< Jérémie 8 >

1 "En ce temps-là, dit l’Eternel, on tirera de leurs tombeaux les ossements des rois de Juda, et les ossements de ses princes, et les ossements des prêtres, et les ossements des prophètes et les ossements des habitants de Jérusalem,
Yahweh says, “At the time [that your corpses are scattered on the ground], [your enemies will] break open the graves of your kings and [other] officials who lived in Judah, and the graves of your priests and prophets and other people who lived there.
2 et on les étalera à la face du soleil, de la lune et de tous les astres du ciel, qu’ils avaient aimés et adorés, qu’ils avaient suivis et recherchés, et devant lesquels ils s’étaient prosternés; ils ne seront ni recueillis ni rendus à la tombe: ils serviront d’engrais à la surface du sol.
They will take out their bones [from their graves] and [dishonor them by] scattering them on the ground under the sun and the moon and the stars— those are the gods which my people loved and served and worshiped. No one will gather up their bones and bury them [again]; they will remain scattered on the ground like dung.
3 Alors la mort paraîtra plus désirable que la vie à tous les survivants qui resteront de cette race perverse, qui resteront dans les lieux où je les reléguerai", dit l’Eternel-Cebaot.
And all the people of this wicked nation [who are still alive and] whom I have exiled to other countries will say, ‘We would prefer to die than to continue to stay alive [here in these countries].’ [That will be true because I], Yahweh, have said it.”
4 Tu leur diras: "Si l’on tombe, ne doit-on pas se relever? Si l’on se détourne, ne doit-on pas revenir?
[Yahweh said to me, “Jeremiah], tell the people that this is what [I], Yahweh, am saying to them: ‘When people fall down, they get up again, do they not [RHQ]? When people are going along a road and find out that they are walking on the wrong road, they go back [and find the correct road], do they not [RHQ]?
5 Pourquoi ce peuple, à Jérusalem, se rend-il coupable d’une défection obstinée? Pourquoi persévèrent-ils dans la fraude, refusent-ils de s’amender?
[Yes, they do], so why do these people [of Judah] continue [trusting in those idols that have deceived them]? They continue turning away from me, [even though I have warned them].
6 J’Ai prêté attention et j’ai écouté: ils profèrent des mensonges, personne parmi eux ne regrette ses mauvaises actions et ne dit: "Qu’ai-je fait?" Tous ils reprennent leur course, tels qu’un cheval qui se précipite au combat.
I have listened carefully [DOU] [to what they say], but they do not say what they should say. Not one of them is sorry for having sinned. No one says, “I have done [RHQ] wicked things.” They are [sinning and] doing what they want to as fast as [SIM] a horse that is running into a battle.
7 Même la cigogne dans les airs connaît les saisons qui lui sont propres; la tourterelle, l’hirondelle et la grue observent l’époque de leurs migrations, mais mon peuple ne connaît point la loi de l’Eternel!
All the birds [that fly south for the (winter/cold season)] know the time that they need to fly south, and they all return at the right time the following year. But my people [are not like those birds]! They do not know what [I], Yahweh, require them to do.
8 Comment pouvez-vous dire: "Nous sommes des sages! Nous sommes en possession de la doctrine de l’Eternel!" Oui, mais le stylet mensonger des scribes en a fait un mensonge!
Your men who teach you [the laws that Moses wrote] have been saying false things [about those laws]. [So], why [RHQ] do they [continue] saying, “We are [very] wise [because] we have the laws of Yahweh”?
9 Ils seront couverts de confusion, ces sages. Ils seront pris de terreur, ils seront capturés; aussi bien, ils ont traité avec dédain la parole de l’Eternel: en quoi consiste donc leur sagesse?
Those teachers, who think that [IRO] they are wise, will be ashamed/disgraced and dismayed when they are taken [to other countries by their enemies] because they sinned by rejecting what I told them. Truly, they were not [RHQ] very wise to do that!
10 C’Est pourquoi je livrerai leurs femmes à d’autres, leurs champs à des conquérants; car, du plus petit au plus grand, tous sont âpres au gain; du prophète jusqu’au prêtre, tous pratiquent le mensonge.
So, I will give their wives to other men; I will give their fields to [the enemy soldiers] who conquer them. All the people, including those who are important and those who are not important, deceive [others] in order to obtain their possessions. Even [my] prophets and my priests do that.
