< Nyaɖeɖefia 13 >

1 Ale ʋɔ driba la nɔ tsitre ɖe atsiaƒu la to. Tete mekpɔ lã wɔadã aɖe wòdo go tso atsiaƒu me gbɔna. Eto dzo ewo kple ta adre; fiakuku ewo nɔ dzoawo dzi, eye woŋlɔ busuŋkɔwo ɖe ta adreawo dometɔ ɖe sia ɖe ŋu.
And he stood upon the sand of the sea. AND I saw that a beast of prey ascended from the sea, having ten horns and seven heads, and upon his horns seven diadems; and upon his heads names of blasphemy.
2 Lã wɔadã si mekpɔ la ɖi lãkle, gake eƒe afɔwo nɔ abe sisiblisi tɔwo ene, eye eƒe nu le abe dzata tɔ ene. Ʋɔ driba la tsɔ eƒe ŋusẽ, fiazikpui kple dziɖuɖuŋusẽ na lã wɔadã la.
And the beast of prey which I saw was like a leopard, and his feet were as (those) of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion, and the dragon gave to him his power, and his throne, and great authority.
3 Edze abe lã wɔadã la ƒe tawo dometɔ ɖeka ɖe wòxɔ abi vevie ene, gake abi gã si wòxɔ la ku. Xexea me katã ƒe nu ku, eye wodze lã wɔadã la yome.
And one of his heads was wounded as to death. And his stroke of death was healed; and all the earth wondered after the beast of prey.
4 Amewo subɔ ʋɔ driba la, elabena etsɔ dziɖuɖu ƒe ŋusẽ na lã wɔadã la, eye wosubɔ lã wɔadã la hã hebia be, “Ame kae le abe lã wɔadã la ene? Ame kae ate ŋu awɔ aʋa kplii?”
And they worshipped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast of prey, (saying, Who is like the beast of prey, ) and who is able to make war with him?
5 Wona nu lã wɔadã la be wòagblɔ adegbeƒonyawo kple busunyawo, eye be wòaɖu dzi hena ɣleti blaene-vɔ-eve.
And there was given him a mouth speaking great sayings and blasphemies, and authority was given him to act, MONTHS, FORTY AND TWO.
6 Eke eƒe nu be yeagblɔ busunya ɖe Mawu ŋu, eye yeaƒo ɖi eƒe ŋkɔ, eƒe nɔƒe kple ame siwo katã li kplii le dziƒo la.
And he opened his mouth to blaspheme against Aloha, blaspheming his name, and his tabernacle, and those who dwell in heaven.
7 Wona ŋusẽe be wòawɔ aʋa kple ame kɔkɔeawo, eye wòaɖu wo dzi. Nenema ke wona dziɖuɖuŋusẽe ɖe to sia to, ƒome sia ƒome, gbegbɔgblɔ sia gbegbɔgblɔ kple dukɔ sia dukɔ dzi.
And there was given to him authority over every tribe, and people, and tongue, and nation; and there was given to him to make war with the saints, to overcome them.
8 Anyigbadzitɔwo katã asubɔ lã wɔadã la, ame siwo ƒe ŋkɔwo womeŋlɔ ɖe Alẽvi si wowu tso xexea me ƒe gɔmedzedze ke la ƒe agbegbalẽ la me o.
And all those who inhabit on the earth will worship him, they whose name is not written in the book of life of the Lamb from the foundation of the world.
9 Ame si to senu li na la nesee.
If a man have ears, let him hear.
10 “Ne ame aɖe ayi aboyo me la, aboyo mee wòayi. Ne woawu ame aɖe kple yi la, yie woatsɔ awui.” Esia hiã na dzigbɔɖi le dzidodo me kple nuteƒewɔwɔ le ame kɔkɔeawo ƒe akpa dzi.
If any man into captivity leadeth, into captivity he shall go. If any man kill with the sword, it behoveth him by the sword to be killed. This is the patience and the faith of the saints.
11 Eye mekpɔ lã wɔadã bubu wònɔ dodom tso anyigba ƒe tume. Eto dzo eve abe agbovi ene, gake enɔ nu ƒom abe ʋɔ driba ene.
And I saw another beast of prey ascending from the earth; and he had two horns like those of the lamb, and he spake as the dragon.
12 Ewɔ lã wɔadã gbãtɔ ƒe dziɖuɖuŋusẽwo katã ŋu dɔ ɖe lã wɔadã gbãtɔ teƒe, eye wòna be anyigba kple edzinɔlawo katã nasubɔ lã wɔadã gbãtɔ, ame si ƒe kubi wowɔ wòku la.
And all the authority of the first beast of prey he exercised before him; and he made the earth and those who inhabit therein to worship the first beast of prey, whose wound of death was healed.
13 Ewɔ dzesi kple nukunu gãwo, eye wòna be dzo gɔ̃ hã ge tso dziƒo va dze anyi le amewo ƒe ŋkume.
And he wrought great signs, as that also he would make fire to come down from heaven upon earth before men.
14 Le ŋusẽ si wonae be wòawɔ nukunuwo ɖe lã wɔadã gbãtɔ teƒe ta la, eble anyigbadzitɔwo katã. Ede se na wo be woali legba abe bubudede lã wɔadã si ŋu wode abi kple yi, eye wògale agbe la ŋu ene.
And he will seduce those who dwell upon earth to the making an image of the beast of prey who had the wound of the sword and lived.
15 Wona ŋusẽe be wòade gbɔgbɔ lã wɔadã gbãtɔ ƒe legba me, ale be legba la nate ŋu aƒo nu, eye be woawu ame siwo katã gbe be yewomasubɔ lã wɔadã la ƒe legba o la.
And it was given to him to give spirit to the image of the beast of prey, (that the image also of the beast of prey should speak, ) and to cause that all those whosoever who worshipped not the image of the beast of prey should be killed.
16 Nenema ke wòzi ame sia ame, suewo kple gãwo, kesinɔtɔwo kple ame dahewo, ablɔɖeviwo kple kluviwo dzi be woade dzesi woƒe nuɖusibɔ alo woƒe ŋgonu,
And he caused all, small and great, and rich and poor, and sons of freedom and slaves, to have given to them a signature upon their right hands, or upon their foreheads;
17 ale be ame aɖeke mate ŋu aƒle nu alo adzra nu o, negbe ɖe wòxɔ dzesi si nye lã wɔadã la ƒe ŋkɔ alo xexlẽme si nye eƒe ŋkɔ la hafi.
as that no man might be able to buy or sell, unless he had the signature of the name of the beast of prey, or the number of his name.
18 Esia hiã nunya. Ne sidzedze le ame aɖe si la, nebu lã wɔadã la ƒe xexlẽme kpɔ, elabena enye ame ƒe xexlẽme ƒe dzesi. Eƒe xexlẽme ƒe dzesie nye alafa ade blaade-vɔ-ade.
Here is wisdom. Let him who hath mind, calculate the number of the beast of prey; for the number is of man; and his number is Six hundred and sixty and six.

< Nyaɖeɖefia 13 >