< 2 Rois 7 >

1 Et le prophète répondit: Écoute la parole du Seigneur: Voici ce que dit le Seigneur: Demain, à pareille heure, la mesure de fleur de farine se vendra un sicle, et la double mesure d'orge se vendra un sicle à la porte de Samarie.
Elisha replied to the king, “Listen to what Yahweh says: ‘He says that by this time tomorrow, at the marketplace here in Samaria, you will be able to buy (ten pounds/five kg.) of fine wheat or (20 pounds/ten kg.) of barley for [only] one piece of silver.’”
2 Le grand officier (c'était celui sur le bras duquel le roi s'appuyait) dit à Elisée: A moins que le Seigneur n'en fasse tomber du ciel des cataractes, cette parole peut-elle s'accomplir? Et le prophète reprit; Tu le verras de tes yeux, mais tu n'en mangeras point.
The king’s officer said to Elijah, “That cannot happen! Even if Yahweh himself would open the windows of the sky [and send grain down to us], that certainly could not [RHQ] happen!” Elisha replied, “[Because you said that, ] you [SYN] will see it happen, but you will not be able to eat any of the food!”
3 Or, il y avait quatre lépreux devant les portes de la ville, et ils se dirent entre eux: Pourquoi resterions-nous ici jusqu'à la mort?
That day there were four men who had (leprosy/a dreaded skin disease) who were sitting outside the gate of Samaria [city. They said to each other, “(Why should we] wait here until we die?/[It is ridiculous for us to] wait here until we die.) [RHQ]
4 Si nous disons: Entrons dans la ville, nous y mourrons, car il y a grande famine dans la ville; et, si nous restons ici, nous y mourrons. Allons donc; et tombons dans le camp des Syriens; s'ils nous prennent vivants, nous vivrons; s'ils nous mettent à mort, eh bien! nous mourrons.
If we go into the city, we will die there, because there is no food there. If we remain sitting here, we will die here. So let’s go to where the army of Syria has set up their tents. If they kill us, we will die. But if they allow us to remain alive, we will not die.”
5 Et ils se levèrent avant le jour pour entrer dans le camp des Syriens; ils entrèrent par un côté du camp où il n'y avait point un seul homme.
So when it was getting dark, those four men went to the camp where the army of Syria had set up their tents. But when they reached the camp, they saw that there was no one there!
6 Car le Seigneur avait fait retentir dans le camp des Syriens un bruit de chars et de chevaux, comme d'une grande armée. Et chaque Syrien avait dit à son frère: Sans doute le roi d'Israël a pris à sa solde les rois des Hettéens et les rois de l'Égypte, pour qu'ils marchent contre nous.
What had happened was that Yahweh had caused the army of Syria to hear something that sounded like a large army marching with chariots and horses. So they said to each other, “Listen! The king of Israel has hired the kings of Egypt and the Heth people-group [and their armies], and they have come to attack us!”
7 Ils s'étaient donc levés, et s'étaient enfuis dans les ténèbres; ils avaient abandonné leurs tentes, leurs chevaux et leurs ânes; laissé le camp comme il était, et pris la fuite pour sauver leur vie.
So they all ran away that evening and left their tents and their horses and donkeys there, because [they were afraid that] they would be killed [if they stayed there].
8 Et les lépreux, ayant fait quelques pas dans le camp, entrèrent sous une tente, mangèrent, burent, enlevèrent de l'argent, de l'or, des vêtements, et s'en allèrent; ensuite, un peu plus loin, ils entrèrent sous une autre tente, y prirent encore du butin; puis, ils en sortirent, et se cachèrent.
When those four lepers came to the edge of the area where the soldiers of Syria had set up their tents, they went into one tent, [and saw all the things that had been left there]. So they ate and drank what was there, and they took the silver and the gold and clothes. Then they went [outside the tent] and hid those things. Then they entered another tent, and took things from there, and then went outside and hid them, also.
9 Et ils se dirent entre eux: En resterons-nous là? Ce jour est un jour de bonne nouvelle; si nous gardons le silence, si nous demeurons ici jusqu'à la prochaine aurore, nous serons en faute; partons donc, entrons dans la ville, et faisons notre rapport dans le palais du roi.
But then they said to each other, “We are not doing what is right. We have good news [to tell others] today. If we do not tell it to anyone now, and if we wait until morning to tell it, we will certainly be punished [by Yahweh]. So let’s go right now to the palace and tell it to the king’s officials!”
