< Exode 37 >

1 Ensuite ils firent, pour le tabernacle, dix courtines.
and to make Bezalel [obj] [the] ark tree: wood acacia cubit and half length his and cubit and half width his and cubit and half height his
2 La longueur de l'une des courtines fut de vingt-huit coudées; elles eurent toutes la même longueur, sur une largeur de quatre coudées.
and to overlay him gold pure from house: inside and from outside and to make to/for him border gold around
3 Et ils firent le voile d'hyacinthe, de pourpre, d'écarlate filé et de lin filé: œuvre tissée, œuvre variée,
and to pour: cast metal to/for him four ring gold upon four beat his and two ring upon side his [the] one and two ring upon side his [the] second
4 Qu'ils placèrent sur quatre colonnes de bois incorruptible revêtu d'or fin, avec des chapiteaux d'or et des bases d'argent.
and to make alone: pole tree: wood acacia and to overlay [obj] them gold
5 Et ils firent le voile de la porte du tabernacle du témoignage; ils le firent d'hyacinthe, de pourpre, d'écarlate filé et de lin filé: œuvre variée.
and to come (in): bring [obj] [the] alone: pole in/on/with ring upon side [the] ark to/for to lift: bear [obj] [the] ark
6 Ils revêtirent d'or ses cinq colonnes, et les anneaux, et les chapiteaux, et les volutes; ils firent en airain les cinq bases.
and to make mercy seat gold pure cubit and half length her and cubit and half width her
7 Ils firent le côté sud du parvis, les tentures du parvis en lin filé, sur une longueur de cent coudées,
and to make two cherub gold beating to make [obj] them from two end [the] mercy seat
8 Et leurs vingt colonnes et leurs vingt bases.
cherub one from end from this and cherub one from end from this from [the] mercy seat to make [obj] [the] cherub from two (end his *Q(K)*)
9 Ils firent le côté nord sur une longueur de cent coudées, comme le côté du midi, et les vingt colonnes et les vingt bases;
and to be [the] cherub to spread wing to/for above [to] to cover in/on/with wing their upon [the] mercy seat and face their man: anyone to(wards) brother: compatriot his to(wards) [the] mercy seat to be face [the] cherub
10 Et le côté de l'occident avec les tentures sur une longueur de cinquante coudées, et ses dix colonnes, et ses dix bases;
and to make [obj] [the] table tree: wood acacia cubit length his and cubit width his and cubit and half height his
11 Et le côté de l'orient avec les tentures sur une longueur de cinquante coudées,
and to overlay [obj] him gold pure and to make to/for him border gold around
12 Ayant, d'un côté, quinze coudées de haut, avec trois colonnes et trois bases;
and to make to/for him perimeter handbreadth around and to make border gold to/for perimeter his around
13 Et, de l'autre côté de la porte du parvis, ils firent des tentures de quinze coudées, et trois colonnes, et trois bases.
and to pour: cast metal to/for him four ring gold and to give: put [obj] [the] ring upon four [the] side which to/for four foot his
14 Ils firent de lin filé toutes les draperies du tabernacle;
to/for close [the] perimeter to be [the] ring house: container to/for alone: pole to/for to lift: bear [obj] [the] table
15 Et les bases de leurs colonnes en airain, avec leurs attaches d'argent, leurs chapiteaux revêtus d'argent, et les colonnes revêtues d'argent: toutes les colonnes du parvis;
and to make [obj] [the] alone: pole tree: wood acacia and to overlay [obj] them gold to/for to lift: bear [obj] [the] table
16 Et la tenture de la porte du parvis, œuvre variée d'hyacinthe, de pourpre, d'écarlate filé et de lin filé; elle avait vint coudées de haut, et cinq coudées de large, comme les tentures du parvis.
and to make [obj] [the] article/utensil which upon [the] table [obj] dish his and [obj] palm: dish his and [obj] bowl his and [obj] [the] jug which to pour in/on/with them gold pure
17 Et les quatre colonnes, avec leurs quatre bases d'airain, leurs attaches d'argent, leurs chapiteaux revêtus d'argent.
and to make [obj] [the] lampstand gold pure beating to make [obj] [the] lampstand thigh her and branch: stem her cup her capital her and flower her from her to be
18 Enfin, ils firent d'airain tous les piquets du parvis, et ils les revêtirent d'argent.
and six branch to come out: issue from side her three branch lampstand from side her [the] one and three branch lampstand from side her [the] second
19 Telle fut l'ordonnance du tabernacle du témoignage, comme le Seigneur l'avait prescrit à Moïse; le tabernacle fut le lieu sacerdotal; les lévites le gardèrent, à commencer par Ithamar, fils du prêtre Aaron.
three cup be almond shaped in/on/with branch [the] one capital and flower and three cup be almond shaped in/on/with branch one capital and flower so to/for six [the] branch [the] to come out: come from [the] lampstand
20 Et Beseléel, fils d'Urias, de la tribu de Juda, le fit comme le Seigneur l'avait prescrit à Moïse;
and in/on/with lampstand four cup be almond shaped capital her and flower her
21 Avec Oliab, fils d'Achisamach, de la tribu de Dan, qui dirigea la fabrication des tissus et des broderies d'ornements, et qui fit tisser l'écarlate et le lin.
and capital underneath: under two [the] branch from her and capital underneath: under two [the] branch from her and capital underneath: under two [the] branch from her to/for six [the] branch [the] to come out: issue from her
capital their and branch their from her to be all her beating one gold pure
and to make [obj] lamp her seven and tong her and censer her gold pure
talent gold pure to make [obj] her and [obj] all article/utensil her
and to make [obj] altar [the] incense tree: wood acacia cubit length his and cubit width his to square and cubit height his from him to be horn his
and to overlay [obj] him gold pure [obj] roof his and [obj] wall his around and [obj] horn his and to make to/for him border gold around
and two ring gold to make to/for him from underneath: under to/for border his upon two side his upon two side his to/for house: container to/for alone: pole to/for to lift: bear [obj] him in/on/with them
and to make [obj] [the] alone: pole tree: wood acacia and to overlay [obj] them gold
and to make [obj] oil [the] anointing holiness and [obj] incense [the] spice pure deed: work to mix

< Exode 37 >