11 Ils ont bien vite fait de remédier à la ruina de mon peuple en disant: "Paix! Paix!" et il n’y a point de paix.
[They act as though the sins of my people] are not serious, [like] [MET] wounds that do not need to be cleaned and bandaged. They tell the people that everything will go well with them, [but that is not true]; things will not go well with them.
12 Ils devraient avoir honte de commettre des abominations; mais ils n’ont aucune pudeur ni ne savent rougir; aussi succomberont-ils avec ceux qui succombent; à l’heure où j’aurai à les châtier, ils trébucheront", dit l’Eternel.
They should be [RHQ] ashamed when they do disgusting things [RHQ], but they do not even know how to show on their faces that they are ashamed [about their sins]. So, [they will be killed, and] their corpses [also] will lie among the corpses of others who have been slaughtered [by their enemies]. They will be killed when I punish them.
13 "Je suis décidé à en finir avec eux", dit l’Eternel. Il n’y a plus de raisins au vignoble, ni de figues au figuier, les feuilles sont flétries: ce que je leur avais donné passera en d’autres mains.
I will [allow their enemies to] take away the figs and grapes that the people would have harvested from their fields. Their fruit trees will all wither. They will not receive [all] the blessings that I prepared for them. [This will certainly happen because I], Yahweh, have said it.’”
14 Pourquoi demeurons-nous sur place? Rassemblez-vous! Retirons-nous dans les villes fortes et demeurons-y immobiles, car l’Eternel, notre Dieu, nous a condamnés à périr et abreuvés d’eaux empoisonnées, parce que nous avons péché contre l’Eternel.
[Then the people will say], “(Why should we wait here [in these small towns]?/We should not wait here [in these small towns].) [RHQ]! We should go to the cities that have high walls around them, [but even if we do that] we will be killed there, because Yahweh our God has decided that we must be destroyed; [it is as though] [MET] he has given us a cup of poison to drink, because we sinned against him.
15 On espérait la paix, et rien d’heureux n’arrive; une ère de réparation, et voici l’épouvante!
We hoped/desired that things would go well for us, but things have not gone well. We hoped that bad things would not happen to us any more, but only things that terrify us [are happening to us].
16 Depuis Dan on entend le souffle de ses chevaux, le bruyant hennissement de ses puissants coursiers fait trembler la terre: ils viennent et dévorent le pays avec ce qu’il renferme, la ville et ses habitants.
People [far north in Israel] in [the city of] Dan can already hear the snorting of the horses of their enemies [who are preparing to attack us]. [It is as though] the entire land [of Judah] is shaking as their army approaches; they are coming to destroy our land and everything in it, the people and the cities.”
17 Car je vais lâcher contre vous des serpents, des basilics qui défient toute incantation; ils vous déchireront de leurs morsures, dit l’Eternel.
[Yahweh says], “I will send [those enemy soldiers to Judah], and they will be like [MET] poisonous snakes among you. No one will be able to stop them from attacking you [MET]; they will attack you like snakes do, [and kill you].”
18 Comme je voudrais dominer ma douleur! Mon coeur souffre au dedans de moi.
I grieve very much [for the people of Judah], and my grieving does not end. I am very sad [IDM].
19 Voici, j’entends la voix suppliante de la fille de mon peuple venant d’un pays lointain: "L’Eternel n’est-il plus à Sion? Son roi n’y est-il plus? Pourquoi aussi m’ont-ils contrarié par leurs idoles, les vaines divinités de l’étranger?"
Throughout our land, the people ask, “Has Yahweh abandoned Jerusalem? Is [he], our city’s king, no longer there?” [Yahweh replies], “Why do the people cause me to become very angry by [worshiping] idols and foreign gods?” [RHQ]
20 La moisson est achevée, la récolte touche à sa fin et nous n’avons pas reçu de secours!
[The people say], “The harvest [season] is finished, the (summer/hot season) has ended, [and we hoped that we would receive blessings from Yahweh], but he has not rescued us [from our enemies].”
21 A cause de la catastrophe qui a brisé la fille de mon peuple, je suis brisé; je suis voilé de deuil, en proie au désespoir.
I cry because my people have been crushed. I mourn, and I am completely dismayed.
22 N’Y a-t-il plus de baume à Galaad? Ne s’y trouve-t-il plus de médecin? Pourquoi ne s’offre-t-il aucun remède pour la fille de mon peuple?
[I ask], “Surely there is [RHQ] medicinal balm in the Gilead [region]! Surely there are [RHQ] doctors there!” But my people have been badly wounded [in their spirits], and nothing can heal them.

< Jérémie 8 >