< Job 42 >

1 Et Job répondit à l’Éternel et dit:
Then Job replied to Yahweh. [He said],
2 Je sais que tu peux tout, et qu’aucun dessein n’est trop difficile pour toi.
“I know that you can do everything and that no one can stop you from doing what you want to do.
3 Qui est celui-ci qui, sans connaissance, voile le conseil? J’ai donc parlé, et sans comprendre, de choses trop merveilleuses pour moi, que je ne connaissais pas.
[You asked me], ‘(Who are you, who by speaking ignorantly, question what I plan to do?/You have no right to question what I plan to do by speaking ignorantly.)’ [RHQ] It is true that I spoke about things that I did not understand, things that are very wonderful/marvelous, and therefore I am not able to know them.
4 Écoute, je te prie, et je parlerai; je t’interrogerai, et toi, instruis-moi.
You said to me, ‘Listen while I talk to you. I want to ask you some questions, so prepare yourself to answer them.’
5 Mon oreille avait entendu parler de toi, maintenant mon œil t’a vu:
I had heard about you previously, but now [it is as though] I have seen you with my own eyes.
6 C’est pourquoi j’ai horreur de moi, et je me repens dans la poussière et dans la cendre.
Therefore I (am ashamed of/withdraw) what I said, and I sit in dust and ashes to show that I am sorry [for what I said].”
7 Et il arriva, après que l’Éternel eut dit ces paroles à Job, que l’Éternel dit à Éliphaz, le Thémanite: Ma colère s’est enflammée contre toi et contre tes deux compagnons, car vous n’avez pas parlé de moi comme il convient, comme mon serviteur Job.
After Yahweh said these things to Job, he said to Eliphaz, “I am angry with you and your two friends, [Bildad and Zophar], because what my servant Job said about me was right/true, but what you have spoken about me was not right/true.
8 Et maintenant, prenez pour vous sept taureaux et sept béliers, et allez vers mon serviteur Job, et offrez un holocauste pour vous; et mon serviteur Job priera pour vous: car, lui, je l’aurai pour agréable, afin que je n’agisse pas avec vous selon votre folie; car vous n’avez pas parlé de moi comme il convient, comme mon serviteur Job.
So now you must take to Job seven young bulls and seven rams and [kill them and] burn them on the altar as a sacrifice for yourselves. Then Job will pray for you, and I will do what he requests me to do, [and I will forgive you for speaking wrongly about me]. I will not punish you, even though you deserve to be punished, because what you said about me was not right/true, but what Job said about me was right/true.”
9 Et Éliphaz le Thémanite, et Bildad le Shukhite, et Tsophar le Naamathite, allèrent et firent comme l’Éternel leur avait dit; et l’Éternel eut Job pour agréable.
So Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar did what Yahweh commanded them to do, and Yahweh did what Job requested him to do [for the three of them].
10 Et l’Éternel rétablit l’ancien état de Job, quand il eut prié pour ses amis; et l’Éternel donna à Job le double de tout ce qu’il avait eu.
After Job prayed for his three friends, Yahweh [healed him and] caused him to become rich again. Yahweh gave him twice as many things as he had before.
11 Et tous ses frères, et toutes ses sœurs, et tous ceux qui l’avaient connu auparavant vinrent à lui, et mangèrent le pain avec lui dans sa maison; et ils sympathisèrent avec lui et le consolèrent de tout le mal que l’Éternel avait fait venir sur lui, et lui donnèrent chacun un késita, et chacun un anneau d’or.
Then all his brothers and sisters, and all the people who had known him before, came to his house, and they ate a meal together. They consoled/comforted [DOU] him because of all the troubles that Yahweh had allowed him to experience.
12 Et l’Éternel bénit la fin de Job plus que son commencement: et il eut 14 000 brebis, et 6 000 chameaux, et 1 000 paires de bœufs, et 1 000 ânesses;
Then Yahweh blessed Job in the second half of his life more than he had blessed him in the first half of his life. He now acquired/owned 14,000 sheep, 6,000 camels, 2,000 oxen, and 1,000 female donkeys.
13 et il eut sept fils et trois filles;
And he also had seven [more] sons and three [more] daughters.
14 et il appela le nom de la première Jémima, et le nom de la seconde Ketsia, et le nom de la troisième Kéren-Happuc.
He named the first daughter Jemimah, he named the second daughter Keziah, and he named the third daughter Keren-Happuch.
15 Et, dans tout le pays, il ne se trouvait point de femmes belles comme les filles de Job; et leur père leur donna un héritage parmi leurs frères.
In all of [Uz] land there were no young women who were as beautiful as the daughters of Job, and Job declared that they would inherit some of his possessions, just like their brothers would inherit some.
16 Et, après cela, Job vécut 140 ans, et il vit ses fils, et les fils de ses fils, quatre générations.
After that, Job lived 140 more years. Before he died, he (saw/enjoyed being with) his great-great-grandchildren.
17 Et Job mourut vieux et rassasié de jours.
He was very old [DOU] when he died.

< Job 42 >