< Genèse 29 >
1 Jacob partit, et il arriva au pays des fils de l'Orient.
Jacob continued on the road [MTY], and he arrived at the land that was east of Canaan.
2 Il regarda et vit un puits dans un champ, et il vit trois troupeaux de moutons couchés près de ce puits. Car c'est de ce puits qu'on abreuvait les troupeaux. La pierre sur l'embouchure du puits était grande.
There he [was surprised to] see a well in a field, and three flocks of sheep were lying near the well. It was the well from which shepherds habitually got water for their sheep. There was a large stone covering the top of the well.
3 Là, tous les troupeaux étaient rassemblés. Ils roulèrent la pierre de l'ouverture du puits, abreuvèrent les brebis, et remirent la pierre à sa place sur l'ouverture du puits.
When all the flocks were gathered there, the shepherds would work together to roll the stone away from the top of the well and get water for the sheep. When they finished doing that, they would put the stone back in its place over the top of the well.
4 Jacob leur dit: « Mes parents, d'où venez-vous? » Ils ont dit: « Nous sommes de Haran. »
[On that day], Jacob asked the shepherds who were sitting there, “Where are you from?” They replied, “We are from Haran.”
5 Il leur dit: « Connaissez-vous Laban, fils de Nachor? » Ils ont dit: « On le connaît. »
He asked them, “Do you know Laban, the grandson of Nahor?” They replied, “Yes, we know him.”
6 Il leur dit: « Est-ce qu'il se porte bien? » Ils ont dit: « C'est bien. Regarde, Rachel, sa fille, vient avec les brebis. »
Jacob asked them, “Is Laban well?” They replied, “Yes, he is well. Look! Here comes his daughter Rachel with the sheep!”
7 Il dit: « Voici, c'est encore le milieu du jour, ce n'est pas le moment de rassembler le bétail. Abreuve les brebis, et va les nourrir. »
Jacob said, “Hey! The sun is still high in the sky. It is not time for the flocks to be gathered for nighttime. Give the sheep some water and then take them back to (graze/eat grass) in the pastures!”
8 Ils dirent: « Nous ne pouvons pas, jusqu'à ce que tous les troupeaux soient rassemblés, et qu'ils roulent la pierre de la bouche du puits. Alors nous abreuverons les brebis. »
They replied, “No, we cannot do that until all the flocks are gathered here and the stone is removed from the top of the well. After that, we will give water to the sheep.”
9 Comme il parlait encore avec eux, Rachel arriva avec les brebis de son père, car elle les gardait.
While he was still talking with them, Rachel came with her father’s sheep. She was the one who took care of her father’s sheep.
10 Lorsque Jacob vit Rachel, fille de Laban, frère de sa mère, et les brebis de Laban, frère de sa mère, il s'approcha, roula la pierre de l'ouverture du puits, et abreuva le troupeau de Laban, frère de sa mère.
When Jacob saw Rachel, the daughter of Laban, who was his mother’s brother, [Jacob was so excited that] he went over and [by himself] rolled away the stone that covered the top of the well, and he got water for his uncle’s sheep.
11 Jacob embrassa Rachel, éleva la voix et pleura.
Then Jacob kissed Rachel [on the cheek], and he cried loudly [because he was so happy].
12 Jacob dit à Rachel qu'il était parent de son père, et qu'il était le fils de Rebecca. Elle courut le dire à son père.
Jacob told Rachel that he was one of her father’s relatives, the son of her aunt Rebekah. So she ran and told that to her father.
13 Lorsque Laban apprit la nouvelle de Jacob, le fils de sa sœur, il courut à la rencontre de Jacob, l'embrassa, le baisa et le fit venir dans sa maison. Jacob raconta à Laban toutes ces choses.
As soon as Laban heard that Jacob, his sister’s son, was there, he ran to meet him. He embraced him and kissed him [on the cheek]. Then he brought him to his home, and Jacob told him all that had happened to him.
14 Laban lui dit: « Certainement, tu es mon os et ma chair. » Jacob resta un mois avec lui.
Then Laban said to him, “Truly, you are part of my family!” After Jacob had stayed there and worked for Laban for a month,
15 Laban dit à Jacob: « Puisque tu es mon parent, dois-tu me servir pour rien? Dis-moi, quel sera ton salaire? »
Laban said to him “(You should not work for me for nothing just because you are a relative of mine!/Why should you work for me for nothing just because you are a relative of mine?) [RHQ] Tell me how much you want me to pay you.”
16 Laban avait deux filles. Le nom de l'aînée était Léa, et le nom de la cadette était Rachel.
Well, Laban had two daughters. The older one was named Leah, and the younger one was named Rachel.
17 Léa avait les yeux faibles, mais Rachel était belle de forme et séduisante.
Leah had pretty eyes, but Rachel had a very attractive figure and was beautiful.
18 Jacob aimait Rachel. Il dit: « Je te servirai sept ans pour Rachel, ta plus jeune fille. »
Jacob (was in love with/wanted very much to be married to) Rachel, and he said, “I will work for you for seven years. That will be my payment for your letting me marry your younger daughter, Rachel.”