10 Ils s'en allèrent, appelèrent à grands cris aux portes de la ville, et dirent à ceux qui vinrent: Nous sommes entrés dans le camp des Syriens; il n'y a ni homme ni voix humaine; il n'y a plus que les chevaux et des ânes attachés, et leurs tentes sont restées comme elles étaient.
So they went to the guards at the city gates and called out to them, “We went to where the army of Syria had set up their tents, but we did not see or hear anyone there. Their horses and donkeys were still tied up, but their tents were all deserted/abandoned!”
11 Et les gardes de la porte appelèrent à grands cris; puis, on porta la nouvelle au palais du roi.
The guards shouted the news, and some people [who heard it] went to the palace and reported it there.
12 Le roi se leva qu'il était encore nuit, et il dit à ses serviteurs: Je vais vous expliquer ce qu'a fait le Syrien: il sait que nous sommes affamés; il est allé hors du camp pour se cacher dans la campagne, disant: Ils vont sortir, nous les prendrons vivants, et nous entrerons dans la ville.
[When] the king [heard it, he] got up out of his bed and said to his officials, “I will tell you what the army of Syria is planning to do. They know that we have no food here, so they have left their tents and are hiding in the fields. They think that we will leave the city [to find some food], and then they will capture us and capture the city.”
13 Or, l'un de ses serviteurs répondit: Que l'on prenne cinq chevaux parmi ceux qui restent encore vivants, de cette grande multitude des chevaux d'Israël; nous les enverrons là, et nous verrons.
But one of his officials said, “Many of our Israeli people have already died [from (hunger/not having anything to eat]). If those of us who are still alive all stay here, we also will die anyway. So let’s send some men with five of our horses that are still alive to go and see [what has really happened].”
14 Et ils prirent deux cavaliers que le roi d'Israël envoya derrière le roi de Syrie, disant: Allez, et voyez.
So they chose some men and told them to go in a chariot and find out what had happened to the army of Syria.
15 Ces hommes suivirent les traces de l'armée jusqu'au Jourdain, et ils virent toute la route couverte de vêtements et de harnais que, dans leur frayeur, les Syriens avaient jetés; puis, ils revinrent faire au roi leur rapport.
They went as far as the Jordan [River]. All along the road they saw clothes and equipment that the soldiers from Syria had thrown away while they were running away very quickly. So the men returned to the king and reported [what they had seen].
16 Et le peuple sortit et pilla le camp des Syriens; la mesure de fleur de farine se vendit un sicle, selon la parole du Seigneur, et la double mesure d'orge se vendit un sicle.
Then many of the people of Samaria also went [out of the city and went] to where the army of Syria had previously set up their tents. They entered all the tents and took everything. [So there was now plenty of everything!] As a result people could buy ten pounds of fine wheat or 20 pounds of barley for only one piece of silver, which was what Yahweh had said would happen!
17 Or, le roi avait placé devant la porte le grand officier, sur le bras duquel il s'appuyait habituellement; et le peuple le foula aux pieds devant la porte, et il mourut, comme le lui avait dit l'homme de Dieu, quand il était venu auprès de lui comme messager du roi.
The king of Israel had appointed the officer who was his assistant to supervise what was happening at the marketplace. But as he was standing near the gate, all the people [who were rushing outside the city] trampled on him, and he died, which was what Elisha had said would happen to him when Elisha previously went to talk to the king.
18 Alors, s'accomplit la parole d'Elisée au roi, quand il avait dit: La double mesure d'orge se vendra un sicle, et la mesure de fleur de farine un sicle, et ce sera demain, à pareille heure, devant la porte de Samarie.
Elisha had told him that by the next day there would be plenty of food, with the result that anyone could buy ten pounds of fine wheat or 20 pounds of barley for only one piece of silver.
19 Or, le grand officier avait répondu au prophète: A moins que le Seigneur n'en fasse tomber du ciel des cataractes, cette parole peut-elle s'accomplir? A quoi Elisée avait repris: Tu le verras de tes yeux, mais tu n'en mangeras point.
And the officer had answered, “That certainly cannot [RHQ] happen! Even if Yahweh himself would open the sky and send down some grain, that could not happen.” And Elisha had replied, “[Because you said that, ] you [SYN] will see it happen, but you will not be able to eat any of the food!”
20 Et il en fut ainsi; le peuple le foula aux pieds devant la porte, et il mourut.
And that is what happened to him. The people [who were rushing out of] the city gate trampled on him, and he died.

< 2 Rois 7 >