< Néhémie 4 >
1 Lorsque Sanballat apprit que nous étions en train de rebâtir le mur, il en fut contrarié et entra dans une grande colère. II tourna en dérision les Judéens,
When Sanballat heard that we were rebuilding the city wall, he was very angry. He was enraged/furious. He made fun of us Jews.
2 et dit devant ses frères et les gens de guerre de Samarie: "Que se proposent ces misérables Judéens? Les laissera-t-on faire? Offriront-ils des sacrifices? En viendront-ils à bout aujourd’hui? Rendront-ils la vie aux pierres tirées des tas de poussière et qui ont été brûlées?"
While his colleagues and officials of the army troops who had come from Samaria were listening, he said, “What do these feeble/pathetic Jews [think they] are doing? Do they think that if they offer enough/many sacrifices, [their gods will hear them and enable] them to finish building the wall in one day? The stones [that were in the wall previously have been weakened by] being burned in a fire. Those stones that they are pulling out of the rubbish/garbage heaps—do they think that they can make them strong again?” [RHQ]
3 Tobia l’Ammonite, à côté de lui, ajoutait: "Qu’ils bâtissent toujours: il suffira qu’un renard monte dessus pour renverser leur muraille de pierres!"
Tobiah was [standing] beside Sanballat. He said, “That stone wall [that they are building] is very weak; so if even a fox climbed up on it, the wall would fall down!”
4 Ecoute, ô notre Dieu, comme nous sommes devenus un objet de mépris; fais retomber leurs outrages sur leur tête, et livre-les au pillage sur une terre de captivité.
Then I prayed. I said, “Our God, hear us, because they are ridiculing us! Cause the words of their insults to fall back on them! Allow their enemies to come and capture them and force them to go to a foreign land!
5 Ne voile pas leur iniquité; que leur méfait ne s’efface point devant toi, puisqu’ils se sont déchaînés contre les travailleurs!
They are guilty; they have [said things that] caused you to be angry while the people here who are building the wall are listening; so punish them!”
6 Cependant, nous continuâmes à rebâtir le mur; et lorsque tout le mur fut bouché jusqu’à mi-hauteur, le peuple eut de nouveau du cœur à l’ouvrage.
But after some time, we finished building the wall around the whole city, up to half as high as the first wall had been. We were able to do that because we worked very hard.
7 Lorsque Sanballat, Tobia, les Arabes, les Ammonites et les gens d’Asdod apprirent que la restauration des murs de Jérusalem allait bon train, que les brèches commençaient à se fermer, ils en furent très dépités.
But when Sanballat, Tobiah, the men from Arabia, the people from the Ammon [people-group] and from Ashdod [city] heard that the work on the wall was continuing and that we were filling in the gaps in the wall, they became very angry.
8 Ils complotèrent tous ensemble d’aller attaquer Jérusalem et d’y jeter le désarroi.
They all planned to come and fight against the people of Jerusalem [MTY] and to cause trouble.
9 Nous implorâmes notre Dieu et, pour nous défendre contre eux, nous établîmes un service de faction chargé de les surveiller jour et nuit.
But we prayed to our God [to protect us], and we put men [around the walls] to guard [the city] day and night.
10 Juda disait: "Les forces des porteurs de charges sont à bout et les décombres sont considérables; nous sommes hors d’état de rebâtir la muraille."
Then the people of [MTY] Judah started to say, “The men who are working [on the wall] are becoming very tired. There is a lot of [heavy] rubble that we must remove; we ourselves cannot finish the work.
11 Et nos adversaires disaient: "Ils ne se douteront ni ne s’apercevront de rien jusqu’à ce que nous pénétrions au milieu d’eux pour les massacrer, et ainsi nous mettrons fin à ce travail."
“Besides, our enemies are saying, ‘Before the Jews see us, we will swoop down on them and kill them and stop their work [on the wall]!’”
