< Juges 8 >

1 Les hommes d'Ephraïm dirent à Gédéon: Pourquoi nous as-tu fait l'injure de ne point nous appeler quand tu marchais pour combattre les Madianites? Et ils lui parlèrent durement.
Then the descendants of Ephraim said to Gideon, “Why have you acted toward us like this? When you went out to fight against the people of Midian, why did you not summon us [to help you]?” They rebuked Gideon severely.
2 Et il leur dit: Qu'ai-je fait maintenant qui égale ce que vous avez fait? Une petite grappe d'Ephraïm ne vaut-t-elle pas mieux que la vendange d'Abiézer?
But Gideon replied, “I have done [RHQ] very little compared with what you have done! My small clan of descendants of Abiezer only started the battle, but [your very large group of] descendants of Ephraim [helped me to finish the task very well. It is like] the final grapes of the harvest being much better than the first grapes that are picked.
3 Le Seigneur a livré à vos mains les chefs de Madian, Oreb et Zeb. Aurais-je pu faire autant que vous? Alors, leur courroux se détourna de lui, quand il leur eut dit cette parole.
God enabled you to defeat Oreb and Zeeb, the generals of the army from Midian. That is [RHQ] much more important than what I did!” After Gideon told them that, they no longer resented what he had done.
4 Ensuite, Gédéon marcha au Jourdain, il le traversa, et les trois cents hommes avec lui; ils étaient affamés, mais ils poursuivaient toujours.
Then Gideon and his 300 men [went east and] crossed the Jordan [River]. Although they were very tired, they continued to pursue their enemies.
5 Et Gédéon dit aux hommes de Socchoth: Donnez-moi des pains pour nourrir le peuple qui me suit, car ils tombent de défaillance; et voilà que je poursuis Zébé et Salmana, rois de Madian.
When they arrived at Succoth [town], Gideon said to the town leaders, “Please give my men some food! They are very tired. We are pursuing Zebah and Zalmunna, the kings of Midian.”
6 Mais les chefs de Socchoth dirent: Est-ce que la main de Zébé et de Salmana est déjà dans ta main, pour que nous donnions des vivres à ta troupe?
But the leaders of Succoth replied, “You have not caught [RHQ] Zebah and Zalmunna yet. So why should we give food to your troops [now? Catch them first, and then we will give you food].”
7 Et Gédéon dit: A cause de votre refus, lorsque le Seigneur aura livré à nos mains Zébé et Salmana, je broierai vos chairs à force de coups d'épines du désert et de Barcenim.
Gideon replied, “[Because you said that], after Yahweh enables us to defeat Zebah and Zalmunna, we will return. And then we will make whips from thorns from the desert, and with them we will rip the flesh off your bones!”
8 De là, il monta en Phanuel, où il leur fit la même demande; les hommes de Phanuel lui répondirent de la même manière que ceux de Socchoth.
From there, Gideon [and his 300 men] went to Peniel and asked for food there, but the people gave him the same answer.
9 Et Gédéon dit aux hommes de Phanuel: A mon retour, après la paix, je démolirai cette tour.
So he said to the men of Peniel, “After I defeat those kings, I will return and tear down this tower!”
10 Or, Zébé et Salmana étaient alors en Carcar; leur camp renfermait environ quinze mille hommes, débris de tout le camp des étrangers; et ceux qui avaient péri n'étaient pas moins de cent vingt mille portant l'épée.
By that time, Zebah and Zalmunna had gone to Karkor [town] with 15,000 troops. They were all that were left of the armies that had come from the east. 120,000 of their men had already been killed.
11 Et Gédéon prit le chemin des ennemis dont les tentes étaient à l'orient de Nabé et de Jégébal, et il attaqua le camp, et le camp était sans méfiance.
Gideon [and his men] went east along the road on which caravans travel. They went past Nobah and Jogbehah [villages] and arrived at the enemy camp by surprise.
12 Et Zébé et Salmana s'étant enfuis, il les poursuivit, il les prit, et frappa d'épouvante l'armée entière.
Zebah and Zalmunna fled, but Gideon’s men pursued them and captured them and all their warriors.
13 Ensuite, Gédéon, fils de Joas, revint de la bataille des hauteurs d'Arès, où il l'avait livrée.
After that, Gideon and his men [took Zebah and Zalmunna with them and] started to return, going through Heres Pass.
14 Et il surprit un jeune garçon des hommes de Socchoth; il le questionna, et il écrivit, d'après lui, les noms des chefs et des anciens de Socchoth: soixante-dix-sept hommes.
There he captured a young man from Succoth, and demanded that he write down the names of all of the leaders in the town. The young man wrote down seventy-seven names.
15 Et Gédéon se rendit auprès des chefs de Socchoth, et il dit: Voici Zébé et Salmana, au sujet desquels vous m'avez outragé, disant: Est-ce que la main de Zébé et de Salmana est dans ta main, pour que nous donnions des vivres à tes hommes défaillants?
Then Gideon and his men returned to Succoth and said to those leaders, “Here are Zebah and Zalmunna. When we were here before, you made fun of me and said ‘You have not [RHQ] caught Zebah and Zalmunna yet! After you catch them, we will give your exhausted men some food.’”
16 Puis, il prit les anciens de la ville; il prit des épines du désert et de Barcenim, et il fit meurtrir de coups avec les épines les hommes de la ville.
Then Gideon’s men took the town leaders and whipped them with whips made from briers from the desert, to teach them [that they deserved to be punished for not giving them any food].
17 Et il démolit la tour de Phanuel, et il tua les hommes de la ville.
Then [they went to] Peniel and tore down the tower, and killed all the men in the town.
