< Genèse 15 >

1 Après ces choses, Abram dans une vision entendit la parole de Dieu qui lui disait: Sois sans crainte, Abram, je te couvre de ma protection; ta récompense sera immense.
Some time later, Abram had a vision in which Yahweh spoke to him and said, “Do not be afraid of (anything/your enemies). I will protect you [MTY], and I will give a great reward.”
2 Abram répondit: Seigneur Dieu, que me donnerez-vous? Je m'en vais sans enfants; mais j'ai le fils de Masec, ma servante née chez moi; c'est Damas- Eliézer.
But Abram replied, “Yahweh God, how can you give me what I truly want, because I have no children, and the one who will be like a son and inherit all my possessions is my servant Eliezer from Damascus!”
3 Abram ajouta: Puisque vous ne m'avez point accordé de postérité, mon serviteur né chez moi recueillera mon héritage!
Abram added, “You have not given me any children, so think about this: A servant in my household will inherit all I own!”
4 Et soudain la voix du Seigneur se fit entendre et lui dit: Ce n'est pas lui qui sera ton héritier; il naîtra de toi celui qui aura ton héritage.
Yahweh replied, “No! He will not be the one who will inherit it. Instead, you yourself will be the father of the one who will inherit everything you own.”
5 Ensuite le Seigneur l'emmena dehors; et lui dit: Regarde le ciel, compte les étoiles si tu le peux: telle, ajouta-t-il, sera ta postérité.
Then Yahweh took Abram outside [of his tent] and said, “Look up at the sky! Can you count the stars? No, you cannot count them because there are so many of them, and your descendants will be as numerous as the stars.”
6 Abram crut en Dieu, et sa foi lui fut imputée à justice.
Abram believed that what Yahweh said would happen. And because of that, Yahweh considered that Abram was righteous.
7 Le Seigneur lui dit: Je suis le Dieu qui t'ai amené de la terre des Chaldéens pour te donner en héritage cette terre.
Yahweh also said to him, “I am Yahweh. I am the one who brought you from Ur in Chaldea land. I brought you here to give you this land to possess.”
8 Il répondit: Seigneur Dieu, à quoi reconnaîtrai-je que j'en hériterai?
But Abram replied, “Yahweh God, how can I know for sure that this land will belong to me?”
9 Dieu lui dit: Prends une génisse de trois ans, une chèvre de trois ans, un bélier de trois ans, un pigeon et une colombe.
God said to him, “Bring a three-year-old heifer and a three-year-old goat to me, and a dove and a pigeon.”
10 Abram prit les victimes, les coupa par moitiés, et plaça les moitiés vis- à-vis les unes des autres; mais il ne divisa pas les volatiles.
So Abram brought all of them and killed them and cut each of the animals in half. He arranged the halves of each one, side by side. But he did not cut the pigeon and dove in half.
11 Et des oiseaux descendirent sur les corps, sur les moitiés de corps, et Abram s'assit à côté.
Birds that eat dead flesh came down to eat the carcasses, but Abram shooed them away.
12 Vers le coucher du soleil, Abram tomba en extase; une terreur profonde pleine de ténèbres s'empara de lui.
As the sun was going down, Abram fell sound asleep, and suddenly everything around him became dark and frightening.
13 Et il fut dit à Abram: Apprends que ta postérité habitera une terre étrangère; où les réduira en servitude, on les opprimera, et on les humiliera pendant quatre cens ans.
Then God said to Abram, “I want you to know that your descendants will become foreigners living in a land that does not belong to them. They will become slaves of the owners of that land. The owners of the land will mistreat them for 400 years.
14 Mais la nation à laquelle ils seront soumis, je la jugerai; ensuite ils en sortiront pour venir ici avec de grandes richesses.
But then I will punish the people of that country that made them become slaves, and then your descendants will leave that country, taking many possessions with them.
15 Quant à toi, tu t'en iras en paix vers tes pères, après avoir joui d'une heureuse vieillesse.
But as for you, you will die [EUP] peacefully when you are very old.
16 Et, à la quatrième génération, ta race reviendra ici; car jusqu'à présent les crimes des Amorrhéens n'ont pas encore comblé la mesure.
After your descendants have been slaves for 400 years, they will return here, and take control of this land and defeat the Amor people-group. Those people will, because those people have not yet sinned enough to deserve to be punished now.”
17 Après le coucher du soleil, une flamme s'éleva, l'on vit un foyer lançant de la fumée, et des lampes de feu qui passaient entre les moitiés coupées.
When the sun had set and it had become dark, [unexpectedly] a blazing torch and a clay pot containing burning coals from which smoke was rising appeared and went between the halves of the animals.
18 En ce jour-là, le Seigneur établit une alliance avec Abram, disant: Je donnerai cette terre à ta race depuis le fleuve d'Égypte jusqu'à l'Euphrate.
And on that day Yahweh made an agreement with Abram. Yahweh told him, “I will give to your descendants all the land between the river that is on the eastern border of Egypt to the south, and north to the huge Euphrates River.
19 Je lui donnerai: les Généens, les Cénézéens, et les Cedmonéens,
That is the land where the Ken, the Keniz, the Kidmon,
20 Et les Hettéens, les Phérézéens, et les Raphaïms,
the Heth, the Periz, the Repha,
21 Et les Amorrhéens, les Chananéens, les Évéens, les Gergéséens et les Jébuséens.
the Amor, the Canaan, the Girgash, and the Tebus people-groups live.”

< Genèse 15 >