< Psaumes 89 >
1 Cantique d’Ethan l’Ezrahite. Je veux chanter à jamais les bontés de Yahweh; à toutes les générations ma bouche fera connaître ta fidélité.
Yahweh, I will sing forever about the ways you faithfully love me; people not yet born will hear that you faithfully [do all that you have promised].
2 Car je dis: La bonté est un édifice éternel, dans les cieux tu as établi ta fidélité.
I will tell people that you will faithfully love us forever, and that your being faithful [to do what you have promised] is as permanent as the sky.
3 « J’ai contracté alliance avec mon élu; j’ai fait ce serment à David, mon serviteur:
Yahweh said, “I have made an agreement with David, whom I chose [to serve me]. I have made this solemn (agreement with/promise to) him:
4 je veux affermir ta race pour toujours, établir ton trône pour toutes les générations. » — Séla.
‘I will enable various ones of your descendants to always be kings; the line of kings descended from you [MTY] will never end.’”
5 Les cieux célèbrent tes merveilles, Yahweh, et ta fidélité dans l’assemblée des saints.
Yahweh, I desire that all [those beings who are in] [MTY] heaven will praise you for the wonderful things that you do, and that all your holy angels will sing about how you faithfully [do what you promise].
6 Car qui pourrait, dans le ciel, se comparer à Yahweh? Qui est semblable à Yahweh parmi les fils de Dieu?
There is no one [RHQ] in heaven who can be compared with you, Yahweh. There are no angels [RHQ] in heaven who are equal to you.
7 Dieu est terrible dans la grande assemblée des saints, il est redoutable pour tous ceux qui l’entourent.
When your holy angels gather together, they declare that you must be revered; they say that you are more awesome than all the angels that surround your throne!
8 Yahweh, Dieu des armées, qui est comme toi? Tu es puissant, Yahweh, et ta fidélité t’environne.
O Yahweh, God Almighty, there is no one [RHQ] who is powerful like you are; your faithfully doing [all that you promise] is [like a cloak that] [MET] [always] surrounds you.
9 C’est toi qui domptes l’orgueil de la mer; quand ses flots se soulèvent, c’est toi qui les apaises.
You rule over the powerful seas; when their waves rise up, you calm them.
10 C’est toi qui écrasas Rahab comme un cadavre, qui dispersas tes ennemis par la force de ton bras.
You are the one who crushed [and killed the great sea monster named] Rahab. You [defeated and] scattered your enemies with your great power [MTY].
11 À toi sont les cieux, à toi aussi la terre; le monde et ce qu’il contient, c’est toi qui l’as fondé.
The heavens are yours, and the earth is yours; and everything on the earth is yours, because you created it all.
12 Tu as créé le nord et le midi; le Thabor et l’Hermon tressaillent à ton nom.
You created [everything from] the north to the south. Tabor [Mountain] and Hermon [Mountain] joyfully praise you [MTY].
13 Ton bras est armé de puissance, ta main est forte, ta droite élevée.
(You/Your arms) are very powerful; (you/your hands) are extremely strong.
14 La justice et l’équité sont le fondement de ton trône, la bonté et la fidélité se tiennent devant ta face.
(Your rule [MTY] over us is based on/As you rule over us, you are always) treating people fairly and justly, and on/are always faithfully loving us and doing [what you promised].
15 Heureux le peuple qui connaît les joyeuses acclamations, qui marche à la clarté de ta face, Yahweh!
Yahweh, happy are the people who worship you with joyful shouts, who live knowing that you are always watching over them.
16 Il se réjouit sans cesse en ton nom, et il s’élève par ta justice.
Every day, throughout the day, they rejoice in what you [MTY] [have done], and they praise you for being very good [to them].
17 Car tu es sa gloire et sa puissance, et ta faveur élève notre force.
You give us your glorious strength; because you act in our favor, we defeat [MET] [our enemies].
18 Car de Yahweh vient notre bouclier, et du Saint d’Israël notre roi.
Yahweh, you gave us [the one who] protects us [MET]; you, the holy God whom we Israelis worship, chose a king for us.
19 Tu parlas jadis dans une vision à ton bien-aimé, en disant: « J’ai prêté assistance à un héros, j’ai élevé un jeune homme du milieu du peuple.
Long ago you spoke in a vision to one of your servants/prophets, saying, “I have helped a famous soldier; I chose him from among all the people to be a king.
20 J’ai trouvé David, mon serviteur, je l’ai oint de mon huile sainte.
That man is David, the one who will serve me [faithfully], and I anointed him with sacred olive oil [to make him king].
21 Ma main sera constamment avec lui, et mon bras le fortifiera.
I [MTY] will always strengthen him; with my power [MTY] I will make him strong.
22 « L’ennemi ne le surprendra pas, et le fils d’iniquité ne l’emportera pas sur lui.
His enemies will never find ways to defeat him, and wicked people will never defeat him.
23 J’écraserai devant lui ses adversaires, et je frapperai ceux qui le haïssent.
I will crush his enemies in front of him and get rid of those who hate him.
24 Ma fidélité et ma bonté seront avec lui, et par mon nom grandira sa puissance.
I will always be loyal to him and faithfully love him and enable him to defeat [MET] [his enemies].
