< Job 35 >

1 Et Élihu reprit la parole et dit:
And he answered Elihu and he said.
2 Penses-tu que ceci soit fondé, que tu aies dit: Je suis plus juste que Dieu?
¿ This do you consider to justice you have said righteousness my [is] more than God.
3 Car tu as demandé quel profit tu en as: Quel avantage en ai-je de plus que si j’avais péché?
For you say what? will it be of use to you what? will I profit from sin my.
4 Je te répliquerai, moi, par des paroles, et à tes amis avec toi:
I I will respond to you words and friends your with you.
5 Regarde les cieux et vois, et contemple les nuées: elles sont plus hautes que toi.
Look at [the] heavens and see and observe [the] clouds they are high more than you.
6 Si tu pèches, quel tort lui causes-tu? et si tes transgressions se multiplient, que lui as-tu fait?
If you have sinned what? do you do in him and they have been many transgressions your what? do you do to him.
7 Si tu es juste, que lui donnes-tu, ou que reçoit-il de ta main?
If you have been righteous what? do you give to him or what? from hand your does he receive.
8 Pour un homme comme toi ta méchanceté [peut être quelque chose], et pour un fils d’homme, ta justice.
[is] for A person like yourself wickedness your and [is] for a child of humankind righteousness your.
9 On crie à cause de la multitude des oppressions, et on appelle au secours à cause du bras des grands;
From a multitude of oppression people cry out they cry for help from [the] arm of great [people].
10 Et on ne dit pas: Où est Dieu, mon créateur, qui donne des chants de joie dans la nuit,
And not anyone has said where? [is] God maker my [who] gives songs in the night.
11 Qui nous rend plus instruits que les bêtes de la terre, et plus sages que les oiseaux des cieux?
[who] teaches Us more than [the] animals of [the] earth and more than [the] bird[s] of the heavens he makes wise us.
12 Alors on crie, et il ne répond pas, à cause de l’orgueil des méchants.
There they cry out and not he answers because of [the] pride of wicked [people].
13 Certainement ce qui est vanité Dieu ne l’écoute pas, et le Tout-puissant ne le regarde pas.
Surely emptiness not he hears - God and [the] Almighty not he observes it.
14 Quoique tu dises que tu ne le vois pas, le jugement est devant lui; attends-le donc.
Indeed? if you will say not you observe him [the] case [is] before him so you may wait for him.
15 Et maintenant, si sa colère n’a pas encore visité, [Job] ne connaît-il pas [sa] grande arrogance?
And now that not it has punished anger his and not he knows in folly exceedingly.
16 Et Job ouvre sa bouche vainement; il entasse des paroles sans science.
And Job vanity he opens mouth his with not knowledge words he multiplies.

< Job 35 >