12 Comme des Judéens établis parmi eux vinrent nous dire jusqu’à dix fois: "De quelque localité que vous soyez, il faut que-vous retourniez chez nous",
The Jews who were living near our enemies came and told us many times, “You should leave the city and go to other places, in order that your enemies will not attack you!”
13 je plaçai en contrebas, derrière la muraille, sur des terrains secs, je plaçai, dis-je, le peuple par familles, avec leurs épées, leurs lances et leurs arcs.
So I put guards at the places where the wall was not very high yet and at places where there were gaps in the wall. I put guards to protect each of their family groups. I gave the guards daggers, spears, and bows [and arrows].
14 Ayant tout inspecté, je m’avançai et dis aux grands, aux chefs et au reste du peuple: "N’Ayez pas peur d’eux; pensez au Seigneur grand et redoutable et combattez pour vos frères, vos fils et vos filles, vos femmes et vos maisons."
Then after I inspected everything, I summoned the leaders and [other] officials and [many of] the other people, and I said to them, “Do not be afraid of our enemies! Think about [what] Yahweh, who is great and glorious, [can do]! And fight to protect your friends, your families, and your homes!”
15 Quand nos ennemis eurent été informés que nous étions avertis et que Dieu avait ruiné leur plan, nous retournâmes tous à la muraille, chacun à son ouvrage.
Our enemies heard that we knew what they were planning to do and that God had (spoiled their plans/prevented them from doing what they planned). [But we were sure that God would defend us, ] so we all started to work on the wall again.
16 A partir de ce jour, la moitié de mes gens s’occupait de l’ouvrage, et l’autre moitié était munie de lances, de boucliers, d’arcs et de cuirasses; les seigneurs se tenaient derrière toute la maison de Juda.
But after that, only half of the men who were working for me worked on the wall. The others stood there on guard, holding their spears, shields, bows [and arrows], and [wearing their] coats made of metal plates. [To encourage the people] were building the wall, their leaders stood behind them.
17 De ceux qui étaient occupés à la bâtisse, d’une part les manœuvres, porteurs de charges, faisaient leur besogne d’une main et tenaient l’épée de l’autre;
Those who carried [baskets of supplies on their heads/shoulders] and those who built the wall did their work with one hand, and held a weapon with the other hand.
18 d’autre part, les maçons construisaient, ayant chacun son épée attachée aux reins, et celui qui sonnait de la trompette était à mes côtés.
All those who were building [the wall] had a dagger fastened to their side. The man who would blow the trumpet [if our enemies attacked] was standing at my side.
19 Et je dis aux nobles, aux chefs et au reste du peuple: "L’Ouvrage est considérable et s’étend sur un vaste espace, de sorte que nous sommes dispersés le long de la muraille, éloignés l’un de l’autre.
Then I said to the officials, the other important men, and the other people, “This wall is very long, and we are far apart from each other along the wall.
20 A l’endroit d’où vous parviendra le son de la trompette, là vous viendrez vous rallier à nous: Dieu combattra en notre faveur."
If you hear the man blowing the trumpet, gather around us at that place. [Remember that] our God will fight for us!”
21 C’Est ainsi que nous nous occupions de l’ouvrage, la moitié des gens tenant les lances depuis le lever de l’aurore jusqu’à l’apparition des étoiles.
So we continued to work. Half of the men continued to hold their spears all day, from when the sun rose [in the morning] until the stars appeared [at night].
22 En ce temps-là aussi, je demandai au peuple que chacun passât la nuit à Jérusalem avec son serviteur, pour nous servir de sentinelles pendant la nuit et consacrer le jour au travail.
At that time, I also said to the people, “Tell every worker and his helper that they must stay inside Jerusalem at night. By doing that, they can guard us at night, and they can work [on the wall] during the daytime.”
23 Quant à moi, à mes frères, à mes gens et aux hommes de garde qui me suivaient, nous ne quittions point nos vêtements: chacun gardait son épée dans la main droite.
During that time, none of us ever took off our clothes (OR, we wore our clothes all the time)—I and my relatives and my workers and the guards who were with me. And we had our weapons with us, in our hands.