< 1 Samuel 7 >
1 Les gens de Kiriath Jearim vinrent prendre l'arche de l'Éternel, et ils la portèrent dans la maison d'Abinadab, sur la colline, et ils consacrèrent Éléazar, son fils, pour garder l'arche de l'Éternel.
[When] the men of Kiriath-Jearim [received that message, they] came to Beth-Shemesh and took the sacred chest of Yahweh. They took it to the house of Abinadab, which was on a hillside. They appointed Abinadab’s son Eleazar to take care of the chest.
2 Depuis le jour où l'arche resta à Kiriath Jearim, le temps fut long, car il s'écoula vingt ans, et toute la maison d'Israël se lamenta après Yahvé.
The sacred chest stayed in Kiriath-Jearim for a long time—a total of 20 years. During that time all the people of Israel mourned [because it seemed that] Yahweh [had abandoned them] (OR, [and then they asked] Yahweh [to help them]).
3 Samuel parla à toute la maison d'Israël, et dit: « Si vous revenez à l'Éternel de tout votre cœur, ôtez du milieu de vous les dieux étrangers et les ashtaroths, et dirigez votre cœur vers l'Éternel, et ne servez que lui; et il vous délivrera de la main des Philistins. »
Then Samuel said to all the Israeli people, “If you truly [IDM] want to act like Yahweh’s people should, you must get rid of your statues of [the goddess] Astarte and the idols/statues of all the other foreign gods. You must decide to serve/worship only Yahweh. If you do that, he will rescue you from [the power of] [MTY] the Philistia people.”
4 Et les enfants d'Israël firent disparaître les Baals et les Ashtaroths, et ils ne servirent que Yahvé.
So the Israelis got rid of all their statues of the gods Baal and Astarte, and they worshiped only Yahweh.
5 Samuel dit: « Rassemblez tout Israël à Mitspa, et je prierai Yahvé pour vous. »
Then Samuel told them, “All you Israeli people must gather with me at Mizpah. Then I will pray to Yahweh for you.”
6 Ils s'assemblèrent à Mitspa, puisèrent de l'eau et la versèrent devant l'Éternel, et ils jeûnèrent ce jour-là, en disant: « Nous avons péché contre l'Éternel. » Samuel jugea les enfants d'Israël à Mitspa.
So they gathered at Mizpah, which was the town where Samuel previously was the leader of the Israeli people. They had a big ceremony there. They drew water [from a well], and poured the water on the ground while Yahweh watched. [To show that they were sorry for having worshiped idols], they did not eat any food on that day, and they confessed that they had sinned against Yahweh.
7 Lorsque les Philistins apprirent que les enfants d'Israël s'étaient rassemblés à Mitspa, les princes des Philistins montèrent contre Israël. Lorsque les enfants d'Israël l'apprirent, ils eurent peur des Philistins.
When the kings of the Philistia area heard that the Israeli people had gathered at Mizpah, they led their armies there to attack the Israelis. When the Israelis found out that the Philistia army was approaching them, they became very afraid.
8 Les enfants d'Israël dirent à Samuel: « Ne cesse pas de crier pour nous à Yahvé notre Dieu, afin qu'il nous sauve de la main des Philistins. »
They told Samuel, “Pray to Yahweh to rescue us from the Philistia army [MTY], and do not stop pleading!”
9 Samuel prit un agneau de lait et l'offrit en holocauste à Yahvé. Samuel cria à l'Éternel pour Israël, et l'Éternel l'exauça.
So Samuel took a very young lamb [and killed it] and offered it to Yahweh to be a sacrifice that was completely burned [on the altar]. Then he prayed and pleaded that Yahweh [would help] the Israelis, and Yahweh did help them.
10 Comme Samuel offrait l'holocauste, les Philistins s'approchèrent pour livrer bataille à Israël; mais ce jour-là, Yahvé fit retentir un grand tonnerre sur les Philistins et les confondit, et ils furent terrassés devant Israël.
While Samuel was burning the offering, the Philistia army came near to attack the Israelis. But Yahweh caused it to thunder very loudly. The soldiers of the Philistia army became very frightened, and then they (became confused/did not know what to do). So the Israelis were able to defeat them.
11 Les hommes d'Israël sortirent de Mitspa, poursuivirent les Philistins et les battirent jusqu'à ce qu'ils arrivent au-dessous de Beth Kar.
The Israeli men ran out of Mizpah and pursued the Philistia soldiers almost to Beth-Car [town], and killed many Philistia soldiers while they were trying to run away.
12 Et Samuel prit une pierre et la plaça entre Mitspa et Shen, et il l'appela du nom d'Ebenezer, en disant: « L'Éternel nous a aidés jusqu'à présent. »
After that happened, Samuel took a large stone and set it up between Mizpah and Jeshanah [towns]. He named the stone ‘Ebenezer’, [which means ‘stone of help’], because he said “Yahweh has helped us until the present time.”
13 Et les Philistins furent soumis, et ils cessèrent de venir à la frontière d'Israël. La main de Yahvé fut contre les Philistins pendant toute la vie de Samuel.
So the Philistia people were defeated, and for a long time they did not enter the Israeli land [to attack them] again. During the time that Samuel was alive, Yahweh powerfully protected [MTY] [the Israeli people] from [being attacked by] the Philistia army.
14 Les villes que les Philistins avaient prises à Israël furent rendues à Israël, depuis Ékron jusqu'à Gath, et Israël recouvra ses frontières de la main des Philistins. La paix régna entre Israël et les Amoréens.
The Israeli army was able to capture again the Israeli villages between Ekron and Gath that the Philistia army had captured before. The Israelis were also able to take again the other areas around those cities that the Philistia army had taken [from the Israelis] previously. And there was peace between the Israelis and the Amor people-group.
15 Samuel jugea Israël tous les jours de sa vie.
Samuel continued to be the leader of the Israeli people until he died.
16 Il allait d'année en année en circuit à Béthel, à Guilgal et à Mitspa, et il jugeait Israël dans tous ces lieux.
As long as he was alive, every year he traveled back and forth between Bethel and Gilgal and Mizpah [cities]. In those cities he listened to disputes between people and made decisions about them.
17 Il retourna à Rama, car sa maison était là, et c'est là qu'il jugea Israël; il y bâtit un autel à Yahvé.
After he listened to disputes and made decisions in each of those towns, he returned to his home at Ramah, and he would listen to people’s disputes there, also, [and make decisions about them]. And he built an altar at Ramah [to offer sacrifices] to Yahweh.