quels prodiges et quelles merveilles Dieu avait faits par leur moyen entre les Gentils.
All the people [there] became silent [after Peter had spoken]. Then they [all] listened to Barnabas and Paul, [as the two of] them told about the many great miracles that God had enabled them to do among the non-Jewish people, [miracles that showed that God had accepted the non-Jews].
13 Et après qu'ils se furent tus, Jacques prit la parole, et dit: hommes frères, écoutez-moi!
When Barnabas and Paul had finished speaking, James, [the leader of the group of believers there in Jerusalem], spoke to all of them. [He said], “Fellow believers, listen to me.
14 Simon a raconté comment Dieu a premièrement regardé les Gentils pour en tirer un peuple consacré à son Nom.
Simon [Peter] has told you how God previously blessed the non-Jews. God did that by choosing from among them a people who would belong to him [MTY].
15 Et c'est à cela que s'accordent les paroles des Prophètes, selon qu'il est écrit:
[These] words that [God spoke], words that were written by [one of] the prophets {that one of the prophets wrote} [long ago], agree with that:
16 Après cela je retournerai et rebâtirai le Tabernacle de David, qui est tombé, je réparerai ses ruines, et je le relèverai,
Later on I will return and I will re-establish the kingdom [MET] that David [ruled] and that has been {that [people] have} destroyed. My [doing that will be like] rebuilding [a house] that has been {that [people] have} torn down.
17 Afin que le reste des hommes recherche le Seigneur, et toutes les nations aussi sur lesquelles mon Nom est réclamé, dit le Seigneur, qui fait toutes ces choses.
I will do that in order that all other people might seek [me], the Lord [God. I will do that in order that] all the non-Jews whom I have called [to belong] to me [MTY] might seek me. [You can be certain that this will happen because I] the Lord [God], who will do those things, have spoken [these words].
18 De tout temps sont connues à Dieu toutes ses œuvres. (aiōn g165)
I [caused my people to know about them] long ago.” (aiōn g165)
19 C'est pourquoi je suis d'avis de ne point inquiéter ceux des Gentils qui se convertissent à Dieu;
[James continued by saying], “Therefore I have decided [that we(inc)] should stop bothering the non-Jewish people who are turning [away from their sins and turning] to God. [That is, we should stop demanding that they obey] all [our laws] and rituals.
20 Mais de leur écrire qu'ils aient à s'abstenir des souillures des idoles et de la fornication et des bêtes étouffées, et du sang.
Instead, we should write [a letter] to them [requiring only four things: They should] not eat [meat/food that people] have offered to idols, they should not have sex with someone to whom they are not married, they should not [eat meat from animals that have been killed by] being strangled {[people have strangled]}, and [they should not eat] the blood [of animals].
21 Car quant à Moïse, il y a de [toute] ancienneté dans chaque ville des gens gui le prêchent, vu qu'il est lu dans les Synagogues chaque jour de Sabbat.
In many cities, for a very long time people have been proclaiming [the laws that] Moses [wrote] [MTY], [laws prohibiting those things]. And every (Sabbath/Jewish day of rest) [those laws] are read {someone reads [those laws]} in the Jewish meeting places. [So if the non-Jews want to know more about those laws, they can find out in our meeting houses].”
22 Alors il sembla bon aux Apôtres et aux Anciens avec toute l'Eglise, d'envoyer à Antioche avec Paul et Barnabas des hommes choisis entre eux, savoir Judas, surnommé Barsabas et Silas, qui étaient des principaux entre les frères.
The apostles and the [other] elders, along with all the [other] members of the congregation, accepted [what James had said]. Then they decided that they should choose men from among themselves and that they should send them, along with Paul and Barnabas, to Antioch, to [let the believers there know what the leaders] at Jerusalem had decided. So they chose Judas, who was also called Barsabbas, and Silas, who were leaders among the believers [at Jerusalem].
23 Et ils écrivirent par eux en ces termes: Les Apôtres, et les Anciens, et les frères, aux frères d'entre les Gentils à Antioche, et en Syrie, et en Cilicie, salut.
Then they wrote the following letter [that they asked Judas and Silas to take to the believers at Antioch]: “[We(exc)] apostles and [other] leaders who are your fellow believers [send our greetings to you as we write this to you] non-Jewish believers [who live] in Antioch and [other places in] Syria and Cilicia [provinces].
24 Parce que nous avons entendu que quelques-uns étant partis d'entre nous, vous ont troublés par certains discours, agitant vos âmes, en vous commandant d'être circoncis, et de garder la Loi, sans que nous leur en eussions donné aucun ordre;
People have told us that some men from among us went [to you], although we had not told [them to do that]. They troubled/distressed you [SYN] [by telling you things] that confused your thinking.
