< Exode 17 >
1 Et toute l’assemblée des fils d’Israël partit du désert de Sin, selon leurs traites, d’après le commandement de l’Éternel, et ils campèrent à Rephidim; et il n’y avait point d’eau à boire pour le peuple.
Obeying what Yahweh commanded, all the Israeli people moved from the Sin Desert. They/We traveled from one place to another. They/We camped at [a place named] Rephidim, but there was no water there for (the people/us) to drink.
2 Et le peuple contesta avec Moïse, et ils dirent: Donnez-nous de l’eau pour que nous buvions. Et Moïse leur dit: Pourquoi contestez-vous avec moi? Pourquoi tentez-vous l’Éternel?
So the people complained to Moses/me again, saying, “Give us water to drink!” Moses/I replied to them, “Why are you (criticizing/arguing with) me [RHQ]? And why are you trying to determine whether Yahweh [has the power to provide for you]?”
3 Et là, le peuple eut soif d’eau; et le peuple murmura contre Moïse, et dit: Pourquoi nous as-tu fait monter d’Égypte, pour nous faire mourir de soif, moi, et mes enfants, et mon bétail?
But the people were very thirsty, and they continued to complain to Moses/me. They were saying things like “Why did you bring us out of Egypt?”, and “Did you bring us here to cause us and our children and livestock to die (from thirst/because we had no water to drink) [RHQ]?”
4 Et Moïse cria à l’Éternel, disant: Que ferai-je à ce peuple? Encore un peu, et ils me lapideront.
So Moses/I prayed earnestly to Yahweh. He/I said, “(How shall I deal with these people?/I do not know how to deal with these people!) [RHQ] They are almost ready to [kill me by throwing] stones at me!”
5 Et l’Éternel dit à Moïse: Passe devant le peuple, et prends avec toi des anciens d’Israël; et prends dans ta main ta verge avec laquelle tu as frappé le fleuve, et va.
Yahweh replied to Moses/me, “Take some of the elders/leaders of the Israeli people with you and [tell the rest of] the people to follow you [to Sinai Mountain]. Take along the stick with which you struck the Nile [River].
6 Voici, je me tiens là devant toi, sur le rocher, en Horeb; et tu frapperas le rocher, et il en sortira des eaux, et le peuple boira. Et Moïse fit ainsi devant les yeux des anciens d’Israël.
Listen carefully: I will stand in front of you on top of a [large] rock at the foot of the mountain. Strike the rock with your stick. [When you do that], water for the people to drink will flow out of the rock.” [When they/we arrived at the mountain], Moses/I did that while the Israeli elders were watching, [and water flowed from the rock].
7 Et il appela le nom du lieu Massa et Meriba, à cause de la contestation des fils d’Israël, et parce qu’ils avaient tenté l’Éternel, en disant: L’Éternel est-il au milieu de nous, ou n’y est-il pas?
Moses/I gave that place two names [in the Hebrew language: ] Massah, [which means ‘testing’], and Meribah, [which means ‘complaining’]. He/I gave it the name Massah because the Israeli people were testing Yahweh, saying “Is Yahweh really among us [and able to help us], or not?”, and he/I gave it the name Meribah because they were [continually] complaining.
8 Et Amalek vint, et combattit contre Israël, à Rephidim.
Then the descendants of the Amalek people-group came and fought against the Israeli people at Rephidim.
9 Et Moïse dit à Josué: Choisis-nous des hommes, et sors, combats contre Amalek; demain je me tiendrai sur le sommet de la colline, la verge de Dieu dans ma main.
Moses/I said to Joshua, [who was one of our army/Israeli leaders], “Choose some men to go out and fight against the Amalek people-group tomorrow. I will stand on the top of the hill, holding the stick that God told me to carry.”
10 Et Josué fit comme Moïse lui avait dit, pour combattre contre Amalek; et Moïse, Aaron, et Hur montèrent au sommet de la colline.
So Joshua did what Moses/I told him to do. He took some men to fight against the Amalek people-group. [While they were fighting], Aaron, Hur, and Moses/I went up to the top of the hill [so that they/we could see the whole battle area].
11 Et il arrivait, lorsque Moïse élevait sa main, qu’Israël avait le dessus; et quand il reposait sa main, Amalek avait le dessus.
Whenever Moses/I lifted up his/my arms, the Israeli men started to win [the battle]. And whenever he/I lowered his/my arms, the Amalek people-group started to win.
12 Mais les mains de Moïse étaient pesantes; et ils prirent une pierre, et la mirent sous lui, et il s’assit dessus; et Aaron et Hur soutenaient ses mains, l’un deçà, et l’autre delà; et ses mains furent fermes jusqu’au coucher du soleil.
But his/my arms became tired. So Aaron and Hur [rolled] a [large] stone for Moses/me to sit on. [While he/I was sitting on it], those two held up his/my arms, [one on one side and the other on the other side]. In that way, they kept his/my arms lifted up, and his/my arms held steady until the sun went down.
13 Et Josué abattit Amalek et son peuple au tranchant de l’épée.
So Joshua and the men with him completely defeated the Amalek people-group, using their swords [to fight against them].
14 Et l’Éternel dit à Moïse: Écris ceci pour mémorial dans le livre, et fais-le entendre à Josué, que j’effacerai entièrement la mémoire d’Amalek de dessous les cieux.
Then Yahweh said to Moses/me, “Write an account of this battle, and then read it to Joshua. [Also write that some day] I will completely get rid of the Amalek people-group.”
15 Et Moïse bâtit un autel, et appela son nom: Jéhovah-Nissi;
Then Moses/I built a [stone] altar there and named it ‘Yahweh is [like] my flag’.
16 et il dit: Parce que Jah a juré, l’Éternel aura la guerre contre Amalek de génération en génération.
He/I said, “Hold high Yahweh’s flag! Yahweh will continue to fight against the Amalek people-group (forever/in all future generations)!”