< 2 Rois 19 >
1 Et il arriva que dès que le Roi Ezéchias eut entendu ces choses, il déchira ses vêtements, et se couvrit d'un sac, et entra dans la maison de l'Eternel.
When King Hezekiah heard what they reported, he tore his clothes and put on clothes made of rough cloth [because he was very distressed]. Then he went to the temple [to ask God what to do].
2 Puis il envoya Eliakim, Maître d'hôtel, et Sebna le Secrétaire, et les anciens d'entre les Sacrificateurs, couverts de sacs, vers Esaïe le Prophète fils d'Amots.
He summoned Eliakim and Shebna and the (older/most important) priests, who were also wearing clothes made of rough sackcloth, and told them to talk to me.
3 Et ils lui dirent: Ainsi a dit Ezéchias: Ce jour est un jour d'angoisse, et de répréhension, et de blasphème; car les enfants sont venus jusqu'à l'ouverture de la matrice, mais il n'y a point de force pour enfanter.
He said to them, “Tell this to Isaiah: ‘King Hezekiah says that we are having great distress/trouble now. [Other nations are causing] us to be insulted and disgraced. We are like [MET] a woman who is about to give birth to a child, but she does not have the strength that she needs to do it.
4 Peut-être que l'Eternel ton Dieu aura entendu toutes les paroles de Rab-saké, que le Roi des Assyriens son Maître a envoyé pour blasphémer le Dieu vivant, et pour l'outrager par les paroles que l'Eternel ton Dieu a entendues; fais donc une prière pour le reste qui se trouve encore.
Perhaps Yahweh your God has heard everything that the official from Assyria said. Perhaps he knows that his boss/master, the king of Assyria, sent him to insult the all-powerful God, and that Yahweh will rebuke/punish him for what he said.’ And he requests that you pray for the few of us who are still alive [here in Jerusalem].”
5 Les serviteurs donc du Roi Ezéchias vinrent vers Esaïe.
When the messengers from Hezekiah came to Isaiah,
6 Et Esaïe leur dit, vous direz ainsi à votre Maître: Ainsi a dit l'Eternel: Ne crains point pour les paroles que tu as entendues, par lesquelles les serviteurs du Roi des Assyriens m'ont blasphémé.
Isaiah said to them, “[Go back to] your boss/master [and] tell him, ‘This is what Yahweh says: Those messengers from the king of Assyria have said evil things about me. But you should not be disturbed because of what they said.
7 Voici, je m'en vais mettre en lui un tel esprit, qu'ayant entendu un certain bruit, il retournera en son pays, et je le ferai tomber par l'épée dans son pays.
Listen to this: I will cause Sennacherib to hear a rumor that will worry him, [that a foreign army is about to attack his country]. So he will return to his own country, and there I will cause him to be assassinated by [men using] swords.’”
8 Or quand Rab-saké s'en fut retourné, il alla trouver le Roi des Assyriens qui battait Libna; car il avait appris qu'il était parti de Lakis.
The official from Assyria found out that the King of Assyria [and his army] had left Lachish [city], and that they were attacking Libnah, [which is a nearby city]. So the official went there [to report to him what had happened in Jerusalem].
9 Le [Roi] donc [des Assyriens] eut des nouvelles touchant Tirhaca Roi d'Ethiopie: Voilà, [lui disait-on], il est sorti pour te combattre. C'est pourquoi il s'en retourna, mais il envoya des messagers à Ezéchias, en leur disant:
Soon after that, King Sennacherib received a report that King Tirhakah of Ethiopia was leading his army, and was coming to attack them. So before King Sennacherib left Libnah [to fight against the army from Ethiopia], he sent other messengers to King Hezekiah with a letter.
10 Vous parlerez ainsi à Ezéchias Roi de Juda, et lui direz: Que ton Dieu, en qui tu te confies, ne t'abuse point en te disant: Jérusalem ne sera point livrée entre les mains du Roi des Assyriens.
[In the letter] he wrote this to Hezekiah: “Do not allow your god on whom you are relying to deceive you by promising that [the city of] Jerusalem will not be captured by my army [MTY].
11 Voilà, tu as entendu ce que les Rois des Assyriens ont fait à tous les pays en les détruisant entièrement; et tu échapperais?
You have certainly heard what the armies of the kings of Assyria have done to all the other countries. Our armies have completely destroyed them. So, (do you think that you will escape?/do not think that your god will save you!) [RHQ]
12 Les dieux des nations que mes ancêtres ont détruites, [savoir] de Gozan, de Caran, de Retseph, et des enfants d'Héden, qui sont en Thélasar, les ont-ils délivrées?
Did the gods of the nations that were about to be destroyed by the armies of the previous kings of Assyria rescue them? Did those gods rescue the people in the Gozan region and in Haran and Rezeph [cities in northern Syria] and the people of Eden who had been (deported/forced to go) to Tel-Assar [city]? None of the gods of those cities were able to rescue them.
