< Nombres 30 >

1 Et Moïse parla aux chefs des tribus d'Israël, et il leur dit: Voici la chose qu'a prescrite le Seigneur:
And Moses spoke to the heads of the tribes of the children of Israel, saying, This [is] the thing which the Lord has commanded.
2 Quiconque aura fait un vœu au Seigneur, ou aura fait un serment, ou aura fait une promesse touchant sa propre vie, ne souillera pas sa parole; il exécutera ce qui est sorti de sa bouche.
Whatsoever man shall vow a vow to the Lord, or swear an oath, or bind himself with an obligation upon his soul, he shall not break his word; all that shall come out of his mouth he shall do.
3 Si c'est une femme qui a fait un vœu au Seigneur, ou fait une promesse en sa jeunesse dans la maison de son père;
And if a woman shall vow a vow to the Lord, or bind herself with an obligation in her youth in her father's house; and her father should hear her vows and her obligations, wherewith she has bound her soul, and her father should hold his peace at her, then all her vows shall stand,
4 Si son père apprend ce vœu ou cette promesse, et s'il garde le silence, tous ces vœux subsisteront. Tout ce qu'elle aura promis touchant sa vie, demeurera en elle.
and all the obligations with which she has bound her soul, shall remain to her.
5 Mais, si son père lui refuse son consentement, le jour où il aura appris ses vœux ou ses promesses faites touchant sa vie, ces vœux, ces promesses ne subsisteront pas.
But if her father straitly forbid [her] in the day in which he shall hear all her vows and her obligations, which she has contracted upon her soul, they shall not stand; and the Lord shall hold her guiltless, because her father forbade her.
6 Si elle se marie, si elle tombe sous la puissance d'un époux encore chargée de ses vœux ou des promesses de ses lèvres faites touchant sa vie,
But if she should be indeed married, and her vows be upon her according to the utterance of her lips, [the obligations] which she has contracted upon her soul;
7 Et si son mari l'apprend, et s'il garde le silence le jour où il l'aura appris, ces vœux, ces promesses faites touchant sa vie, subsisteront pareillement.
and her husband should hear, and hold his peace at her in the day in which he should hear, then thus shall all her vows be binding, and her obligations, which she has contracted upon her soul shall stand.
8 Mais, si son mari lui refuse son consentement le jour où il aura appris ses vœux ou ses promesses faites touchant sa vie, ni ces vœux, ni ces promesses ne tiendront, parce que son mari lui aura refusé son consentement, et le Seigneur la purifiera.
But if her husband should straitly forbid [her] in the day in which he should hear her, none of her vows or obligations which she has contracted upon her soul shall stand, because her husband has disallowed her, and the Lord shall hold her guiltless.
9 Le vœu d'une veuve ou d'une femme répudiée, la promesse qu'elle aura faite touchant sa vie, demeureront en elle.
And the vow of a widow and of her that is put away, whatever she shall bind upon her soul, shall stand to her.
10 Si le vœu de la femme est fait dans la maison de son mari, et quelle y fasse sous serment une promesse touchant sa vie,
And if her vow [be made] in the house of her husband, or the obligation upon her soul with an oath,
11 Si son mari l'apprend, et s'il garde le silence avec elle, et s'il ne lui refuse pas son consentement, ses vœux, ses promesses faites touchant sa vie, subsisteront contre elle.
and her husband should hear, and hold his peace at her, and not disallow her, then all her vows shall stand, and all the obligations which she contracted against her soul, shall stand against her.
12 Mais, si son époux, le jour où il aura appris ce qui est sorti de ses lèvres, annule ses vœux ou ses promesses touchant sa vie, ces vœux et ces promesses ne subsisteront pas, parce que son époux les aura annulés, et le Seigneur la purifiera.
But if her husband should utterly cancel the vow in the day in which he shall hear it, none of the things which shall proceed out of her lips in her vows, and in the obligations [contracted] upon her soul, shall stand to her; her husband has cancelled them, and the Lord shall hold her guiltless.
13 Tout vœu, tout serment qui la lierait pour affliger sa vie, devra être confirmé par son époux, ou il l'en affranchira.
Every vow, and every binding oath to afflict her soul, her husband shall confirm it to her, or her husband shall cancel it.
14 S'il garde le silence plusieurs jours, il aura confirmé les vœux et les promesses dont elle était chargée; il les aura confirmés pour elle, parce qu'il aura gardé le silence le jour où il les aura appris.
But if he be wholly silent at her from day to day, then shall he bind upon her all her vows; and he shall confirm to her the obligations [which she has bound] upon herself, because he held his peace at her in the day in which he heard her.
15 Mais si l'époux, passé le jour où il les aura appris, les annule, il assumera sur lui le péché,
And if her husband should in any wise cancel [them] after the day in which he heard [them], then he shall bear his iniquity.
16 Telles sont les règles que le Seigneur a prescrites à Moïse entre le mari et la femme, entre le père et ses jeunes filles demeurant en la maison paternelle.
These [are] the ordinances which the Lord commanded Moses, between a man and his wife, and between a father and daughter in [her] youth in the house of [her] father.

< Nombres 30 >