19 Laban dit: « Il vaut mieux que je te la donne, que je la donne à un autre homme. Reste avec moi. »
Laban replied, “It is better for me to let you marry her than for her to marry some other man!”
20 Jacob a servi sept ans pour Rachel. Elles ne lui ont paru que quelques jours, à cause de l'amour qu'il lui portait.
So Jacob worked for Laban for seven years to get Rachel, but to him it seemed like it was only a few days, because he loved her so much.
21 Jacob dit à Laban: « Donne-moi ma femme, car mes jours sont accomplis, et je pourrai aller vers elle. »
After the seven years were ended, Jacob said to Laban, “Let me marry Rachel now, because the time we agreed upon for me to work for you is ended, and I want to marry her. [EUP]”
22 Laban rassembla tous les hommes du lieu, et fit un festin.
So Laban gathered together all the people who lived in that area and made a feast.
23 Le soir, il prit Léa, sa fille, et l'amena à Jacob. Il entra chez elle.
But that evening, instead of taking Rachel to Jacob, Laban took his older daughter, Leah, to him. But because it was already dark, he could not see that it was Leah and not Rachel, and he had sex [EUP] with her.
24 Laban donna pour servante à Léa, sa fille, Zilpa, sa servante.
(Laban had already given his slave girl Zilpah to his daughter Leah to be her maid/servant.)
25 Le matin, voici que c'était Léa. Elle dit à Laban: « Qu'est-ce que tu m'as fait? N'ai-je pas servi avec toi pour Rachel? Pourquoi donc m'as-tu trompé? »
The next morning, Jacob was shocked to see that it was Leah who was with him! So he went to Laban [and told him] very angrily, “(What you have done to me is disgusting!/What is this that you have done to me?) [RHQ] I worked for you to get Rachel, did I not? So why did you deceive me?”
26 Laban répondit: « Cela ne se fait pas chez nous, de donner le plus jeune avant le premier-né.
Laban replied, “In this land, it is not our custom to give a younger daughter to be married before we let someone marry our firstborn daughter.
27 Accomplis la semaine de celui-ci, et nous te donnerons aussi l'autre pour le service que tu feras chez moi pendant sept autres années. »
After we finish this week of celebration, we will let you marry the younger one also. But in return, you must pay for Rachel by working for me for another seven years.”
28 Jacob fit ainsi, et accomplit sa semaine. Il lui donna pour femme sa fille Rachel.
So that is what Jacob did. After the week of celebration was ended, Laban gave him his daughter, Rachel, to be his wife.
29 Laban donna Bilha, sa servante, à sa fille Rachel, pour qu'elle la serve.
Laban gave his slave girl, Bilhah, to Rachel to be her maid/servant.
30 Il alla aussi vers Rachel, qu'il aima plus que Léa, et il resta sept ans de plus à son service.
Jacob had sex [EUP] with Rachel also, and he loved Rachel more than he loved Leah. And Jacob worked for Laban for another seven years.
31 Yahvé vit que Léa était haïe, et il lui ouvrit les entrailles, mais Rachel était stérile.
When Yahweh saw that Jacob did not love Leah [very much], he enabled her to become pregnant. But Rachel was not able to become pregnant.
32 Léa devint enceinte, et enfanta un fils, qu'elle appela Ruben. Car elle disait: « Parce que Yahvé a regardé mon affliction, maintenant mon mari m'aimera. »
Leah gave birth to a son, whom she named Reuben, [which sounds like the Hebrew words that mean ‘Look, a son]!’ She said, “Yahweh has seen that I was miserable, and because of that he has given me a son. Now, surely my husband will love me for giving birth to a son for him.”
33 Elle conçut de nouveau et enfanta un fils, et elle dit: « Parce que Yahvé a entendu que je suis haïe, il m'a aussi donné ce fils. » Elle lui donna le nom de Siméon.
Later she became pregnant again and gave birth to another son. She said, “Because Yahweh has heard that my husband doesn’t love me, he has given me this son, too.” So she named him Simeon, [which means ‘someone who hears’].
34 Elle conçut de nouveau, et enfanta un fils. Elle dit: « Cette fois, mon mari s'attachera à moi, car je lui ai enfanté trois fils. » C'est pourquoi on lui donna le nom de Lévi.
Later she became pregnant again, and gave birth to another son. She said, “Now, finally, my husband will hold me close to him.” So she named him Levi, [which means ‘hold close’].
35 Elle conçut de nouveau, et enfanta un fils. Elle dit: « Cette fois, je louerai Yahvé. » Elle lui donna donc le nom de Juda. Puis elle cessa d'enfanter.
Later she became pregnant again and gave birth to another son. She said, “(This time/Now) I will praise Yahweh.” So she called his name Judah, [which sounds like the Hebrew word that means ‘praise’]. After that, she did not give birth to any more children [for several years].