< Isaïe 29 >

1 Malheur à la ville d'Ariel, que David a combattue! Assemblez vos récoltes; encore une année, puis une année, ensuite vous mangerez, vous mangerez avec Moab.
[This is a message from Yahweh: ] Terrible things will happen to Jerusalem, the city where [King] David lived. You people continue to celebrate your festivals each year.
2 Car je briserai Ariel; sa force et sa richesse seront à moi.
But I will cause you to experience a great disaster, [and when that happens], people will weep and lament [very much]. Your city will become like [MET] an altar [to me] [where people are burned as sacrifices].
3 Et je t'investirai comme a fait David, et je t'entourerai de palissades, et j'élèverai des tours autour de toi.
I will cause your enemies [to come to your city]; they will surround it by [building] towers and putting in place other things with which to attack you.
4 Et tes paroles tomberont à terre; et tes paroles seront enfouies dans la terre; et ta voix sera comme celle des hommes qui la font sortir de terre, et tu n'auras qu'un filet de voix à rase terre.
Then you will talk [as though you were] buried deep in the ground [DOU]; it will sound like someone whispering from under the ground, like [SIM] a ghost speaking from a grave.
5 Mais la richesse des impies sera comme la poussière que soulèvent des roues, et la multitude de ceux qui t'oppriment, comme le duvet emporté par le vent. Et ce sera comme un moment insaisissable,
But, suddenly your enemies will be blown away like dust; their armies will disappear like [SIM] chaff that is blown away [by the wind]. [It will happen] very suddenly.
6 Soudain, venu du Seigneur Dieu des armées; car sa visite sera accompagnée de tonnerres, de tremblements de terre et de grands bruits; tourbillon impétueux, flamme dévorante.
The Commander of the armies of angels will come [to help you] with thunder and an earthquake and a very loud noise, with a strong wind and a big storm and a fire that will burn up everything.
7 Et la richesse de toutes les nations qui auront attaqué Ariel, et tous ceux qui auront combattu Jérusalem, et tous ceux qui se seront réunis contre elle et l'auront opprimée seront comme le songe d'un homme qui s'éveille.
[Then] the armies of all the nations that will be attacking Jerusalem will quickly disappear like a dream in the night [DOU]. Those who will be attacking Jerusalem will suddenly vanish/disappear.
8 Comme ceux qui, dans le sommeil, boivent et mangent, et ils s'éveillent, et c'était un vain songe; comme un homme qui s'était endormi altéré rêve qu'il boit, et se réveille avec sa soif, voyant que son âme a espéré en vain: telle sera la richesse de tous les Gentils qui auront porté les armes contre la montagne de Sion.
People who are asleep dream about eating food, [but] when they wake up, they are still hungry. People who are thirsty dream about drinking something, [but] when they wake up they are still thirsty. It will be like that when your enemies come to attack Zion Hill; [they will dream about conquering you, but when they wake up, ] [they will realize that they have not succeeded].
9 Soyez dans l'étonnement, soyez hors de vous, et chancelez d'ivresse, non à cause des boissons fermentées ou du vin;
You [people of Jerusalem], be amazed and surprised [about this] [IRO]! Do not believe [what I have said] [SAR]! And continue to be blind [IRO] [about what Yahweh is doing]. You are stupid, but it is not because you have drunk a lot of wine. You stagger, but not from drinking alcoholic drinks.
10 Mais parce que le Seigneur vous a abreuvés d'un esprit de componction; et il vous fermera les yeux, et il aveuglera vos prophètes, vos princes et vos voyants, instruits des choses cachées.
Because Yahweh has prevented the prophets [DOU] from understanding [and telling you his messages], [it is as though] he has caused you to be fast/deeply asleep.
11 Et toutes ces choses seront pour vous comme les paroles de ce livre scellé que l'on donne à un homme qui sait lire, en lui disant: Lis cela; et il dit: Je ne puis, car il est scellé.
[Yahweh gave me] this vision; [but] for you, it is only words on a scroll that is sealed shut. If you give it to those who can read [and request that they read it], they will say, “We cannot read it because the scroll is sealed.”
12 Et on donne ce livre à un homme qui ne sait pas lire, en lui disant: Lis cela; et il dit: Je ne sais lire
When you give it to [others] who cannot read, they will say, “[We cannot read it because] we do not know how to read.”