25 J’étendrai sa main sur la mer et sa droite sur les fleuves.
I will cause (his kingdom/the area that he rules) to include all the land from the [Mediterranean] Sea to the [Euphrates] River.
26 « Il m’invoquera: Tu es mon père, mon Dieu et le rocher de mon salut.
He will say to me, ‘You are my Father, my God, the one who protects [MET] and saves me.’
27 Et moi je ferai de lui le premier-né, le plus élevé des rois de la terre.
I will give him [the rights/privileges that a man’s] firstborn son has [MET]; he will be the greatest king on the earth.
28 Je lui conserverai ma bonté à jamais, et mon alliance lui sera fidèle.
I will always be loyal to him, and my agreement [to bless] him will last forever.
29 J’établirai sa postérité pour jamais, et son trône aura les jours des cieux.
I will establish a line of his descendants that will never end, various ones of his descendants will always be kings.
30 « Si ses fils abandonnent ma loi, et ne marchent pas selon mes ordonnances;
But, if [some of] his descendants disobey my laws, and do not not behave like my commands say that they should,
31 s’ils violent mes préceptes, et n’observent pas mes commandements;
if they disregard my requirements and do not do the right things that I have told them to do,
32 je punirai de la verge leurs transgressions, et par des coups leurs iniquités;
I will punish them severely [MTY] and cause them to suffer for doing wrong.
33 mais je ne lui retirerai pas ma bonté, et je ne ferai pas mentir ma fidélité.
But I will not stop faithfully loving [David], and I will always do what I promised him.
34 « Je ne violerai pas mon alliance, et je ne changerai pas la parole sortie de mes lèvres.
I will not break the agreement that I made with him; I will not change even one word that I spoke [to him].
35 Je l’ai juré une fois par ma sainteté; non, je ne mentirai pas à David.
Once I made a solemn promise to David, and that will never change, and because I am God, I will never lie to David.
36 Sa postérité subsistera éternellement, son trône sera devant moi comme le soleil;
[I promised that] the line of kings descended from him will go on forever; it will last as long as the sun [shines].
37 comme la lune, il est établi pour toujours, et le témoin qui est au ciel est fidèle. » — Séla.
That line will (be as permanent/last as long) as the moon that is always watching everything from the sky.
38 Et toi, tu as rejeté, et tu as dédaigné, et tu t’es irrité contre ton Oint!
But [Yahweh], now you have rejected [DOU] David! You are very angry with the king whom you appointed.
39 Tu as pris en dégoût l’alliance avec son serviteur, tu as jeté à terre son diadème profané.
[It seems that] you have broken the agreement that you made with your servant, [David]; it seems as though you [have signaled that he is no longer the king by] throwing his crown into the dust/dirt.
40 Tu as renversé toutes ses murailles, tu as mis en ruines ses forteresses.
You have torn down the walls [that protect] his [city], and allowed all his forts to become ruins.
41 Tous les passants le dépouillent; il est devenu l’opprobre de ses voisins.
All those who pass by plunder/steal his possessions; his neighbors (laugh at/ridicule) him.
42 Tu as élevé la droite de ses oppresseurs, tu as réjoui tous ses ennemis.
You have enabled his enemies to defeat him; you have made them all happy.
43 Tu as fait retourner en arrière le tranchant de son glaive, et tu ne l’as pas soutenu dans le combat.
You have caused his sword to become useless, and you have not helped him in his battles.
44 Tu l’as dépouillé de sa splendeur, et tu as jeté par terre son trône.
You have caused his splendor to end (OR, You have taken away his power by knocking his throne to the ground.
45 Tu as abrégé les jours de sa jeunesse, et tu l’as couvert d’ignominie. — Séla.
You have caused him to look old when he is still young and caused him to be very shamed/disgraced.
46 Jusques à quand, Yahweh, te cacheras-tu pour toujours, et ta fureur s’embrasera-t-elle comme le feu?
O Yahweh, how long [will this continue]? Will you hide yourself forever? How long will your anger burn like a fire?
47 Rappelle-toi la brièveté de ma vie, et pour quelle vanité tu as créé les fils de l’homme!
Do not forget that life is very short; have you created all us people in vain?
48 Quel est le vivant qui ne verra pas la mort, qui soustraira son âme au pouvoir du schéol? — Séla. (Sheol )
No one can [RHQ] keep on living and never die; (No one can [RHQ] avoid going/Everyone will go) to the place of the dead. (Sheol )
49 Où sont, Seigneur, tes bontés d’autrefois, que tu juras à David dans ta fidélité?
Yahweh, you promised long ago that you would faithfully love us; why are you not doing that? You solemnly promised that to David!
50 Souviens-toi, Seigneur, de l’opprobre de tes serviteurs; souviens-toi que je porte dans mon sein les outrages de tant de peuples nombreux;
Yahweh, do not forget that people insult me! (Heathen people/People who do not know you) curse me!
51 souviens-toi des outrages de tes ennemis, Yahweh, de leurs outrages contre les pas de ton Oint.
Yahweh, your enemies insult your chosen king! They insult/ridicule him wherever he goes.
52 Béni soit à jamais Yahweh! Amen! Amen! Psaumes Livres
I hope/desire that Yahweh will be praised forever! Amen! May it be so!