18 Et il dit à Zébé et Salmana: Comment étaient les hommes que vous avez tués au mont Thabor? Et ils dirent: Tel nous te voyons, tels ils étaient; ils semblaient des fils des rois.
Then Gideon said to Zebah and Zalmunna, “The men you killed near Tabor [Mountain], what did they look like?” They replied, “They were like you; they all looked like they were sons of a king.”
19 Et Gédéon dit.: C'étaient mes frères, fils de ma mère, vive le Seigneur! Si vous les aviez épargnés, je ne vous ferais point mourir.
Gideon replied, “They were my brothers! Just as surely as Yahweh lives, I would not kill you if you had not killed them.”
20 Puis, il dit à Jéther, son premier-né: Lève-toi, et tue-les. Mais le jeune homme ne tira point son épée, car il avait crainte, parce qu'il était jeune encore.
Then he turned to his oldest son, Jether. He said to him, “Kill them!” But Jether was only a boy, and he was afraid, so he did not pull out his dagger [to kill them].
21 Zébé et Salmana dirent: Lève-toi toi-même, et tombe sur nous, car ta force est celle d'un homme. Gédéon se leva donc, et il tua Zébé et Salmana. Et il prit les croissants qui ornaient le cou de leurs chameaux.
Then Zebah and Zalmunna said to Gideon, “Do not ask a young boy to do the work that a man should do!” So Gideon killed both of them. Then he took the gold ornaments from the necks of their camels.
22 Israël dit alors à Gédéon: Seigneur, règne sur nous, toi et ton fils et le fils de ton fils, parce que tu nous as sauvés des mains de Madian.
Then a group of Israeli men [came to] Gideon and said to him, “You be our ruler! [We want] you and your son and your grandsons [to] be our rulers, because you rescued us from the Midian army.”
23 Mais Gédéon leur dit: Je ne règnerai point sur vous, et mon fils ne règnera point sur vous; le Seigneur règnera sur vous.
But Gideon replied, “No, I will not rule over you, and my son will not rule over you. Yahweh will rule over you.”
24 Et Gédéon ajouta: Je vous ferai une demande: Que chacun me donne, de sa part du butin, les pendants d'oreilles. Ces hommes avaient tous des pendants d'oreilles d'or, parce qu'ils étaient Ismaélites.
Then he said, “I request only one thing. I request that each of you give me one earring from the things you captured after the battle.” [All the men descended from Ishmael wore gold earrings.]
25 Ils répondirent: Nous te les donnerons avec empressement. Aussitôt, il déploya son manteau, et chacun y jeta les pendants d'oreilles de sa part de butin.
They replied, “We will be glad to give earrings to you!” So they spread a cloth [on the ground], and each man threw on it one gold earring that he had taken [from a man he had killed in the battle].
26 Le poids des pendants d'oreilles qu'il avait demandés, fut de dix-sept cents sicles d'or, outre les bossettes, les torsades, les vêtements et les robes de pourpre que portaient les rois de Madian, et les ornements qui entouraient le cou de leurs chameaux.
The weight of all the earrings was (43 pounds/19.4 kg.). That did not include other things [that they gave to Gideon]—the other ornaments or the pendants or the clothes that the kings of Midian wore or the gold chains that were on the necks of their camels.
27 Gédéon en fit un éphod, et il le plaça en Ephratha, sa ville. Et là, tout Israël se prostitua à l'occasion de cet éphod, qui fut une pierre d'achoppement pour Gédéon et pour sa famille.
Gideon made/decorated a sacred vest from the gold, and later he put it in his hometown, Ophrah. But soon the Israeli people started to worship the vest. So it became like a trap [MET] for the people, [causing them to worship it instead of worshiping only God].
28 Et Madian fut réduit à rien devant les fils d'Israël; il ne continua plus de relever la tête, et la terre fut en repos quarante années durant les jours de Gédéon.
That is how the Israelis defeated the people from Midian. The people of Midian did not become strong enough to attack Israel again. So while Gideon was alive, there was peace in the land for 40 years.
29 Jérobaal, fils de Joas, s'en retourna, et demeura dans sa maison.
Gideon went back home to live there.
30 Il avait soixante-dix fils, nés de lui, parce qu'il avait beaucoup de femmes.
He had many wives, and they bore him seventy sons.
31 Il avait aussi une concubine à Sichem, et celle-là, pareillement, lui donna un fils, qu'elle nomma Abimélech.
He also had a slave wife in Shechem [town], who bore him a son whom he named Abimelech.
32 Gédéon, fils de Joas, mourut en sa ville, et il fut enseveli dans le sépulcre de Joas, son père, en Ephratha d'Abi-Esdri.
Gideon died when he was very old. They buried his body in the grave where his father Joash was buried, at Ophrah, in the land belonging to the descendants of Abiether.
33 Gédéon mort, les fils d'Israël se pervertirent; ils se prostituèrent aux Baal, et ils firent alliance avec Baal afin qu'il fut leur dieu.
But as soon as Gideon died, the Israelis [stopped worshiping God and started worshiping the images of the god Baal, like] [MET] adultresses [leave their husbands and go to sleep with other men]. They made a [statue of a] new god called Baal-Berith.
34 Et les fils d'Israël ne se souvinrent plus du Seigneur, du Dieu qui les avait délivrés des mains de tous ceux d'alentour qui les opprimaient.
They forgot about Yahweh, the one who had rescued them from all their enemies that surrounded them.
35 Et ils furent sans égard pour la maison de Jérobaal (le même que Gédéon), et ils oublièrent le bien que celui-ci avait fait à Israël.
And even though Gideon had done many good things for the Israelis, they were not kind to Gideon’s family.

< Juges 8 >