13 Et le Seigneur a dit: Ce peuple s'approche de moi en parole, et il m'honore des lèvres; mais son cœur est loin de moi. Ils m'honorent en vain, enseignant la science et les maximes des hommes.
[So] the Lord says, “These people say that they belong to me. They honor me by what they say [MTY], but they do not think [IDM] about what I [desire]. When they worship me, all they do is recite rules that people have made and that they have memorized.
14 A cause de cela, voilà que je vais encore transporter ce peuple; je les transporterai, et je perdrai la sagesse des sages, et je tromperai la prudence des prudents.
Therefore, again I will do something to amaze these people; I will perform many miracles. And [I will show that] the people [who tell others that they] are wise are not really wise, and [I will show that] the people [who tell others that they] are intelligent are not really intelligent.
15 Malheur à ceux qui approfondissent leurs conseils, mais non avec le Seigneur! Malheur à ceux qui méditent en secret! ils feront leurs œuvres dans les ténèbres, et ils diront: Qui nous a vus? et qui saura ce que nous faisons?
Terrible things will happen to those who try to conceal from me, Yahweh, the [evil] things that they plan to do; they do those things in the darkness and they think, ‘Yahweh certainly cannot [RHQ] see us; he cannot [RHQ] know what we are doing!’
16 Ne serez-vous pas comptés comme l'argile du potier? Est-ce que l'ouvrage dira à l'ouvrier: Tu ne m'as point façonné? Est-ce que l'œuvre dira à l'artisan: Tu ne m'as pas faite avec intelligence?
They are extremely foolish! [They act as though] they were the potters and I was the clay! Something that was created should certainly never [RHQ] say to the one who made it, ‘You did not make me!’ A jar should never say, ‘The potter who made me did not know what he was doing!’”
17 Est-ce que dans peu de temps le Liban ne sera point changé comme le mont Carmel? Est-ce que le mont Carmel ne sera pas réputé une forêt?
Soon [the forests in] Lebanon will become fertile fields, and abundant crops will grow in those fields, and that will happen very soon.
18 Et en ce jour les sourds entendront les paroles du livre, avec ceux qui sont dans les ténèbres et ceux qui sont dans les brouillards. Les yeux des aveugles verront;
At that time, deaf people will [be able to hear]; [they will be able to] hear when someone reads from a book; and blind people will [be able to see]; [they will be able to] see things when it is gloomy and [even] when it is dark.
19 Et à cause du Seigneur les pauvres tressailliront d'allégresse, et les hommes désespérés seront rassasiés de joie.
Yahweh will enable humble people to be very joyful again. Poor people will rejoice about what the Holy One of Israel [has done].
20 L'injuste n'est plus, le superbe a péri; ceux qui méchamment s'écartaient de la loi ont été exterminés;
There will be no more people who ridicule [others] and no more arrogant people. And those who plan to do evil things will be executed.
21 Ainsi que ceux qui, par leurs discours, entraînaient les hommes à pécher; et on tiendra à scandale tous ceux qui tendaient des pièges aux portes de la ville, parce qu'ils auront conduit le juste dans l'injustice.
Those who testify falsely in order to persuade judges to punish innocent people will vanish/disappear. Similar things will happen to those who by lying in court [persuade judges to] make unjust decisions.
22 A cause de cela, voici ce que dit le Seigneur sur la maison de Jacob, qu'il avait retranchée d'Abraham: Jacob ne sera plus confondu, il ne changera plus de visage.
That is why Yahweh, who rescued Abraham, says about the people of Israel, “My people will no longer be ashamed; no longer will they show on their faces that they are ashamed.
23 Mais lorsque mes enfants auront vu mes œuvres, pour l'amour de moi, ils sanctifieront le Saint de Jacob, et ils craindront le Dieu d'Israël.
When they see that I have blessed them by giving them many children and doing many other things for them, they will realize that I am the Holy One of Israel, and they will revere me, the God to whom they, the descendants of Jacob, belong.
24 Et ceux qui, en leur esprit, se sont égarés, connaîtront la vraie science; ceux qui murmurent apprendront à obéir; et les langues qui bégayent sauront dire des paroles de paix.
When that happens, those who have not been able to think well will think clearly, and those who complain [about what I am doing] will accept what I am teaching them.”

< Isaïe 29 >