< Job 33 >
1 Maintenant donc, Job, écoute mes paroles, prête l’oreille à tous mes discours.
And now, O Job, give ear to my words, and take note of all I say.
2 Voilà que j’ouvre la bouche, ma langue forme des mots dans mon palais,
See, now my mouth is open, my tongue gives out words.
3 mes paroles partiront d’un cœur droit, c’est la vérité pure qu’exprimeront mes lèvres.
My heart is overflowing with knowledge, my lips say what is true.
4 L’esprit de Dieu m’a créé, le souffle du Tout-Puissant me donne la vie.
The spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Ruler of all gives me life.
5 Si tu le peux, réponds-moi; dispose tes arguments devant moi, tiens-toi ferme.
If you are able, give me an answer; put your cause in order, and come forward.
6 Devant Dieu je suis ton égal, comme toi j’ai été formé du limon.
See, I am the same as you are in the eyes of God; I was cut off from the same bit of wet earth.
7 Ainsi ma crainte ne t’épouvantera pas, et le poids de ma majesté ne peut t’accabler.
Fear of me will not overcome you, and my hand will not be hard on you.
8 Oui, tu as dit à mes oreilles, et j’ai bien entendu le son de tes paroles;
But you said in my hearing, and your voice came to my ears:
9 « Je suis pur, exempt de tout péché; je suis irréprochable, il n’y a pas d’iniquité en moi.
I am clean, without sin; I am washed, and there is no evil in me:
10 Et Dieu invente contre moi des motifs de haine, il me traite comme son ennemi.
See, he is looking for something against me; in his eyes I am as one of his haters;
11 Il a mis mes pieds dans les ceps, il surveille tous mes pas. »
He puts chains on my feet; he is watching all my ways.
12 Je te répondrai qu’en cela tu n’as pas été juste, car Dieu est plus grand que l’homme.
Truly, in saying this you are wrong; for God is greater than man.
13 Pourquoi disputer contre lui, parce qu’il ne rend compte de ses actes à personne?
Why do you put forward your cause against him, saying, He gives no answer to any of my words?
14 Pourtant Dieu parle tantôt d’une manière, tantôt d’une autre, et l’on n’y fait pas attention.
For God gives his word in one way, even in two, and man is not conscious of it:
15 Il parle par des songes, par des visions nocturnes, quand un profond sommeil pèse sur les mortels, quand ils dorment sur leur couche.
In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep comes on men, while they take their rest on their beds;
16 A ce moment, il ouvre l’oreille des hommes, et y scelle ses avertissements,
Then he makes his secrets clear to men, so that they are full of fear at what they see;
17 afin de détourner l’homme de ses œuvres mauvaises, et d’écarter de lui l’orgueil,
In order that man may be turned from his evil works, and that pride may be taken away from him;
18 afin de sauver son âme de la mort, sa vie des atteintes du dard.
To keep back his soul from the underworld, and his life from destruction.
19 Par la douleur aussi l’homme est repris sur sa couche, quand une lutte continue agite ses os.
Pain is sent on him as a punishment, while he is on his bed; there is no end to the trouble in his bones;
20 Alors il prend en dégoût le pain, et il a horreur des mets exquis,
He has no desire for food, and his soul is turned away from delicate meat;
21 Sa chair s’évanouit aux regards, ses os qu’on ne voyait pas sont mis à nu.
His flesh is so wasted away, that it may not be seen, and his bones. ...
22 Il s’approche de la fosse, sa vie est en proie aux horreurs du trépas.
And his soul comes near to the underworld, and his life to the angels of death.
23 Mais s’il trouve pour intercesseur, un ange entre mille, qui fasse connaître à l’homme son devoir,
If now there may be an angel sent to him, one of the thousands which there are to be between him and God, and to make clear to man what is right for him;
24 Dieu a pitié de lui et dit à l’ange: « Epargne-lui de descendre dans la fosse, j’ai trouvé la rançon de sa vie. »
And if he has mercy on him, and says, Let him not go down to the underworld, I have given the price for his life:
25 Sa chair alors a plus de fraîcheur qu’au premier âge, il revient aux jours de sa jeunesse.
Then his flesh becomes young again, and he comes back to the days of his early strength;
26 Il prie Dieu, et Dieu lui est propice; il contemple sa face avec allégresse, et le Très-Haut lui rend son innocence.
He makes his prayer to God, and he has mercy on him; he sees God's face with cries of joy; he gives news of his righteousness to men;
27 Il chante parmi les hommes, il dit: « J’ai péché, j’ai violé la justice, et Dieu ne m’a pas traité selon mes fautes.
He makes a song, saying, I did wrong, turning from the straight way, but he did not give me the reward of my sin.
28 Il a épargné à mon âme de descendre dans la fosse, et ma vie s’épanouit à la lumière! »
He kept my soul from the underworld, and my life sees the light in full measure.
29 Voilà, Dieu fait tout cela, deux fois, trois fois, pour l’homme,
Truly, God does all these things to man, twice and three times,
30 afin de le ramener de la mort, de l’éclairer de la lumière des vivants.
Keeping back his soul from the underworld, so that he may see the light of life.
31 Sois attentif, Job, écoute-moi; garde le silence, que je parle.
Take note O Job, give ear to me; keep quiet, while I say what is in my mind.
32 Si tu as quelque chose à dire, réponds-moi; parle, car je voudrais te trouver juste.
If you have anything to say, give me an answer; for it is my desire that you may be judged free from sin.
33 Si tu n’as rien à dire, écoute-moi; fais silence, et je t’enseignerai la sagesse.
If not, give attention to me, and keep quiet, and I will give you wisdom.