< Isaïe 1 >

1 Vision d'Isaïe, fils d'Amos, qu'il eut sur la Judée et Jérusalem, sous le règne d'Ozias et de Joatham, d'Achaz et d'Ézéchias, qui furent rois de la Judée.
[I am] Isaiah, the son of Amoz. [Yahweh showed me] visions about Jerusalem and [all the other places in] Judah. He showed me these visions during the years that Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah were kings of Judah.
2 Écoute, ciel; prête l'oreille, terre, parce que le Seigneur a parlé, disant: J'ai engendré des fils, et je les ai élevés en gloire; mais eux, ils m'ont méprisé.
This is what Yahweh says: “All you [angels in] [APO] heaven and [all you people on] [APO] earth, listen to me! The people that I caused to exist and took care of [DOU] have rebelled against me.
3 Le bœuf connaît son possesseur, et l'âne, la crèche de son maître; pour Israël, il m'a méconnu, et son peuple ne m'a pas compris.
Oxen know their owners, and donkeys know who provides food for them, but my Israeli people do not know [me]; they do not realize [that I am the one who takes care of them].”
4 Malheur à toi, peuple pécheur, nation pleine de péchés, race de méchants, fils pervertis! vous avez abandonné le Seigneur, et irrité le Saint d'Israël.
Terrible things will happen to that sinful nation, to those people who are guilty of sinning greatly. They are a group of very evil people, who act very unjustly. They have abandoned Yahweh, the holy one of Israel; they have (abandoned/turned away from) him.
5 A quoi bon vous frapper encore, en ajoutant à votre iniquité? Toute tête est en souffrance, et tout cœur en tristesse.
Why do you [RHQ] continue to [do things for which] you should be punished? Why do you continue to rebel against Yahweh? [You are like] [MET] someone whose head is badly injured and whose mind is sick/corrupt.
6 Des pieds à la tête, rien n'est sain en lui, rien qui ne soit contusion, meurtrissure, plaie enflammée; point d'émollients à y appliquer, point d'huile, point de ligature.
[It is as though] [MET] from the soles/bottoms of your feet to the [tops of your] heads nothing is healthy; there are only open wounds and cuts and sores that have not been cleaned or bandaged, and no [olive] oil has been put on them [to heal them].
7 Votre terre est déserte, vos villes consumées par le feu; votre contrée, des étrangers la dévorent sous vos yeux; elle est désolée et bouleversée par des nations étrangères.
[It is as though] your country is ruined/desolate; your towns have been burned. Foreigners plunder/steal the crops in your fields while you watch; they destroy everything [that they see].
8 La fille de Sion sera délaissée comme une tente dans une vigne, comme la cabane d'un garde dans un champ de concombres, comme une ville prise d'assaut.
The city of Jerusalem has [already] been abandoned, it is like [SIM] a shelter in a vineyard that has been abandoned by the watchmen; it is like [SIM] a watchman’s hut in a field of melons that has been deserted. It is a city surrounded by its enemies who are waiting to attack it.
9 Et si le Seigneur des armées ne nous eût laissé une semence, nous serions comme Sodome, nous ressemblerions à Gomorrhe.
If the Commander of the armies of angels had not allowed a few of us [his people] to (survive/remain alive), we would have [all] been [destroyed], like [the cities of] Sodom and Gomorrah [were destroyed].
10 Ecoutez la parole du Seigneur, princes de Sodome; soyez attentifs à la loi de Dieu, peuple de Gomorrhe.
You [leaders of Judah are as wicked as] the rulers of Sodom were, and you [other people in Jerusalem areas are as wicked as] the people in Gomorrah [were]. Listen to this message from Yahweh, [all of you]!
11 Qu'ai-je besoin de la multitude de vos victimes? Je suis rassasié des holocaustes de béliers; la graisse des agneaux, le sang des taureaux et des boucs, je n'en veux plus.
He says, “You continue to bring many sacrifices to me, but I do not [RHQ] want them [because you do not worship me sincerely]! You bring me many offerings to be completely burned [on the altar], [but] I (am tired/do not want any more) of your burning all those offerings, the burning rams and the fat from fat cattle. I am not pleased with the blood of bulls and lambs and goats that [the priest] pours [against the altar].
12 Ne venez plus vous montrer à moi; car qui vous a demandé ces offrandes de vos mains? Ne continuez plus de fouler mon parvis.
When you come to my temple to worship me, no one [RHQ] told you to trample on my courtyard while you perform all those rituals.
13 Quand vous m'apportez de la fleur de farine, ou un encens inutile, c'est pour moi une abomination. Vos nouvelles lunes, vos sabbats, votre grand jour, je ne puis les souffrir; votre jeûne, votre repos,
Stop bringing to me those offerings, because they are useless [to me]; I am disgusted with the incense that [the priests burn]. And [your feasts to celebrate] the new moon [each month] and your (Sabbath [days]/days of rest) and your [other] festivals— I detest them because of the wicked things [that you do].
14 Vos nouvelles lunes, vos fêtes, mon âme les déteste. Je vous ai en dégoût, je ne vous remettrai plus vos péchés.
I [SYN] hate [all] your celebrations of each new moon and the [other] festivals that you celebrate each year. They are [like] [MET] a heavy burden that I am tired of carrying.
15 Si vous étendez la main, je détournerai de vous mes yeux; et si vous multipliez vos prières, je ne vous écouterai pas; car vos mains sont pleines de sang.