25 Nous avons été d'avis, étant assemblés tous d'un commun accord, d'envoyer vers vous, avec nos très chers Barnabas et Paul, des hommes que nous avons choisis;
So [while we(exc) met together here], we decided to choose some men and ask them to go to you, along with Barnabas and Paul, whom we [(exc)] love very much.
26 Et qui sont des hommes qui ont abandonné leurs vies pour le Nom de notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ.
Those two have put their lives in danger because of their [serving] our Lord [MTY] Jesus Christ.
27 Nous avons donc envoyé Judas et Silas, qui vous feront entendre les mêmes choses de bouche.
We [(exc) have also chosen] Judas and Silas to go to you. They will tell you the same things [that we are writing].
28 Car il a semblé bon au Saint-Esprit et à nous, de ne mettre point de plus grande charge sur vous que ces choses-ci, [qui sont] nécessaires;
The Holy Spirit and [also] we decided that you should not be required {that we should not require you} to obey a lot of burdensome [Jewish] laws. Instead, [we] only [require you to obey] the following instructions,
29 [Savoir], que vous vous absteniez des choses sacrifiées aux idoles, et du sang, et des bêtes étouffées, et de la fornication; desquelles choses si vous vous gardez, vous ferez bien. Bien vous soit!
You should not eat food that people have sacrificed to idols. You should not eat blood from animals, and you should not eat meat from animals that people have killed by strangling them. Also, you should not have sex with someone to whom you are not married. Those things [especially offend Jewish believers. So if] you avoid doing them, you will be doing what is right. That is all.”
30 Après avoir donc pris congé, ils vinrent à Antioche, et ayant assemblé l'Eglise, ils rendirent les Lettres.
The [four] men whom [they] had chosen went [from Jerusalem] to Antioch [city. When] all the believers [there] had assembled together, [Judas and Silas] gave the letter to them.
31 Et quand [ceux d'Antioche] les eurent lues, ils furent réjouis par la consolation [qu'elles leur donnèrent].
When the believers there read the letter, they rejoiced, [because its message] encouraged them.
32 De même Judas et Silas, qui étaient aussi Prophètes, exhortèrent les frères par plusieurs discours, et les fortifièrent.
[Just like Paul and Barnabas were] ([prophets/men who spoke messages from God]), Judas and Silas were also prophets. They spoke for a long time and encouraged the believers [there], and helped them to trust more strongly [in the Lord Jesus].
33 Et après avoir demeuré là quelque temps, ils furent renvoyés en paix par les frères vers les Apôtres.
After [Judas and Silas] had stayed in Antioch for some time [and were ready to return to Jerusalem], the believers [there] wished them well, and the believers [prayed that God] would protect [them as they traveled. So the two men] started to go back to the leaders [in Jerusalem] who had asked them to go [to Antioch].
34 Mais il sembla bon à Silas de demeurer là.
35 Et Paul et Barnabas demeurèrent aussi à Antioche, enseignant et annonçant, avec plusieurs autres, la parole du Seigneur.
However, Paul and Barnabas continued to stay in Antioch. [While they were there], they, along with many others, were teaching [people] and preaching to them the message about the Lord [Jesus].
36 Et quelques jours après, Paul dit à Barnabas: retournons-nous-en, et visitons nos frères par toutes les villes où nous avons annoncé la parole du Seigneur, pour voir quel est leur état.
After some time Paul said to Barnabas, “Let’s go back and visit the fellow believers in every city where we [previously] proclaimed the message about the Lord [Jesus. In that way, we will know] how [well] they are continuing [to believe in the Lord Jesus].”
37 Or Barnabas conseillait de prendre avec eux Jean, surnommé Marc.
Barnabas [agreed with Paul, and said that he] wanted to take John, whose other name was Mark, along with them [again].
38 Mais il ne semblait pas raisonnable à Paul, que celui qui s'était séparé d'eux dès la Pamphylie, et qui n'était point allé avec eux pour cette œuvre-là, leur fût adjoint
However, Paul [told Barnabas that he] thought that it would not be good to take Mark [with them, because] Mark had deserted them when they were previously in Pamphylia [region], and had not continued to work with them.
39 Sur quoi il y eut entre eux une contestation qui fit qu'ils se séparèrent l'un de l'autre, et que Barnabas prenant Marc, navigua en Cypre.
Paul and Barnabas strongly disagreed [with each other about that], so they separated. Barnabas took Mark [along with him and they got] on a ship and went to Cyprus.
40 Mais Paul ayant choisi Silas pour l'accompagner, partit de là, après avoir été recommandé à la grâce de Dieu par les frères.
Paul chose Silas, [who had returned to Antioch, to work with him]. The believers [there] asked the Lord [God] to graciously help [Paul and Silas. Then] the two of them departed [from Antioch].
41 Et il traversa la Syrie et la Cilicie, fortifiant les Eglises.
Paul continued traveling [with Silas] through Syria and Cilicia [provinces]. In those places he was helping the congregations to trust strongly [in the Lord Jesus].

< Actes 15 >