13 Où est le Roi de Hamath, le Roi d'Arpad, et le Roi de la ville de Sépharvajim, Hanath, et Hiwah?
What happened to the kings of Hamath and Arpad and Sepharvaim and Ivvah [cities] [RHQ]? [Most of them are dead, and the other people were deported]!”
14 Et quand Ezéchias eut reçu les Lettres de la main des messagers, et les eut lues, il monta dans la maison de l'Eternel, et Ezéchias les déploya devant l'Eternel.
Hezekiah took the letter that the messengers gave him, and he read it. Then he went up to the temple and spread out the letter in front of Yahweh.
15 Puis Ezéchias fit sa prière devant l'Eternel, et dit: Ô Eternel Dieu d'Israël! qui es assis entre les Chérubins, toi seul es le Dieu de tous les Royaumes de la terre; tu as fait les cieux et la terre.
Then Hezekiah prayed, “Yahweh, the God whom to whom we Israelis belong, you are seated on your throne above the [statues of] creatures with wings, [above the Sacred Chest]. Only you are truly God. You rule all the kingdoms on this earth. You are the one who created [everything on] the earth and [in] the sky.
16 Ô Eternel! incline ton oreille, et écoute; ouvre tes yeux, et regarde; et écoute les paroles de Sanchérib, [et] de celui qu'il a envoyé pour blasphémer le Dieu vivant.
So, Yahweh, please listen to what I am saying, and look [at what is happening]. And listen to what King Sennacherib has said to insult you, the all-powerful God.
17 Il est vrai, ô Eternel! que les Rois des Assyriens ont détruit ces nations-là, et leurs pays;
“Yahweh, it is true that [the armies of] the kings of Assyria have completely destroyed many nations, and ruined their land.
18 Et qu'ils ont jeté qu feu leurs dieux, car ce n'étaient point des dieux, mais des ouvrages de main d'homme, du bois, et de la pierre, c'est pourquoi ils les ont détruits.
And they have thrown the idols of those nations into fires and burned them. But [that was not difficult to do, because] they were not gods. They were only statues made of wood and stone, idols that were shaped by humans, [and that is why they were destroyed easily].
19 Maintenant donc, ô Eternel notre Dieu! je te prie, délivre-nous de la main de Sanchérib, afin que tous les Royaumes de la terre sachent que c'est toi, ô Eternel! qui es le seul Dieu.
So now, Yahweh our God, please rescue us from the power [MTY] [of the king of Assyria], in order that the people in all the kingdoms of the world will know that you, Yahweh, are the only one who is truly God.”
20 Alors Esaïe fils d'Amots, envoya vers Ezéchias, pour lui dire: Ainsi a dit l'Eternel le Dieu d'Israël: Je t'ai exaucé dans ce que tu m'as demandé touchant Sanchérib Roi des Assyriens.
Then Isaiah sent this message to Hezekiah: “This is what Yahweh, the God to whom we Israelis belong, says: 'I have heard what you prayed to me about Sennacherib, the king of Assyria.
21 [C'est] ici la parole que l'Eternel a prononcée contre lui. La vierge fille de Sion t'a méprisé, et s'est moquée de toi; la fille de Jérusalem a hoché la tête après toi.
This is what I say to him: “The people of Jerusalem [MTY] despise you and make fun of you. They wag/shake their heads to mock you while you flee from here.
22 Qui as-tu outragé et blasphémé? contre qui as-tu élevé la voix, et levé les yeux en haut? c'est contre le Saint d'Israël.
Who do you think that you are despising and ridiculing? Who do you think you were shouting at? Who do you think you were looking at very proudly/arrogantly? It was I, the holy God whom the Israelis worship.
23 Tu as outragé le Seigneur par le moyen de tes messagers, et tu as dit: Avec la multitude de mes chariots je suis monté tout au haut des montagnes aux côtés du Liban; je couperai les plus hauts cèdres, et les plus beaux sapins qui y soient, et j'entrerai dans les logis qui sont à ses bouts, et dans la forêt de son Carmel.
The messengers that you sent made fun of me. You said, 'With my many chariots I have gone to the highest mountains, even to the highest mountains in Lebanon. We have cut down its tallest cedar trees and its nicest pine/cyprus trees. We have been to the most distant/remote peaks and to its dense forests.
24 J'ai creusé des sources après avoir bu les eaux étrangères; et j'ai tari avec la plante de mes pieds tous les ruisseaux des forteresses.
We have dug wells in other countries and drank water from them. And by marching through [MTY] the streams of Egypt, we dried them all up [HYP]!”’
25 N'as-tu pas appris qu'il y a déjà longtemps que j'ai fait cette ville, et qu'anciennement je l'ai ainsi formée? et l'aurais-je maintenant amenée au point d'être réduite en désolation, [et] les villes munies, en monceaux de ruines?