[So], when you lift up your hands when you pray [to me], I will not [even] look at you. Even if you pray [to me very] frequently, I will not listen [to you], [because it is as though] your hands are covered with the blood [of people whom you have killed].
16 Lavez-vous, soyez purs; ôtez de devant mes yeux la malice de vos âmes; mettez fin à vos méfaits.
Cleanse your inner beings, and become [spiritually] clean! Stop your evil behavior! Stop doing things that are wrong!
17 Apprenez à faire le bien, cherchez la justice, protègez l'opprimé; jugez équitablement l'orphelin, rendez justice à la veuve.
Learn to do [things that are] good! [Try to] cause people to do what is just. Help people who are (oppressed/treated cruelly). Defend orphans and widows [when people take them to court].”
18 Et puis venez m'accuser, dit le Seigneur. Et quand même vos péchés seraient comme la pourpre, je les rendrai blancs comme la neige; et quand ils seraient comme de l'écarlate, je les rendrai blancs comme une toison.
Yahweh says, “You need to think about the results of what you do. Even though [the guilt of] your sins be [as evident and as difficult to get rid of] as [SIM] red [stains on a white garment] [DOU], [I will get rid of them completely] [like someone who can make that stained garment] become as white as snow or wool [DOU].
19 Et si vous êtes de bonne volonté, si vous m'écoutez, vous mangerez les biens de la terre.
If you are willing to obey [me], [I will enable] you to have plenty to eat.
20 Mais si vous n'êtes point de bonne volonté, si vous ne m'écoutez point, le glaive vous dévorera; car voici ce qu'a dit la bouche du Seigneur:
But, if you turn away [from me and] rebel against me, you will be killed [by your enemies’] swords. [That will surely happen, because I, ] Yahweh, have said it.”
21 Comment est devenue prostituée Sion, la cité fidèle, jadis pleine de justice? L'équité reposait en elle, et maintenant ce sont des meurtriers.
“[You people of Jerusalem previously] faithfully [worshiped only] me, but now you have become like [MET] prostitutes [who are not faithful to any husband]. Previously, people there always acted justly/fairly and righteously, but now your city [is full of] murderers.
22 Votre argent n'est pas de bon aloi; vos cabaretiers mêlent de l'eau à leur vin.
Previously, you were [like] [MET] pure silver, but now you have become [like] [MET] the scum that is left [when silver is purified]. Previously you were [like pure] wine, but you have become [like] [MET] wine that has [a lot of] water mixed with it.
23 Vos princes sont incrédules, associés aux voleurs, amis des présents, gagnés par les salaires, sans justice pour les orphelins, sans égard pour la cause des veuves.
Your leaders are rebels; they spend time with thieves. They all want to get bribes and force others to give them gifts [in order that they do good things for them]. They do not defend orphans [in court], and they do not do all they can to enable widows to get what they should receive.
24 C'est pourquoi voici ce que dit le Seigneur, maître des armées: Malheur aux puissants d'Israël! car ma fureur contre mes adversaires ne s'apaisera point, et je tirerai vengeance de mes ennemis.
Therefore [I, ] the Commander of the armies of angels, the mighty God of Israel, say to my enemies, ‘will get revenge on you; you will not cause me any more trouble. And I will pay you back for the evil things that you did.
25 Et je ferai tomber ma main sur toi, et je te purifierai par le feu; et j'exterminerai les incrédules, et j'enlèverai tous les prévaricateurs loin de toi.
I will raise my fist to strike you. I will [punish you severely] [MET], as though [MET] you were silver [and I needed to heat you very greatly to] melt you and get rid of the impurities.
26 Et je rétablirai tes juges comme autrefois, et tes conseillers comme dès le commencement. Et après cela tu seras appelée Ville de justice, métropole fidèle, Sion.
[After that happens, ] I will give you good judges like you had previously; you will have [wise] counselors like you had long ago. Then people will call your city “a city where people [act] righteously, a city where people are loyal to me.”'”
27 Car ses captifs seront délivrés par le jugement et par la miséricorde.
Because the people of Jerusalem will do what is fair/just, their city will be restored; those who repent [will be saved] because of [their acting] righteously.
28 Et les méchants seront écrasés, et avec eux les pécheurs; et ceux qui auront abandonné le Seigneur périront avec eux.
But rebels and sinners will be crushed by Yahweh, and those who forsake him will disappear.
29 C'est pourquoi ils seront confondus par les idoles mêmes qu'ils avaient voulues, et ils rougiront des jardins qu'ils avaient convoités.
You will be ashamed because [you worshiped] idols under the oak trees [that you considered to be] sacred; you will be disgraced because [you worshiped idols] in the gardens where you chose [to worship them].
30 Car ils seront comme un térébinthe dépouillé de ses feuilles, et comme un jardin sans eau.
You will be like [SIM] a very large tree which has withered leaves, like [SIM] a garden that [is dried up because] it has no water.
31 Et leur force sera comme le chaume du concombre, et leurs œuvres comme des étincelles, et les méchants seront consumés, et avec eux le pécheur; et nul ne sera là pour éteindre la flamme.
Those among you who are [very] strong will become [like] [MET] dry wood, and the work they do will be [like] [MET] a spark; both they and the evil things that they do will burn up completely, and no one will be able to put out the fire.

< Isaïe 1 >