< 1 Samuel 18 >

1 Et les chœurs de danseuses, transportées de joie, sortirent de toutes les villes d'Israël à la rencontre de David, avec des tambours et des cymbales.
And it comes to pass, when he finishes to speak to Saul, that the soul of Jonathan has been bound to the soul of David, and Jonathan loves him as his own soul.
2 Et les chœurs de danseuses, transportées de joie, sortirent de toutes les villes d'Israël à la rencontre de David, avec des tambours et des cymbales.
And Saul takes him on that day, and has not permitted him to return to the house of his father.
3 Et les chœurs de danseuses, transportées de joie, sortirent de toutes les villes d'Israël à la rencontre de David, avec des tambours et des cymbales.
And Jonathan makes—David also—a covenant, because he loves him as his own soul,
4 Et les chœurs de danseuses, transportées de joie, sortirent de toutes les villes d'Israël à la rencontre de David, avec des tambours et des cymbales.
and Jonathan strips himself of the upper robe which [is] on him, and gives it to David, and his long robe, even to his sword, and to his bow, and to his girdle.
5 Et les chœurs de danseuses, transportées de joie, sortirent de toutes les villes d'Israël à la rencontre de David, avec des tambours et des cymbales.
And David goes out wherever Saul sends him; he acted wisely, and Saul sets him over the men of war, and it is good in the eyes of all the people, and also in the eyes of the servants of Saul.
6 Et les chœurs de danseuses, transportées de joie, sortirent de toutes les villes d'Israël à la rencontre de David, avec des tambours et des cymbales.
And it comes to pass, in their coming in, in David’s returning from striking the Philistine, that the women come out from all the cities of Israel to sing—also the dancers—to meet Saul the king, with tambourines, with joy, and with three-stringed instruments;
7 Les femmes entonnaient le chant et elles disaient: Saül les a tués par milliers, et David par myriades.
and the women answer—those playing, and say, “Saul has struck among his thousands, And David among his myriads.”
8 La chose parut mauvaise à Saül, et il dit: Elles attribuent à David des myriades, et à moi des milliers.
And it is exceedingly displeasing to Saul, and this thing is evil in his eyes, and he says, “They have given myriads to David, and they have given the thousands to me, and what more [is there] for him but the kingdom?”
9 [Et Saül regarda David d'un œil méfiant, à partir de ce jour et après.]
And Saul is eyeing David from that day and from then on.
10 [Et Saül regarda David d'un œil méfiant, à partir de ce jour et après.]
And it comes to pass, on the next day, that the spirit of sadness [from] God prospers over Saul, and he prophesies in the midst of the house, and David is playing with his hand, as [he did] day by day, and the javelin [is] in the hand of Saul,
11 [Et Saül regarda David d'un œil méfiant, à partir de ce jour et après.]
and Saul casts the javelin and says, “I strike through David, even through the wall”; and David turns around out of his presence twice.
12 Et Saül fut alarmé au sujet de David.
And Saul is afraid of the presence of David, for YHWH has been with him, and He has turned aside from Saul;
13 Il l'éloigna de sa personne; il lui donna un commandement de mille hommes, et David fit ses évolutions devant le peuple.
and Saul turns him aside from him, and appoints him to himself [for] head of one thousand, and he goes out and comes in, before the people.
14 Et David en toutes ses démarches se conduisit avec prudence, car le Seigneur était avec lui.
And David is acting wisely in all his ways, and YHWH [is] with him,
15 Et Saül vit sa grande sagesse, et il eut crainte de lui.
and Saul sees that he is acting very wisely, and is afraid of him,
16 Or, tout Israël et tout Juda aimaient David, parce qu'il marchait à la tête du peuple.
and all Israel and Judah love David when he is going out and coming in before them.
17 Or, tout Israël et tout Juda aimaient David, parce qu'il marchait à la tête du peuple.
And Saul says to David, “Behold, my elder daughter Merab—I give her to you for a wife; only, be for a son of valor to me, and fight the battles of YHWH”; and Saul said, “Do not let my hand be on him, but let the hand of the Philistines be on him.”
18 Or, tout Israël et tout Juda aimaient David, parce qu'il marchait à la tête du peuple.
And David says to Saul, “Who [am] I? And what [is] my life—the family of my father in Israel—that I am son-in-law of the king?”
19 Or, tout Israël et tout Juda aimaient David, parce qu'il marchait à la tête du peuple.
And it comes to pass, at the time of the giving of Merab daughter of Saul to David, that she has been given to Adriel the Meholathite for a wife.
20 Et Michol, fille de Saül, aima David; on l'alla dire à Saül, et la nouvelle lui plut.
And Michal daughter of Saul loves David, and they declare [it] to Saul, and the thing is right in his eyes,
21 Car Saül dit: Je la lui donnerai, et ce sera pour lui une pierre d'achoppement. La main des Philistins était alors contre Saül.
and Saul says, “I give her to him, and she is for a snare to him, and the hand of the Philistines is on him”; and Saul says to David, “By the second—you become my son-in-law today.”
22 Et Saül donna ses ordres à ses serviteurs, disant: Parlez en secret à David, et dites-lui: Voilà que le roi se plaît avec toi, tous ses serviteurs t'aiment, sois donc le gendre du roi.
And Saul commands his servants, “Speak to David gently, saying, Behold, the king has delighted in you, and all his servants have loved you, and now, be son-in-law of the king.”
23 Les serviteurs de Saül répétèrent tout bas ces paroles à David, et il leur répondit: Est-ce si peu de chose à vos yeux de devenir gendre du roi? Je suis d'humble condition et nullement illustre.
And the servants of Saul speak these words in the ears of David, and David says, “Is it a light thing in your eyes to be son-in-law of the king—and I a poor man, and lightly esteemed?”
24 Et les serviteurs de Saül lui firent leur rapport, en conséquence de ce que leur avait dit David.
And the servants of Saul declare [it] to him, saying, “David has spoken according to these words.”
25 Et Saül reprit: Voilà ce que vous direz à David: Le roi n'a que faire de présents, si ce n'est de cent prépuces de Philistins, pour se venger des ennemis du roi. Saül comptait ainsi le jeter entre les mains des étrangers.
And Saul says, “Thus you say to David, There is no delight for the king in dowry, but in one hundred foreskins of the Philistines—to be avenged on the enemies of the king”; and Saul thought to cause David to fall by the hand of the Philistines.
26 Les serviteurs de Saül répétèrent ces paroles à David, et il lui parut bon d'être gendre du roi.
And his servants declare these words to David, and the thing is right in the eyes of David, to be son-in-law of the king; and the days have not been full,
27 David partit donc, il se mit en campagne avec ses hommes, il tua cent Philistins, rapporta leurs prépuces, et devint gendre du roi; Saül lui donna pour femme sa fille Michol.
and David rises and goes, he and his men, and strikes two hundred men among the Philistines, and David brings in their foreskins, and they set them before the king, to be son-in-law of the king; and Saul gives his daughter Michal to him for a wife.
28 Et Saül vit que le Seigneur était avec David, et que tout Israël l'aimait.
And Saul sees and knows that YHWH [is] with David, and Michal daughter of Saul has loved him,
29 Et il se défia encore davantage de David.
and Saul adds to be afraid of the presence of David still; and Saul is an enemy of David [for] all the days.
And the princes of the Philistines come out, and it comes to pass from the time of their coming out, David has acted more wisely than any of the servants of Saul, and his name is very precious.

< 1 Samuel 18 >