[‘But I reply], “Have you never heard that long ago I determined [that those things would happen]? I planned it long ago, and now I have been causing it to happen. I planned that your army would have [the power to] capture many cities that were surrounded by high walls, and cause them to become piles of rubble.
26 Il est vrai que leurs habitants étant sans force ont été épouvantés, et confus, et qu'ils sont devenus [comme] l'herbe des champs, [comme] l'herbe verte, [et] le foin des toits, et [comme] la moisson qui a été touchée de la brûlure, avant qu elle soit crue en épi.
The people who lived in those cities have no power, and as a result they became dismayed and discouraged. They are as frail as plants and grass in the fields, as frail as grass that grows on the roofs of houses and is scorched by the hot east wind.
27 Mais je sais ta demeure, ta sortie et ton entrée, [et] comment tu es forcené contre moi.
“But I know [everything about you]. I know when you are in your house and when you go outside; I also know that you are (raging/speaking very angrily) against me.
28 Or parce que tu es forcené contre moi, et que ton insolence est montée à mes oreilles, je mettrai ma boucle en tes narines, et mon mors dans tes mâchoires, et je te ferai retourner par le chemin par lequel tu es venu.
So, because you have raged against me, and because I have heard [MTY] you speak very proudly/arrogantly, [it will be as though] I will put a hook in your nose and an iron (bit/piece of metal) in your mouth [in order that I can lead you where I want you to go], and I will force you to return [to your own country] on the same road on which you came here, [without conquering Jerusalem].” '
29 Et ceci te sera pour signe, [ô Ezéchias!] c'est qu'on mangera cette année ce qui viendra de soi-même aux champs; et la seconde année, ce qui croîtra encore sans semer; mais la troisième année, vous sèmerez, et vous moissonnerez; vous planterez des vignes, et vous en mangerez le fruit.
Then Isaiah said to Hezekiah, “This is what will happen to prove [that I am telling the truth]: This year and next year you [and your people] will be able to harvest only (wild grain/grain that grows without having been planted). But the following year, you [Israelis] will be able to plant grain and harvest it, and to plant vineyards and eat the grapes that you harvest.
30 Et ce qui est réchappé et demeuré de reste dans la maison de Juda, étendra sa racine par dessous, et elle produira son fruit par dessus.
The people [MTY] in Judah who remain alive will prosper and have many children; they will be like plants whose roots go deep down into the ground and which produce much [MET].
31 Car de Jérusalem sortira quelque reste, et de la montagne de Sion quelques réchappés; la jalousie de l'Eternel des armées fera cela.
There will be many people in Jerusalem [DOU] who will survive, because Yahweh, the commander of the armies of angels in heaven, wants [PRS] it to happen.
32 C'est pourquoi ainsi a dit l'Eternel touchant le Roi des Assyriens: Il n'entrera point dans cette ville, il n'y jettera même aucune flèche, et il ne se présentera point contr'elle avec le bouclier, et il ne dressera point de terrasse contr'elle.
So this is what Yahweh, says about the king of Assyria: ‘His armies will not enter this city; they will not even shoot any arrows into it! His soldiers will not march outside the city gates carrying shields, and they will not even build high mounds of dirt against [the city walls] [to enable them to attack the city].
33 Il s'en retournera par le chemin par lequel il est venu, et n'entrera point dans cette ville, dit l'Eternel.
Their king will return to his own country on the same road on which he came here. He will not enter this city! [That will happen because] I, Yahweh have said it!
34 Car je garantirai cette ville, afin de la délivrer, pour l'amour de moi, et pour l'amour de David mon serviteur.
I will defend this city and prevent it from being destroyed. I will do this for the sake of my own reputation and because of what I promised to King David, who served me well.'”
35 Il arriva donc cette nuit-là qu'un Ange de l'Eternel sortit, et tua cent quatre-vingt et cinq mille hommes au camp des Assyriens; et quand on se fut levé de bon matin, voilà, c'étaient tous corps morts.
That night, an angel from Yahweh went out to where the army of Assyria had put up their tents, and killed 185,000 of their soldiers! When the rest of their soldiers woke up the next morning, they saw that there were corpses everywhere!
36 Et Sanchérib Roi des Assyriens partit de là, et s'en alla, et s'en retourna, et se tint à Ninive.
Then King Sennacherib left and went home to Nineveh, [the capital of Assyria].
37 Et il arriva, comme il était prosterné dans la maison de Nisroc son Dieu, qu'Adrammélec et Saréetser ses fils le tuèrent avec l'épée, puis ils se sauvèrent au pays d'Ararat; et Esarhaddon son fils régna en sa place.
One day, when he was worshiping in the temple of his god Nisroch, two of his sons, Adrammelech and Sharezer, killed him with their swords. Then they escaped and went to [the] Ararat [region, northwest of Nineveh]. And another of Sennacherib's sons, Esarhaddon, became the king of Assyria.